Friday, September 29, 2006

September 29th Daily Word and Visions from God

3 John-How truly I love you! We're the best of friends, and I pray for good fortune in everything you do, and for your good health--that your everyday affairs prosper, as well as your soul! I was most happy when some friends arrived and brought the news that you persist in following the way of Truth.
Ezra 7-8-God was with us all the way and kept us safe...
Psalm 94-The minute I said, "I'm slipping, I'm falling," your love, GOD, took hold and held me fast. When I was upset and beside myself, you calmed me down and cheered me up.
Luke 10.17-20-Be happy that your names are written in heaven!
Life from the inside of a mail box. Mostly junk mail. But there is some medicine too. Possibly a bill; I forget now. But all of it jammed in this one place together. The good and the bad together. Friends are jammed in together in this world too. Best of friends, together in life. Praying for one another. Supporting one another as we are jammed together in life. Jammed together in our individual everyday affairs. Sometimes prospering, sometimes struggling but as friends all the time there in support of each other. In person and by news as we persist the best we can in the way of Truth. God jammed in here too. God jammed in here by his choice. God with us all the way keeping us safe. And when we slip and fall, God's love holds me. When I'm upset; God's love calms me down and cheers me up. All the while I'm jammed together in this world and life I live. But---be happy that your names are written in heaven! Friends together- jammed together in Love and Life. It's pretty good here after all! Thanks be to God!
Lord, thanks for friends jammed together with me in Life, but I give all praise, glory and thanks to you who sent your Son to be jammed in here with me offering Life, Love and Salvation. ---Amen

Thursday, September 28, 2006

September 28th Daily Word and Visions from God

2 John-I have a lot more things to tell you, but I'd rather not use paper and ink, I hope to be there soon in person and have a heart-to-heart talk.
Ezra 5-6-Timbers are being fitted into the walls; the work is going on with great energy and in good time.
Psalm 93-"Beauty" and "Holy" mark your palace rule. GOD, to the very end of time.
Numbers 11.4-16-The manna was like small whitish seeds and tasted like something baked with sweet olive oil. It appeared at night with the dew...
A close look reveals a painter on a lift. Preparation work, before the final paint. Things never look quite right on the building at this stage. But it is the most important part of the work. The foundation of a good paint job is the preparation. Prep work like John mentions that needs to be said in person with a heart-to-heart talk. Preparation work like in the rebuilding of the temple of Ezra, work going on with great energy and in good time. Preparation work for our God who displays the final "Beauty" and "Holiness" that only God can display. Preparation and a feeding of some sweet bread and dew drops from heaven. A divine miraculous gift from God. A lift - some talk- preparation and feeding in life of sweet Dew Drops-- all Life in God-- all God's goodness-- all part of the total job.
Lord, as you work on me today- feed me and renew me with your sweet dew drops from heaven. --- Amen

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

September 27th Daily Word and Visions from God

1 John 5- So, whoever has the Son, has life; whoever rejects the Son, rejects life.
Ezra 3-4-All the people boomed out hurrahs, praising GOD as the foundation of The Temple of GOD was laid.
Psalm 92-What a beautiful thing, GOD, to give thanks, to sing an anthem to you, the High God!
Psalm 19.7-14-Let my words and my thoughts be pleasing to you, LORD, because you are my mighty rock and my protector.
A bottle of water. I drink so much of this water. It reminds me of the days I would enjoy Kool-Aid as a kid. It also reminds me of the refreshment water brings when hot and tired. And it reminds me of how water is needed to sustain life. Just like the Son is needed to sustain life. If I have the Son--I have life. If I reject Jesus -- I reject Life and will die. In this Life I boom hurrahs for what God has done for me through his Son, Jesus. In Jesus the foundation for Life is laid. Eternal Life. Life here and Life to come. A beautiful Life worthy of song and praise to the High God. Worthy of pleasing thoughts and words to my mighty rock and protector. Water-Life-Jesus-Thanks be to God!
Lord, today I give you all the glory and thanks and praise--hear my song of praise today. -- Amen

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

September 26th Daily Word and Visions from God

September 26th Daily Word and Visions from God
1 John 4-But if we love one another, God dwells deeply within us, and his love becomes complete in us--perfect love!
Ezra 1-2-All the Israelites found a place to live.
Psalm 91-He ordered his angels to guard you wherever you go.
Revelation 12.7-12-He knows his time is short, and he is very angry.
A couple of Stop Signs in a parking lot street. Stop! Look and give the right of way if needed. Stop and love one another. In this stopping to love is when God dwells deeply within me. God is love and in this stopping his love becomes complete. God's love is that perfect love. That love we all long for. God's love--I can give God's love to another. If I stop and do it. Stop. After the exile with the return to Jerusalem the Israelites needed to stop--every one found a place to live. Found a place to live in God's love and protection and Holy Provision. Stop and notice how God guards with his angels wherever I go. Stop and be cautious - for Satan knows his time is short in this world and he is very angry. Satan has been defeated. But I must Stop and Love and be cautious of Satan--Stop! Love! Love my Savior! Love my neighbor with God's perfect Love!
Lord, today I will Stop! Be cautious of Satan and Love others with your perfect Love. --- Amen

Monday, September 25, 2006

September 25th Daily Word and Visions from God

1 John 3-Who knows how we'll end up! What we know is that when Christ is openly revealed, we'll see him--and in seeing him, become like him.
2 Chronicles 36-He burned the Temple of God to the ground, knocked down the wall of Jerusalem, and set fire to all the buildings--everything valuable was burned up.
Psalm 90- Are we no more to you than a wispy dream, no more than a blade of grass that springs up gloriously with the rising sun and is cut down without a second thought?
Daniel 10.10-14; 12.1-3-Everyone who has been wise will shine as bright as the sky above, and everyone who has led others to please God will shine like the stars.
So here I am taking all the dogs for a long walk. Works out my legs and arms too! Oh, how squirrels can cause such a commotion. I enjoy my walks with the dogs. I enjoy walks period. But I especially enjoy walks with others present with me. It's a good time to talk about some real life issues and some just "other" things as well. A good time to show love to each other. A good time just to be together. Even if it is the dogs--there joy is evident and very present. When I walk, I also talk with God. See him in my surroundings. Feel his presence in me, and around me. Feel the cold, the wet, the hot. In all this I feel alive and feel the Life of God present. Run before God the events of the day, my emotions, things that have made me happy or sad, questions I have and revel in the wonder of creation all around. I have no idea how I'll end up. But I do know that my Savior will return in a glorious way. I love to look at the sky and "see" that day. Think of it and how great it will be. Think of the day when the "Temple" will be restored and all will be made right again. Think of the light -- the pure Light and oh how it will shine. There will be no need for the sun. When I think of all this -- I stop and feel how small I am-- how I could easily be forgotten-- forgotten as a wispy dream. And some choose to forget me as a wispy dream. No more than a blade of grass--here today and gone tomorrow. But to God-that ain't so. I am his child and he won't forget. Such grand thoughts-- the universe-- then some dogs -- then me. Whew! How great a walk can be! Thanks be to God!
Lord, walk with me this day-- talk with me and join me in all I do. ---Amen

Sunday, September 24, 2006

September 24th Daily Word and Visions from God

1 John 2-Stay with what you heard from the beginning, the original message. Let it sink into your life.
2 Chronicles 35-The whole story, from start to finish, is written in the Royal Annals of the Kings of Israel and Judah.
Psalm 89.38-52-Blessed be God forever and always! Yes. Oh, yes.
mark 9.30-37-If you want the place of honor, you must become a slave and serve others! Then Jesus has a child stand near him...
Whew! After staying one night in a hotel, then a drive through the mountains, through wind and rain. We finally parked in the drive-way. The journey continues on. Change--I have been changing lately. But I hear and see how my great and good God always stays with me as I change; with the original message. I Love God! God loves me! Let it sink into my life. Change-like in this book mentioned all the time in the Old Testament that contains the whole story about the kings-- I can pull from a book that contains way more story than I would ever need in one life time in the Bible- the Book God gave for me to let sink in all my life. God is good and I will bless God forever and always! Yes. Oh, yes. Sounds like a repeat and it is for great reason. Through the journey and change of life I take positions. The most rewarding of positions are those where I can serve, where I can lift, haul and move. Humble positions of change. Changing times such as in a childhood. Always changing and learning and growing and always small and humble. But in all this change I place all my trust, hope and faith in the steady permanence of God's Love, Life, and Salvation. A long trip that's not over yet. More change to come. But I will trust and love God as he directs me on this journey day after day.
Lord, continue to lead and guide me through life. Use me as your Child and a Servant in your Kingdom today and forever. Yes. Oh Yes!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

September 23rd Daily Word and Visions from God

1 John 1-God is light, pure light; there's not a trace of darkness in him.
2 Chronicles 34-Josiah was eight years old when he became king...He behaved well before GOD.
Psalm 89.19-37-His family tree is here for good...
James 3.13-4.3, 7-8a-But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Taking a break on a journey. After a days work of packing, loading, and carrying furniture and boxes onto a truck. Then a drive. A time to stop and refresh on the way. Stopping at can bring some time to reunite. To talk. To retrace the day and look forward to this path of life God sets each one of us in. A path that is unique for each one of us but also inter-connected with other unique lives as well. God has connected my life with Jesus. Through others in my family, through friends, through his Word and through his Spirit moving in this world each day. God is light, pure light; there's not a trace of darkness in him. In my inter-connectedness with God I can see that I have some sin of darkness in me. But I look to his Light to lead me back to truth and salvation. I look to his Light for wisdom that is pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Qualities I move into my life in response to the love God has shown me in forgiveness and the inter-connectedness of Life. From my youth to my old age I see how Jesus is part of my family. In my family, in those dear friends I love and hold. Jesus part of me and I want to be part of him too. Taking a break on a journey. But tomorrow...tomorrow...refreshed and alive, I'll be ready to move on in Life with my Lord and Savior...wherever and however that road takes me.
Lord---As I travel, keep me and my family safe in your care. ---Amen

Friday, September 22, 2006

September 22nd Daily Word and Visions from God

September 22nd Daily Word and Visions from God
John 21-There were so many other things that Jesus did.
2 Chronicles 33-Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king.
Psalm 89.1-18-Your love GOD, is my song, and I'll sing it!
Jeremiah 11.18-20-...for to you I have committed my cause.
Some boxes that are packed up. Getting ready to move Sarah back to Ohio. It takes work to move. It's always sad to say goodbye. But there is also hope in moving on. There is hope and comfort in knowing that as we move from place to place we always have a friend to travel with us. Through it all we have Jesus by our side. There were and are so many things that Jesus did. Even after his ascension, Jesus continues to act in and through his Church. So much that Jesus does that all the books in the world couldn't even begin to contain the stories. As we move through life---from even the youngest of ages--like Manasseh at just twelve years old and being made king. So much responsibility---God's love is with us, and in us. God's love is my son and I'll sing it. I'll sing it while I move, I'll sing it while I pack, I'll sing it in a deep love for my daughter that reaches and comes from the deepest parts of my heart. I commit myself to Sarah this day. To love her--to respect her-- to learn from her-- but right now to assist her as she moves. Boxes packed up. Work to load and unload. Cleaning and preparation. But all actions of love. And hopefully all reflections of a greater love that Jesus has shown his Church throughout all time. A greater love that could never be contained in all the books in the world.
Jesus-I love you! I know how much you love your Church. Teach me to show some of this love today to my family. ---Amen

Thursday, September 21, 2006

September 21st Daily Word and Visions from God

John 20.19-31-Then he took a deep breath and breathed into them. "Receive the Holy Spirit," he said.
2 Chronicles 32- He only has a bunch of mere, men; we have our GOD to help us and fight for us.
Psalm 88-Put me on your salvation agenda...
Matthew 9.9-13-Jesus said to him, "Come with me." Matthew got up and went with him.
A view of the church I go to from a hot air balloon ride I took some time back. The church looks small here. This was a wonderful experience I will remember as long as my memory holds out. Jesus took a deep breath and breathed into them. On this ride the breeze was pleasant. The balloon ride was peaceful. Sound was wonderful. I could hear everything for miles and could see for miles. In the breeze was the smell of life. Jesus breathed life into those disciples after his resurrection. He breathes life into us today. Breathes and fills us with the Holy Spirit. A God given event. Not something that could ever be attained from mere men. A salvation event on God's agenda. I want to be on that agenda of God. I want to be called by Jesus to come with him. I am called by Jesus to come with him. I have received this God given breath. And I will get up and go. The view and the emotions of a hot air balloon ride can't even come close!
Jesus, I'm coming--to follow you- right now! ---Amen

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

September 20th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 20.1-18-Then the other disciple, the one who had gotten there first, went into the tomb, took one look at the evidence, and believed.
2 Chronicles 31- Then they all went back home and resumed their everyday lives.
Psalm 87-This one, this one, and this one---born again, right here.
Psalm 54-You have rescued me from all my troubles...
Tree branches in the wind. Tree branches with the cloudy sky as a backdrop. Life surrounded by the eternity of the sky above. I think that may be the evidence that disciple saw in the tomb. Not just some cloth-- but Life surrounded by eternity. Life in Jesus set in eternity. Eternal life. And then the belief. Jesus brings Life out of the death of the tomb and allows his children to return home and resume their everyday lives in the assurance of his Love and Grace. We can leave the Sunday worship knowing that as we return to our Monday lives, Jesus will be with us. With each one of us--this one---this one-- born again--right here. In our Monday lives Jesus rescues us from all our troubles and takes the branches of life surrounded by an eternal sky and gives us Life and Love to display to the world. Go! Go to the everyday life and live in Jesus' eternal Life.
Lord, send me this day to my ordinary place to live in love an extraordinary Life in you. ---Amen

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

September 19th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 19.16b-42-They divided up my clothes among them and threw dice for my coat.
2 Chronicles 30-Clasp GOD's outstretched hand.
Psalm 86-You've always been great toward me--what love!
Psalm 119.33-40-Take away my foolish desires, and let me find life by walking with you.
This is an area that takes the water overflow from a parking lot and lets the run off accumulate in case of a large downpour. Allows a small pond to form and gives time for the water to run off without degrading the soil. A place that gives time for an abundance of water to leave. Jesus came into this world and left many accounts and stories of his presence. Stories that allow time for many people to come to believe in him. To have time to be saved by him. Time to reach out to God's outstretched, nailed hand and have salvation. Time to realize how great God has been toward us and what a great love God has shown for each one of us. Time for me to put away my foolish desires and find life as Jesus walks through my life with me. Time for me to realize my sin and selfish desires to gamble for my Saviors clothing and time to realize that I can't clothe myself with salvation. Only through Jesus' blood can I receive his mantle of salvation. Through the Bible God has given the great gift of time and restoration to a fallen people. As the waters of your Church gather today, I thank God for time.
Father, let me use this wonderful gift of time wisely today and follow the path you walk with me today. ---Amen

Monday, September 18, 2006

September 18th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 18.38b-19.16a-The high priests answered, "We have no king except Ceasar."
2 Chronicles 29-In GOD's opinion he was a good king; he kept to the standards of his ancestor David.
Psalm 85-See how close his salvation is to those who fear him?
Ezekiel 2.8-3.11-Listen carefully to everything I say and then think about it.
A tape measure. A Heavy Duty tape measure. Designed to take some punishment and hard use. According to the high priests, Jesus didn't measure up to the standards they expected of a king. But any tape measure takes interpretation. Who decides what the measurement is? Some kings are good according to God. Other kings are good according to "man." I think I will look to God's measurements. I know that I can never measure up by my standards. I will always fall short. But through Jesus and only through Jesus can I begin to measure up. I must be forgiven of my sinfulness. My selfish desires. My own failed standard of measurement and place all I have in the forgiveness granted by Jesus through his suffering, death and resurrection for my sin. I must fear my God and place all my trust and hope in the measurement of this action by Jesus for me and see how close his salvation is. Listen carefully to God's gracious action and then think about his saving grace. That's the only way I can measure up. Through Jesus. Thanks be to God!
Lord, I give you thanks for your means of measurement---Your grace--- Your love---and for my Savior, Jesus---Amen

Sunday, September 17, 2006

September 17th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 18-19-38a-"My kingdom." said Jesus, "doesn't consist of what you see around you. If it did, my followers would fight so that I wouldn't be handed over to the Jews. But I'm not that kind of king, not the world's kind of king."
2 Chronicles 27-28-Jothan died and was buried in the City of David. His son Ahaz became the next king.
Psalm 84-And how blessed are those in whom you live, whose lives become roads you travel; They wind through lonesome valleys, come upon brooks, discover cool springs and pools brimming with rain! God-traveled, these roads curve up the mountain, and at the last turn--Zion! God in full view!
Mark 8.27-38-If any of you want to be my followers. you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross and follow me. If you want to save your life, you will destroy it. But if you give up your life for me and for the good news, you will save it. What will you gain, if you own the whole world but destroy yourself? What could you give to get back your soul?
A view from my front door of the world outside. The kingdom of this world. A view from my world inside the house to the world outside of my house. God created this world and all that exists but Jesus came to be King not of this world, or at least not of this world alone. Jesus is King of life. All life. Life that exists in this world and in other worlds that I cannot even begin to imagine. Jesus is King of Life beyond this world, what we see and hear, and King of the Life of our bodies and our souls. A different kind of King. A King over all. Jotham was a king in this world. He lived and died. His rule ended and his son ruled after him. Jesus is King of Life throughout all time. The One--the Only. Yea, Jesus has a different view of his Kingdom than what view you see in my picture of the world outside my door. But what about the here and now for me? Jesus, invites me to live in this part of his Kingdom, here and now. Jesus invites me to live and play in this Kingdom of his where I can see and hear. Jesus invites me to give myself to him. Give my life to him so that I can live in his real Kingdom. But for the here and now...Jesus will live in me...Jesus will work through me...Jesus will use my life to travel with me in this Kingdom for the good news to be spoken to all...Jesus has saved us all...but will you give your life to him? Will you let it happen? I will! I will give my life in love for Jesus. I will give my life in love and tell the good news to those I can see and hear in this Kingdom outside my door. I know that Jesus is King over a greater Kingdom than the world I see outside my front door and will give my life to God in response to what he has already done for me. Jesus, my King. In this Kingdom I see outside my door and to my King in the Kingdoms I cannot see! Praise Jesus, my King! As Jesus stands at my door inviting me out to play in this Kingdom of his...I respond...Mom! I'm going out to play today! See you at supper! And my King will be at that Supper too this evening in His Kingdom!
Lord, I'll play today in your Kingdom. I believe! -- Amen

Saturday, September 16, 2006

September 16th Daily Word and Visions from God

September 16th Daily Word and Visions from God
John 18.1-18-Jesus, having prayed this prayer, left with his disciples and crossed over the brook Kidwon at a place where thate was a garden. He and his disciples entered it.
2 Chronicles 26-But then the strength and success went to his head. Arrogant and proud, he fell.
Psalm 83-...don't give me the silent treatment...
James 3.1-12-My dear freinds, with our tongues we speak both praises and curses. We praise our Lord and Father, and we curse people who were created to be like God, and this isn't right.
A window fan pulling in cool late season summer air. I love this time of year. When the air is cool at night and heats up during the day. I love a window fan. I love to bring in the outside air. Bring that air into the house and sit next to the fan with its steady hum. The fan brings me comfort. Or is it the movement of the air that brings comfort? Jesus prayed. I think in prayer there is some struggle and some comfort. There may be a plea. There may be some praise. I may be humble in prayer. I may feel God's exultation in prayer. Jesus prayed then left with his disciples and went over the Kidron. A brook that separated the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives. Two big places of contrast in the life of Jesus. Contrast this thought with prayer and I think of comfort and struggle. In Chronicles there was a struggle with the comfort of God and the arrogance of a successful King. Comfort and struggle. When someone gives me the silent seems that silence may bring comfort...but in the silent treatment, there is no is comfort verses struggle. And with my words. I can bring comfort or bring struggle and gossip. All from the same mouth. My window fan is just like this now that I think of it. Bringing comfort yet struggling to force the breeze. How much greater satisfaction can I get from a cool gentle breeze than from the forced air of a fan. And then I think of how God brings me comfort through his Spirit. Through the gentle breath, through the gentle breeze of the Holy Spirit, God brings me comfort through and out of my struggle. Comfort yet in the midst of struggle, I need to realize that I can't force things to happen but must trust in the gentle flow of the Spirit into my life to lead and guide me through struggle into comfort. Yea, the window fan. I take comfort in the work it does bringing me a breath of cool, fresh air. But, it sure can't be compared to the gentle breeze and comfort brought out of struggle that prayer with Jesus, and the breath of the Holy Spirit bring. Thanks be to God!
Lord, send now your gentle breeze and comfort of the Holy Spirit into my life, into my heart, into my day. You are God! Only through you can I cross the brook from comfort to struggle and from struggle to comfort in life. I look to you this day. ---Amen

Friday, September 15, 2006

September 15th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 17-And this is the real and eternal life: That they know you, The one and truly one God, And Jesus Christ, whom you sent.
2 Chronicles 25-He lived well before GOD, doing the right thing for the most part.
Psalm 82-You've got the whole world in your hands!
Isaiah 50.4-9a-Wake up!
This place has gone to the dogs! This is a picture of Phoebe taking it easy in Sarah's bed. You would think she owned the place. In biblical times, dogs were not seen as they are today. Dogs were filthy disgusting animals that ate garbage and blood and all the "unclean" things of the day. Dogs were spoken of in disgust. But today views have changed for most of us. We view dogs as pets and take care of all their needs and give them life. So in God, I'm kind of like a dog. A filthy disgusting life that God has chosen to take care of and gives me life. And this is the real and eternal life. As disgusting as I am, Jesus prayed that I know God and be truly one with himself and the Father. Jesus accepts me for what and who I am. Even in my disgusting state of being, Jesus accepts me. In joy I respond to the limitless love by doing the right thing for the most part and giving my life to Jesus who has the whole world in his hands. It's a joy to be accepted when I don't deserve it. I think it's time for me and Phoebe to Wake up! See what God has done for me through Jesus life, death and resurrection and give eternal thanks!
Lord, thank you for your grace and love. You have certainly caused me to Wake up!---Amen

Thursday, September 14, 2006

September 14th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 16.4b-33-When I see you again, you'll be full of joy, and it will be a joy no one can rob from you.
2 Chronicles 24-You can't live this way! If you walk out on GOD, he'll walk out on you.
Psalm 81-I got you out of a bad place.
1 Corinthians 1.18-24- The message about the cross doesn't make any sense to lost people. But for those of us who are being saved, it is God's power at work.
Boy does Abe do it right! He came in from playing in the mud. Rolling in the mud. My sin leaves me like Abe. All dirty and filthy. But Jesus cleans me up white as snow. When I'm muddy and sinful, I think of what Jesus told his disciples. When I see you again, you'll be full of joy, and it will be a joy no one can rob from you. I'll be clean --I need to understand, I can't live in sin like this. When I live in this kind of sin, I am walking away from God. And if I choose to walk out on God then I'm lost. So God rescues be from a bad place. Just like he did the Israelites of the Old Testament. God rescues me from my sin. Dies on a cross for my sin. Doesn't make any sense does it? But for the ones like me and Abe who are being saved, it is God's power at work.
Lord, clean me up and return me to work in your Kingdom. ---Amen

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

September 13th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 15.1-16.4a-"You didn't choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won't spoil."
2 Chronicles 23-Everybody celebrated the event. And the city was safe and undisturbed...
Psalm 80-Smile your blessing smile: That will be our salvation.
Psalm 116.1-9-I love you, LORD! You answered my prayers. You paid attention to me, and so I will pray to you as long as I live.
This is the gym I go to each day to exercise. Exercise keeps my diabetes under control along with the diet and medication. Part of a plan laid out for me by people who are way smarter than I am. People who God has given the gifts of looking at a disease and charting a course of action to help other people like me. People God placed in my life. Even though it was needed because of a disease, God changes it into a positive thing and blesses me with people....dieticians, physicians, therapists and just people with some good advice. Jesus came to me in the same way. Jesus chose me and put me here so that I would bear fruit for him. In the Chronicles passage the young king was finally brought to power. A young king who had been in hiding and protected for years from the evil rule of the day. Someday Jesus will return and set it all straight in a much grander way than God did in Chronicles. Jesus will return laughing with a smile---his blessing smile, that will be our salvation. Changing things all around again---from disease to blessing- from sin and death to life and love and salvation. I love you Jesus! I will pray to you as long as I live--you turn it all around, upside down and inside out and that makes me smile and laugh too!
Jesus, I anticipate your return- but for now, I'll bear the fruit you have given me to bear. ---Amen

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

September 12th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 14.15-31-Get up. Let's go. It's time to leave here.
2 Chronicles 21.2-22.12-She hid him and his nurse in a private room away from Athaliah.
Psalm 79-How long do we have to put up with this, GOD?
Psalm 78.1-2, 34-38-Yet God was kind.
My chocolate lab Phoebe playing with a tennis ball. Having fun--enjoying the toy. She looks a bit ferocious though in this picture. Actually she is a big baby and loves to play. God gives all of us the ability to play. He grants the blessings and opportunities needed to play in his kingdom. God invites each one of us to play. Toe get up and go and leave our selfishness and play in joy with him and others. God not only allows us to play he keeps the game going. When the kingship was just about to be broken in the line of David to Jesus...God had a young nurse and a baby to hide in a private room -- to be cared for and to grow. This young baby was the only remaining heir to the line of Jesus. God was kind. But God was also putting up with the foolishness of his Chosen People in their wicked desires to lead themselves. But God took care and fulfilled that line of Kings with the one and only King that would ever be needed in Jesus. Through Jesus we have no need for another King in his Kingdom. And through Jesus we are free to run and play in his grace filled kingdom. Maybe even with a tennis ball.
Lord, I give you thanks for all you do throughout time to keep your Kingdom alive and active today. Use me to play as your choose in your Kingdom today. ---Amen

September 11th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 14.1-14-No one gets to the Father apart from me.
2 Chronicles 20.1-21.1-You hold all power and might in your fist...
Psalm 78.56-72-His good heart made him a good shepherd; he guided the people wisely and well.
Judges 17.1-13-I pray the LORD will bless you...
The Luther Rose. One of my favorite symbols of the faith. The colors in this rose aren't exactly correct but all the meaning is present. I like how the Cross is the center of everything. And in this one, how the light makes this symbol glow. Even on a cloudy day- the cross comes alive. Jesus told us that no one gets to the Father apart from me. And in that cross Jesus granted all of us permission to believe and be saved by Jesus' action of love. In this cross is all the power. For Jesus the power and might was actually in his fist. In the pain he bore for me comes all the power and might needed. Through the cross and the heart of the Good Shepherd 0thers like you and me follow. Having Jesus and that cross centered in our heart of faith we can lead and guide others wisely and through love. And in all this I pray for God to bless you. And through this cross...without a doubt...we are blessed!
Lord, center your heart in my faith and surround it with your love. -- Amen

September 10th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 13.21-38-"Really? You'll lay down your life for me? the truth is that before the rooster crows, you'll deny me three times."
2 Chronicles 19-And GOD be with you as you do your best.
Psalm 78.38-55-Then he led his people out like sheep...
Mark 7.24-37-Open up! At once the man could hear, and he had no more trouble talking clearly.
A buckeye-- Last night was a Big game with Texas. I love to watch college football. I can sit an watch the game and scream and shout even when the only ones home are the dogs. And they get involved too! Jumping on me when I get excited over some play in the game. Sometimes I know I should be this excited about Jesus. Like Peter was in the first passage. But Jesus sets Peter straight. Peter claims he would die for Jesus. But this isn't about Peter dying for's about Jesus dying for all of us. Peter instead of dying for Jesus will deny him first. But then...but then...after Jesus gives his life for all people...then...we respond by our willingness to die to ourselves for Jesus. So I will die for Jesus. Not exactly like the way Peter thought to begin with ... but because of what Jesus has done for me ... I die to myself and my life is in Jesus now. And only then is God with me as I do my best. My best is not the way I earn "points" with God but my best is my response to what God has already done for me in Jesus. Then God will lead me like a sheep. Show me how to serve. Open up a new life for me that makes it all clear and wonderful...even in the struggle...because the perspective has all together changed. Thanks be to God!
Lord, open up my ears, my eyes, may all to you this day. Lead me---Amen

September 9th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 13.1-20-Not only my feet, then, Wash my hands! Wash my head!
2 Chronicles 18-But before you do anything, ask GOD for guidance.
Psalm 78.21-37-But GOD helped them anyway...
James 2.1-17-Faith that doesn't lead us to do good deeds is all alone and dead!
This is a picture of a female PAT kicker who came forward to volunteer to kick for the local High School football team the Middletown Middies. I can't really make out the player in this picture. I think she is engulfed by the coach on the field giving her a pat on the helmet after a successful PAT. God is looking for people to step forward and meet needs too. People who see a need, realize the gifts they have been given, and come forward to return those gifts to God and the church. Do we do this? Some do but many people seem to want to be begged to use the gifts that they were freely given in the first place. Who do we think we are? Is this about us? I don't think so. Jesus showed us by washing the feet of his disciples how we are to act. If I can wash feet...if God gives me the ability to wash feet...then wash some feet. Do something for someone else without being asked. Without recognition. Just return the gifts God has freely given to me in the first place. I didn't deserve the gifts, talents, or blessings of God. I didn't earn them. I couldn't earn them. I could never do enough to earn them. God just gives them. So too, I must freely give all back to God. Ask God to lead and guide me in life. Ask God to direct me in the situations I am placed. After all God was helpful to all of us spite of how I really am...God is helpful. If I really have faith then I will acknowledge the gifts and blessings given to me by God and do something about it and give it back to those God chooses for me to love. Without being asked. I will do this out of the joy of my heart for what God has already done for me. And in all this, I might be surprised by who God chooses for me to love. You never know who may teach all of us about God's good gifts and blessings. Maybe even a female PAT kicker.
Lord, you are good and bless me with so much. I thank you and offer all you have given me back to you in thanks and glory. Show me where to serve this day. ---Amen

Friday, September 08, 2006

September 8th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 12.27-50-For a brief time still, the light is among you. Walk by the light you have so darkness doesn't destroy you.
2 Chronicles 16-17-You were foolish to go from human help when you could have had God's help.
Psalm 78.1-20-Listen dear friends, to God's truth, bend you ears to what I tell you.
Isaiah 35.4-7a-The blind will see, and the ears of the deaf will be healed.
An entrance to one of those really large movie theaters in Cincinnati. It's almost like stepping into an airport. All these people busy to get their tickets and take their seats. Then the lights go out and we focus on the light from a screen. Focus our attention ahead for the next couple of hours. Jesus is my light. He is the screen I will focus on. The light I look to for this brief few hours God has given me to exist on this earth, in this way, in his Kingdom. I need to focus on his light. When I'm in trouble, reach to Jesus first. Then I can look around and see how God is active in the humans, in the science, in the gifts he has given all of us. But I would be foolish to go to human's first before God. I must remember where and to whom my focus must be. That light and screen of Jesus. Listen dear friends, to God's truth, bend your ears to what I tell you. You see in our focus on the Light of Jesus--the blind will see, and the ears of the deaf will be healed. I will really see and hear what needs to be seen and heard in the Big Screen and the Light of Jesus. Now there is a great place of joy to enter in and see and hear!
Jesus, I look to your Screen of Light and salvation -- Life and love this day. Lead me and guide me and let me see and hear where I should go in your Kingdom. ---Amen

Thursday, September 07, 2006

September 7th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 12.1-26-The disciples didn't notice the fulfillment of many Scriptures at the time, but after Jesus was glorified, they remembered that what was written about him matched what was done to him.
2 Chronicles 14-15-GOD will stick with you as long as you stick with him. If you look for him he will let himself be found; but if you leave him he'll leave you.
Psalm 77-I yell out to my God, I yell with all my might, I yell at the top of my lungs. He listens.
Psalm 146-God always keeps his word.
Books and words. Bibles and commentaries. Stories and Life. The disciples had Jesus with them and didn't notice the fulfillment of Scriptures at the time. Jesus is with me also. Sometimes I look past him. Don't stop and notice his presence. He is with me each day, walking with me, staying with me, by my side through it all. If I stick with Jesus he will let himself be found. It's real easy. But if I leave him---well -- did he leave me? I think I left him first. So, I'm not going to leave him. I'll stop when it's hectic and focus on the Word and Jesus presence. I'll yell out for God. Yell at the top of my lungs knowing that he listens and always keeps his word. Word-Book-Love-Life. Jesus ---a whole bookshelf of Life for all circumstances.
Father, thanks for you Son- I'll not leave. -- Amen

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

September 6th Daily Word and Visions from God

September 6th Daily Word and Visions from God
John 11.28-57-Go ahead, take away the stone.
2 Chronicles 12-13-Can't you see the obvious? God is on our side; he's our leader.
Psalm 76-Oh, how bright you shine!
Judges 13.15-24-As the boy grew, the LORD blessed him.
A traffic jam on our way home from Hickory NC. This was at a tunnel in Virginia. Jesus removes the tomb stone of death in our lives. He told the people to take the stone away for Lazarus and gave life. He does the same when I have an obstacle in my life. I must depend on him to remove it. I must do some work. Some lifting and moving. But the life comes from Jesus. How bright he shines for me. As I move along in life, I see the blessings God gives, as I grow and as the ones I love grow too. Thanks be to God!
Lord, I look to you and will do all you command as I encounter stones in my path. Grant me the Life you give today. ---Amen

September 3rd through 5th Daily Word and Visions from God

September 3rd Daily Word and Visions from God

John 10.1-21-The Good Shepherd puts the sheep before himself, sacrifices himself if necessary.
2 Chronicles 8-All that Solomon set out to do, from the groundbreaking of The Temple of GOD to its finish, was now complete.
Psalm 73-GOD, I?m telling the world what you do!
Mark 7.1-15, 21-23-Pay attention and try to understand what I mean.
So, another picture in my Abe series for Sarah while she is hospitalized. I have found a good companion in Abe during my stay in Hickory. We have been on many walks together. Both of us enjoying the exercise and the scenery. Each of us were doing something for each other in a common bond of a walk. Jesus walks with us also. Jesus the Good Shepherd who puts the sheep before himself. Jesus walking with us is willing to sacrifice himself. I must be willing to sacrifice myself in love for others also. Take care of the other persons needs. Take care of the other person even if it involves some sacrifice of myself. I?m willing to do this out of love. Out of love for what Love God has shown me in Jesus. It?s a privilege and joy to sacrifice in this way. It?s a joy to sacrifice in this way and to get an opportunity to tell the world the Love of God. The ultimate Sacrifice that has been made for all of us. Pay attention and try to understand what I mean. I don?t sacrifice myself to gain some favor with another---I sacrifice myself as a reflection of the Great Sacrifice the God has freely given me. I?m telling the world what God does! So in some small way Abe and I are showing love for one another and showing a small glimpse of the Love that God has put inside each one of us.
Jesus, thanks for your sacrifice of Love for me---may I reflect a small bit of your Love in sacrifice for another child this day. -- Amen

September 4th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 10.22-42-Many believed in him then and there.
2 Chronicles 9-King Solomon was richer and wiser than all the kings of the earth?he surpassed them all.
Psalm 74-You own the day, you own the night; you put stars and sun in place.
Judges 12.1-7-The guards would tell them to say "Shibboleth," because they knew that the people of Ephraim could say "Sibboleth," but not "Shibboleth."
Abe, getting his first bath by Sarah. He seemed to do pretty good with it. The bath energized Abe, caused him to run about the apartment, shaking and jumping everywhere. My baptism does the same for me. When I relive my baptism each day, I realize the life I have been given. I can run and jump and shake all over the place. I reaffirm my belief in Jesus then and there. I become wiser and richer than Solomon and all the kings of the earth. I see and feel the gifts from God of life, love and everlasting joy, from the God who owns the day and the night. From the God who put the stars and the sun in place. In baptism much of God begins, even the special language of his Love which is the same today and forever. Abe was excited after his bath, may I be even more excited as I relive my baptism this day.
Lord, thanks for my baptism and the memories it brings- as I relive that moment this day I will jump and run and play in your Kingdom. ? Amen

September 5th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 11.1-27-"You don?t have to wait for the End. I am, right now, Resurrection and Life. The one who believes in me, even though he or she dies, will live. And everyone who lives believing in me does not ultimately die at all. Do you believe this?"
2 Chronicles 10-11-What?s your counsel?
Psalm 75-We thank you, God, we thank you?your Name is our favorite word; your mighty works are all we talk about.
Judges 13.1-15-A prophet who looked like and angel of God came and talked to me.
Sarah is now out of the hospital since Sunday. She has been back to school and feeling much better. Things are getting back to normal now. Abe has been my constant companion the past week. I appreciate the love he has shown. The time he has spent listening to my fears and praying with me. Then I also know that Jesus has been with me in this journey also. I know that I don?t have to wait for the End. Jesus is my I AM right now. Jesus is my Resurrection and Life. And I believe in him. That?s my counselor through all this on the way. The Kings of old asked for counsel. Some received counsel from other "men" and it was errant. I got a listening ear from Abe and counsel from Jesus. I think I?ll stick with that counsel. So I thank God and talk about all God has done for me. This time around I have to wonder, was Abe an angel sent to comfort me while I was alone? Was Abe an angel sent to entertain all of us as Sarah came home? Was Abe sent as an angel? Maybe so. Thanks Abe. As I get ready to leave Sarah to her college studies once again; I ask Abe to be an angel to Sarah ? to protect her and watch over her- to comfort her and to point her to the great Guide and Savior Jesus in the upcoming days, weeks, and months. Thanks be to God for the blessing of Abe. How about one last walk before I leave Abe? You wanna go for a walk?
Lord, I give you thanks this day for angels sent to me in whatever form they take. I give you thanks for my true companion Mister Abraham. --- Amen

Saturday, September 02, 2006

September 2nd Daily Word and Visions from God

John 9.24-41-They threw him out on the street.
2 Chronicles 7-Yes! God is good! His love never quits!
Malachi 4-Count on it: The day is coming, raging like a forest fire.
James 1.17-27-You must help needy orphans and widows and not let this world make you evil.
So, I suppose you could say I have invaded Abes home. Even though I am the one paying for it, Abe thinks it?s his. And he is right. I?m just a visitor here. So every once in a while, Abe jumps up into the spot he normally sees me sit and takes my place. I have to have some compassion for Abe though. You see, they threw him out on the street. Abe came from an animal shelter. Abe was homeless. But Abe has been taken care of. Yes! God is good! His love never quits. Sarah searched for a canine companion carefully and she selected Abe. You must help needy orphans like Abe and she did. I?m not so sure Abe is so different from myself. God sent Jesus to search me out of the Gentiles. To rescue me from my lost life of sin and death. And Jesus gave me life and love. Yes! Even for me?especially for me?God is good! His love never quits! So I can relate to Abe and will gladly give up my seat to him ?at least from time to time. And together, Abe and I will look forward to that day that is coming when our Savior will return in glory to rescue us once and for all.
Jesus, I look to that day?but for now I know that you have already saved and rescued me and have a job for me to do in your Kingdom. --- Amen

Friday, September 01, 2006

August 30th to September 1st Daily Word and Visions from God

August 30th Daily Word and Visions from God

John 8.21-47-I?m in touch with what is beyond your horizons. You live in terms of what you see and touch. I?m living on other terms.
2 Chronicles 2.17-5.1-He made the Holy of Holies a cube?
Malachi 1.1-2.9-GOD said, "I love you."
Judges 7.1-18-Then wait for me to blow a signal on my trumpet. As soon as you hear it, blow your trumpets and shout, "Fight for the LORD!?"

Clouds in the sky. Reminds me of a computer wallpaper or something. It also makes me think of the blue background of the Luther Rose. The sky is only the beginning of the joy to come in God?s grace and love he has given to us through Jesus. Jesus told the people that he was in touch with what was beyond their horizons. I live in terms of what I can touch and see. But Jesus lives on other terms. Jesus lives beyond my comprehension. I can?t figure God out. I wonder if that?s not why in the old temple they built the Holy of Holies as a cube. It was a way for God to allow himself to be present with the people in a way they could understand. In a cube?in a place of space. But God is really beyond space and time. Even beyond the clouds. God says -?I love you. And in this love it goes beyond any love I can understand in space and time. So I trust in this Love of God?trusting in faith and hope ? standing in awe of a God who is beyond my horizons- beyond the sky- beyond my understanding- yet gives me joy beyond my surroundings of the blue sky?I will wait for that trumpet?but in the meantime I will use all my senses?shout about my Savior Jesus- and Fight for the Lord!
Father, I give you thanks for your love?I love you too! -- Amen

August 31st Daily Word and Visions from God

John 8.48-59-Who do you think you are?
2 Chronicles 5.2-14-Yes! God is good! His loyal love goes on forever!
Malachi 2.10-16-Aren?t we all created by the same God?
Psalm 15-Who may stay in God?s temple or live on the holy mountain of the LORD?
So I drove through the night to Hickory. From around midnight until 8:30 am. Sarah had returned to the hospital and someone needed to be there. She also had a new family member in waiting at her apartment. His name is Abe. Having only seen pictures of Abe, I wasn?t sure if he would accept me. Would he be afraid of me? Would he be protective? Would he bite? Well, Abe looks bigger in pictures than he is in person. Abe is just a little friendly dog. Rescued from the animal shelter just a few days ago by Sarah. Sarah and Abe both away from home on a journey together. Abe greeted me as if I was a long lost friend. I think maybe being in a cage all night and wanting a walk didn?t hurt things either. I wonder if Abe was thinking?Who do you think you are? ?when I walked in. Jesus came into this world and people thought the same thing about him. And in the same way as my arrival-Jesus came to help. To care for us. To love us and to save us. God sent to me Jesus, to rescue me. Yes! God is good! His love goes on forever! I give thanks for Jesus being sent into my life. To let me out of this cage of sin and death that I live in. To free me to run and play and jump in his Kingdom. Jesus came in the night for me to give me a new morning. Who may stay in God?s temple or live on the holy mountain of the Lord? Thanks be to God through Jesus life and death, I now can. And maybe Abe can too. At least, I think so. Aren?t we all created by the same God?
Jesus, I thank you for coming through the night to release me from this cage I?m in. You are God and I need a walk! I will tell all of your gracious love. ---Amen

September 1st Daily Word and Visions from God

John 9.1-23-You?re looking for someone to blame.
2 Chronicles 6-For you know each life from the inside?
Malachi 2.17-3.18-Begin by being honest?
Deuteronomy 4.1-2, 6-9-We have a God who is close to us and answers our prayers.
After visiting Sarah in the hospital, she asked for more pictures of Abe. So here he is. Doing something he shouldn?t be doing. Sarah has many sheep of varying sorts throughout her apartment. Abe thinks they are toys so he gets them to play with. This particular sheep seems to be one of his favorites. I have caught Abe with this sheep several times, scolded him and put the sheep away. I have moved this one sheep to different places but Abe seems to find it every time. I wonder, does Abe even know he is doing something wrong? Does Abe even know what doing something wrong is? Is Abe acting out of instinct? Is Abe being spiteful to me? I?m really not sure. I have caught him going after this sheep and he seems to be a little hesitant on his approach. Like maybe he knows he shouldn?t be playing with this sheep but wants to anyway. As I reflect, I think of how much Abe and I have in common. That?s how I am with God?s Law. I know something is wrong?I hesitate- then I go ahead and do it anyway. Later I?m caught or the guilt overtakes me and I turn back to God or God comes to me and gets in my face with my sin. I recognize my sin and smell the stench of it. Will I ever learn? Will I always be looking for someone to blame? Sometimes I really can?t answer that question. But I do know my God who knows my life from the inside. God knows what I deal with. God is close to me and answers my prayers. So I turn to God by being honest. I tell God of my sin and ask for his help. I know I depend on God to help me with my sin. And God forgives me?turns me free once again to run and jump and play in his Kingdom. In joy for all God does for me. So, Abe, even though you look like you are really enjoying that sheep, I?ll put it away once again, and scold you and forgive you and set you free to run and jump and play once again. Abe, you wanna go for a walk? How about chase the tennis ball? How about both!
Lord, thank you for showing me my sin?thank you for scolding me?thank you for setting me free and forgiving me. I wanna go for a walk with you today and play in your Kingdom?can we? Can we? Can we? ---Amen