Wait and watch
Exodus 10:1-13-16-The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you live...
Matthew 20:1-21:22-Look, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey.
Psalm 25:1-22-My eyes are ever toward the LORD, for he will pluck my feet out of the net.
Proverbs 6:6-15-How long will you lie there, O lazybones? When will you rise from your sleep?
God's Word
Watch me and see and listen to My Word.
As we were waiting and listening for some direction from the light, we could see the enemy across the river. They were waiting anxious to defeat us. Then we heard a noise behind us. It was another rank of the enemy approaching the path towards us from behind. We were trapped! And then we saw a light move from behind the enemy across the river. It rose almost like the sun rises on the horizon. The light traveled right through the enemy across the river, it lit up the river like a lens in a glass and made the river glow a beautiful green. The light continued to move towards us and set on one of the women of our group. The light lit up her face. Her beauty was magnificent. Then even as her face kept it's glow, appearing next to her we saw a man. The man had a glow to him. He was seated on a donkey. His clothes were ragged. You could tell that riches were not his priority. But there was something special about this man. He was humble yet royal, all wrapped up into one. We knew that he was the one to lead us. We knew somehow that this was the light incarnate. Then he spoke...
Lord, I can get myself into some pickles sometimes. I need You to save me. I can't save myself. My efforts, without You, only make matters worth. Come to me today. Walk with me. Lead me and guide me and speak to me that I may follow in Your will and Your way. ---Amen
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
January 29th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Exodus 8:1-9:35-But this is why I have let you live: to show you my power, and to make my name resound through all the earth.
Matthew 19:13-30-If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.
Psalm 24:1-10-Lift up your heads, O gates! and be lifted up, O ancient doors! that the King of glory may come in.
Proverbs 6:1-5-...go, hurry, and plead with your neighbor.
Deuteronomy 3:23-29-Let me cross over to see the good land beyond the Jordan...
God's Word of the Day
Don't think you deserve it. I freely give it to you. Now go in peace and joy and serve.
Story of the Day
We had picked up so much strength, that we were now confident in the journey. We came to an opening in the woods and could see a large river that we needed to cross once again. But beyond that river were that band of ruffians, only in greater number. We would have to get past them to arrive at the source of the light. Some in the group weren't as confident that the light would save us, like in the past. A few were ready and hopeful and prepared for the battle, knowing that the presence of the light would bring us through it all. We needed to pause and prepare ourselves and make sure we were of one mind and heart on this. Or did we? A few broke off from the group and went back into the woods. We never saw them again. The remainder of us; paused to worship the light and to listen for the call to cross the stream and enter the battle. The warmth of the love of the light had prepared us.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, prepare me. In this walk, prepare me, gift me, show me the way. As I listen for Your leading voice, I prepare to respond in hope and joy and courage to Your call. ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Exodus 8:1-9:35-But this is why I have let you live: to show you my power, and to make my name resound through all the earth.
Matthew 19:13-30-If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.
Psalm 24:1-10-Lift up your heads, O gates! and be lifted up, O ancient doors! that the King of glory may come in.
Proverbs 6:1-5-...go, hurry, and plead with your neighbor.
Deuteronomy 3:23-29-Let me cross over to see the good land beyond the Jordan...
God's Word of the Day
Don't think you deserve it. I freely give it to you. Now go in peace and joy and serve.
Story of the Day
We had picked up so much strength, that we were now confident in the journey. We came to an opening in the woods and could see a large river that we needed to cross once again. But beyond that river were that band of ruffians, only in greater number. We would have to get past them to arrive at the source of the light. Some in the group weren't as confident that the light would save us, like in the past. A few were ready and hopeful and prepared for the battle, knowing that the presence of the light would bring us through it all. We needed to pause and prepare ourselves and make sure we were of one mind and heart on this. Or did we? A few broke off from the group and went back into the woods. We never saw them again. The remainder of us; paused to worship the light and to listen for the call to cross the stream and enter the battle. The warmth of the love of the light had prepared us.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, prepare me. In this walk, prepare me, gift me, show me the way. As I listen for Your leading voice, I prepare to respond in hope and joy and courage to Your call. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:14 AM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
January 28th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Exodus 5:22-7:25-Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the wilderness.
Matthew 18:21-19:12-Should you not have had mercy on your fellow slave, as I had mercy on you?
Psalm 23:1-6-He leads me in right paths for his name's sake.
Proverbs 5:22-23-They die for lack of discipline, and because of their great folly they are lost.
Mark 3:13-19a-He went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he wanted, and they came to him.
God's Word of the Day
I am with you, on the mountain, in the calling, in the wilderness, through the pain, in the joy...I am with you.
Story of the Day
As the band of the disciples of the light continued on in the journey through the woods and towards the vision of the light; we became fond of one another. We knew how to take care of each other. We knew how to love one another in that unique way each of us needed love. We had a blast while walking the path. As we continued it seemed as if we got closer and closer to each other. Others we picked up along the path could easily be welcomed into the group and became just as one who had been on the journey from the beginning. That mountain top experience, the calling of the light, the battle and the victory won by the light, so inspired our trip through the trees that life became fun. However, we knew of a looming darkness and battle ahead. Looming right before we would reach the light. We could see it approaching now. It was on the horizon. There would be decisions to be made and lives to give. On the horizon. But for now, we picked up strength and good will towards one another.
Prayer of the Day
Maintain my vision of the Light of Christ. I feed on the Word made flesh. I stop and listen. I build strength for the battle. I always look to follow the feet of the One given. Lead me Lord Jesus! ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Exodus 5:22-7:25-Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the wilderness.
Matthew 18:21-19:12-Should you not have had mercy on your fellow slave, as I had mercy on you?
Psalm 23:1-6-He leads me in right paths for his name's sake.
Proverbs 5:22-23-They die for lack of discipline, and because of their great folly they are lost.
Mark 3:13-19a-He went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he wanted, and they came to him.
God's Word of the Day
I am with you, on the mountain, in the calling, in the wilderness, through the pain, in the joy...I am with you.
Story of the Day
As the band of the disciples of the light continued on in the journey through the woods and towards the vision of the light; we became fond of one another. We knew how to take care of each other. We knew how to love one another in that unique way each of us needed love. We had a blast while walking the path. As we continued it seemed as if we got closer and closer to each other. Others we picked up along the path could easily be welcomed into the group and became just as one who had been on the journey from the beginning. That mountain top experience, the calling of the light, the battle and the victory won by the light, so inspired our trip through the trees that life became fun. However, we knew of a looming darkness and battle ahead. Looming right before we would reach the light. We could see it approaching now. It was on the horizon. There would be decisions to be made and lives to give. On the horizon. But for now, we picked up strength and good will towards one another.
Prayer of the Day
Maintain my vision of the Light of Christ. I feed on the Word made flesh. I stop and listen. I build strength for the battle. I always look to follow the feet of the One given. Lead me Lord Jesus! ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:20 AM
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
January 27th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Exodus 4:1-5:21-Now go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you are to speak.
Matthew 18:1-20-For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.
Psalm 22:19-31-I will tell of your name to my brothers and sisters; in the midst of the congregation I will praise you: you who fear the LORD, praise him!
Proverbs 5:15-21-For human ways are under the eyes of the LORD, and he examines all their paths.
Acts 5:33-42-...if this plan or this undertaking is of human origin, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them...
God's Word of the Day
If you follow Me and My way and My plan; I will protect you always.
Story of the Day
Continuing on with our expanded band of disciples of the light, we came upon a group of people we had never met before. They robbed us and beat us and took some of our belongings. This made our trip that much more difficult. But we were still able to continue on. As we walked along the path we would find replacement goods for what was stolen. We had to look a little and do some work but the goods still became available. So we finally built back up all that we needed for the trip. But then we would meet one or two or three people along the way, and see that they were in need of food and clothing and we would gladly give them ours. And it would happen all over again. We would find replacements along the path. Sure we had to struggle and work a little for the replacement food or clothing, but we always found what we needed. Finally we came upon a group of people who threatened our very lives. It didn't matter what we were willing to give them, they wanted our lives. In the fight a couple of people did lose their lives, however during the fight a great storm arose that made movement along the path difficult. But to our advantage the great storm flooded the stream at one point, separating us from those enemies who were on the attack and we were able to escape. Some life lost but life saved at the same time. We paused in our journey to mourn the deaths of those lost. But somehow, the warmth and the love of the light shown through with a message, that those we lost were still safe. Safe in a more meaningful way. The light had kept them safe.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, as I journey out this day, I will meet danger, I will face evil; guard and protect me along the way. Walk by my side and keep me safe. Safe in Your journey all along the way. I give my life to You. ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Exodus 4:1-5:21-Now go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you are to speak.
Matthew 18:1-20-For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.
Psalm 22:19-31-I will tell of your name to my brothers and sisters; in the midst of the congregation I will praise you: you who fear the LORD, praise him!
Proverbs 5:15-21-For human ways are under the eyes of the LORD, and he examines all their paths.
Acts 5:33-42-...if this plan or this undertaking is of human origin, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them...
God's Word of the Day
If you follow Me and My way and My plan; I will protect you always.
Story of the Day
Continuing on with our expanded band of disciples of the light, we came upon a group of people we had never met before. They robbed us and beat us and took some of our belongings. This made our trip that much more difficult. But we were still able to continue on. As we walked along the path we would find replacement goods for what was stolen. We had to look a little and do some work but the goods still became available. So we finally built back up all that we needed for the trip. But then we would meet one or two or three people along the way, and see that they were in need of food and clothing and we would gladly give them ours. And it would happen all over again. We would find replacements along the path. Sure we had to struggle and work a little for the replacement food or clothing, but we always found what we needed. Finally we came upon a group of people who threatened our very lives. It didn't matter what we were willing to give them, they wanted our lives. In the fight a couple of people did lose their lives, however during the fight a great storm arose that made movement along the path difficult. But to our advantage the great storm flooded the stream at one point, separating us from those enemies who were on the attack and we were able to escape. Some life lost but life saved at the same time. We paused in our journey to mourn the deaths of those lost. But somehow, the warmth and the love of the light shown through with a message, that those we lost were still safe. Safe in a more meaningful way. The light had kept them safe.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, as I journey out this day, I will meet danger, I will face evil; guard and protect me along the way. Walk by my side and keep me safe. Safe in Your journey all along the way. I give my life to You. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:29 AM
Monday, January 26, 2009
January 26th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Exodus 2:11-3:22-He looked this way and that, and seeing no one he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.
Matthew 17:10-27-The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into human hands, and they will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised.
Psalm 22:1-18-I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax; it is melted within my breast; my mouth is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to my jaws; you lay me in the dust of death.
Proverbs the end of your life you will groan, when your flesh and body are consumed...
1 Corinthians 7:17-24-In whatever condition you were called, brothers and sisters, there remain with God.
God's Word of the Day
I have called you from where you are and because of who you are. Leave the familiar path. Leave your nets behind and follow me reaching out to those I give to you.
Story of the Day
We came to a tricky point in the pathway through the wilderness. There were a number of paths that led forward in different directions. None of them seemed to head directly towards the light but all of them headed in the general direction of the light. Perhaps all of the paths led to the light? Perhaps not though. We just couldn't tell. So we stopped. We stopped and something fantastic took place. We saw a burning bush down one path. But the path appeared to be treacherous. I was still walking with a limp and wasn't sure that I could navigate the path with this burning bush. It was as if this bush were calling us towards it. So miraculously, I was able to make my way along to the bush. We stopped at the bush and watched in silence. Then a voice came from the bush. This was the path we were to take. This path would lead us to the light. We were told that the journey would bring more pain and suffering. We were also told that we would find infinite joy in meeting the light. The light of this bush would be all we would need. So continue to follow the light as best we could along the this path. We were called to this path as we were, injured and sinful, but deeply loved by the light that was drawing us in. So, obediently we left our familiar paths and began down this new and much more treacherous path, always facing the light and following in trust and hope.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, when I'm down and out. When I'm at my lowest, You burn so brightly. You clarify the path I am to take. You lead me on in this journey of life in Your Kingdom. I will go in obedient trust and hope and work for You in Your Kingdom, today, tomorrow and forever. ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Exodus 2:11-3:22-He looked this way and that, and seeing no one he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.
Matthew 17:10-27-The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into human hands, and they will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised.
Psalm 22:1-18-I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax; it is melted within my breast; my mouth is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to my jaws; you lay me in the dust of death.
Proverbs the end of your life you will groan, when your flesh and body are consumed...
1 Corinthians 7:17-24-In whatever condition you were called, brothers and sisters, there remain with God.
God's Word of the Day
I have called you from where you are and because of who you are. Leave the familiar path. Leave your nets behind and follow me reaching out to those I give to you.
Story of the Day
We came to a tricky point in the pathway through the wilderness. There were a number of paths that led forward in different directions. None of them seemed to head directly towards the light but all of them headed in the general direction of the light. Perhaps all of the paths led to the light? Perhaps not though. We just couldn't tell. So we stopped. We stopped and something fantastic took place. We saw a burning bush down one path. But the path appeared to be treacherous. I was still walking with a limp and wasn't sure that I could navigate the path with this burning bush. It was as if this bush were calling us towards it. So miraculously, I was able to make my way along to the bush. We stopped at the bush and watched in silence. Then a voice came from the bush. This was the path we were to take. This path would lead us to the light. We were told that the journey would bring more pain and suffering. We were also told that we would find infinite joy in meeting the light. The light of this bush would be all we would need. So continue to follow the light as best we could along the this path. We were called to this path as we were, injured and sinful, but deeply loved by the light that was drawing us in. So, obediently we left our familiar paths and began down this new and much more treacherous path, always facing the light and following in trust and hope.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, when I'm down and out. When I'm at my lowest, You burn so brightly. You clarify the path I am to take. You lead me on in this journey of life in Your Kingdom. I will go in obedient trust and hope and work for You in Your Kingdom, today, tomorrow and forever. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:19 AM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
January 23rd-25th - Let's Play!
Genesis 46:1-Exodus 2:10-Gather around, that I may tell you what will happen to you in days to come.
Matthew 15:1-17:9-And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white.
Psalm 19:1-21:13-In the heavens he has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom from his wedding canopy, and like a strong man runs its course with joy.
Proverbs 4:14-5:6-Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.
God's Word
I have given you a gift of time. Look beyond time, yet live to the fullest in time, for I am with you always.
I slowly began to heal with the presence of those who had stayed with me and the warmth of the light that shone in and through them. At some point I had been given enough strength to carry on with our journey in the midst of the trees. As we looked always forward towards the light that shone on the other side of these trees we picked up and moved forward. Along the way we would reach some mountain top sites where the light would shine so full and bright, it was as if we had arrived at it's source. However we soon learned that this was only a stop along the way. We would feel recharged by the light, yet we knew we had to return to the valley to proceed towards the real source of the light. This warmth and recharging allowed us the strength to continue on. Along the way, someone would get hurt now and then. We would all stop together and let the light and warmth of it's love do the healing, one for another. Occasionally we would come across someone from one of the split off groups that had been left behind as they had left myself and those I was with behind, warmly we would welcome them and enfold them into the love and warmth and care of the light that shone through us. So on our journey towards the light went. Always facing forward, always looking at the present as a gift, and always seeing the source of the light as our life and our way.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, let me bring into my arms those who others abandon. Let Your Light and the warmth of Your Love radiate through me to give them comfort in the knowing of Your grace. Walk with me in this journey and use me in the present as I follow You in Your Kingdom, today, tomorrow and forever. ---Amen
Genesis 46:1-Exodus 2:10-Gather around, that I may tell you what will happen to you in days to come.
Matthew 15:1-17:9-And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white.
Psalm 19:1-21:13-In the heavens he has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom from his wedding canopy, and like a strong man runs its course with joy.
Proverbs 4:14-5:6-Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.
God's Word
I have given you a gift of time. Look beyond time, yet live to the fullest in time, for I am with you always.
I slowly began to heal with the presence of those who had stayed with me and the warmth of the light that shone in and through them. At some point I had been given enough strength to carry on with our journey in the midst of the trees. As we looked always forward towards the light that shone on the other side of these trees we picked up and moved forward. Along the way we would reach some mountain top sites where the light would shine so full and bright, it was as if we had arrived at it's source. However we soon learned that this was only a stop along the way. We would feel recharged by the light, yet we knew we had to return to the valley to proceed towards the real source of the light. This warmth and recharging allowed us the strength to continue on. Along the way, someone would get hurt now and then. We would all stop together and let the light and warmth of it's love do the healing, one for another. Occasionally we would come across someone from one of the split off groups that had been left behind as they had left myself and those I was with behind, warmly we would welcome them and enfold them into the love and warmth and care of the light that shone through us. So on our journey towards the light went. Always facing forward, always looking at the present as a gift, and always seeing the source of the light as our life and our way.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, let me bring into my arms those who others abandon. Let Your Light and the warmth of Your Love radiate through me to give them comfort in the knowing of Your grace. Walk with me in this journey and use me in the present as I follow You in Your Kingdom, today, tomorrow and forever. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
6:15 PM
Thursday, January 22, 2009
January 22nd - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Genesis 44:1-45:28-So it was not you who sent me here, but God...
Matthew 14:13-36-And all ate and were filled; and they took up what was left over of the broken pieces, twelve baskets full.
Psalm 18:37-50-The LORD lives! Blessed be my rock, and exalted be the God of my salvation...
Proverbs 4:11-13-Keep hold of instruction; do not let go...
Jeremiah 19:1-15-I am now bringing upon this city and upon all its towns all the disaster that I have pronounced against it, because they have stiffened their necks, refusing to hear my words.
God's Word of the Day
See the example I have given and follow in His way and Light.
Story of the Day
As I lay wounded and unable to move, the people with me began to debate. Would they go on or would they stay? In the end there was division in the group. Some felt that I should be left to fend for myself and catch up on my own. They felt that since this was my own doing they shouldn't have to be held back and inconvenienced. Others felt that I should be treated as we treated the animals. That I should be nursed till well, then the party move on ahead of me as I gained momentum and then catch up on my own. But still others felt that the party should carry me forward with them and heal me along the way. In the end, the party divided. Some went on ahead without me and the other party paused to apply first aid and then go slowly by my side as we moved forward towards the light. I felt the presence and warmth of the light in their healing touches as they applied bandages and support for my wound. I felt the passion of love in this sacrifice they were making. Yet I missed those who decided to move out without us. The journey would surely continue, but the love of these that stayed with me, even when it was my fault, deepened our care and love for one another. Surely we would all now bond in the light to help and support one another throughout the rest of the journey. I suppose the other group would continue to split as hard times fell on them always walking away from one who had fallen. I was glad to be with the group I was with!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I give You thanks for those who stop with me in my sin and care for me and nurture me back to health in You. I give You thanks for working Your saving passion and love through people. Use me likewise to stop, this day when I see the wounded and in love reach out to help them return to fully serve You by my side day by day. ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Genesis 44:1-45:28-So it was not you who sent me here, but God...
Matthew 14:13-36-And all ate and were filled; and they took up what was left over of the broken pieces, twelve baskets full.
Psalm 18:37-50-The LORD lives! Blessed be my rock, and exalted be the God of my salvation...
Proverbs 4:11-13-Keep hold of instruction; do not let go...
Jeremiah 19:1-15-I am now bringing upon this city and upon all its towns all the disaster that I have pronounced against it, because they have stiffened their necks, refusing to hear my words.
God's Word of the Day
See the example I have given and follow in His way and Light.
Story of the Day
As I lay wounded and unable to move, the people with me began to debate. Would they go on or would they stay? In the end there was division in the group. Some felt that I should be left to fend for myself and catch up on my own. They felt that since this was my own doing they shouldn't have to be held back and inconvenienced. Others felt that I should be treated as we treated the animals. That I should be nursed till well, then the party move on ahead of me as I gained momentum and then catch up on my own. But still others felt that the party should carry me forward with them and heal me along the way. In the end, the party divided. Some went on ahead without me and the other party paused to apply first aid and then go slowly by my side as we moved forward towards the light. I felt the presence and warmth of the light in their healing touches as they applied bandages and support for my wound. I felt the passion of love in this sacrifice they were making. Yet I missed those who decided to move out without us. The journey would surely continue, but the love of these that stayed with me, even when it was my fault, deepened our care and love for one another. Surely we would all now bond in the light to help and support one another throughout the rest of the journey. I suppose the other group would continue to split as hard times fell on them always walking away from one who had fallen. I was glad to be with the group I was with!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I give You thanks for those who stop with me in my sin and care for me and nurture me back to health in You. I give You thanks for working Your saving passion and love through people. Use me likewise to stop, this day when I see the wounded and in love reach out to help them return to fully serve You by my side day by day. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:23 AM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
January 21st - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Genesis 42:18-43:34-So he went into a private room and wept there.
Matthew 13:47-14:12-His disciples came and took the body and buried it; then they went and told Jesus.
Psalm 18:16-36-By you I can crush a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall.
Proverbs 4:7-10-Hear, my child, and accept my words...
Psalm 86-...give me an undivided heart to revere your name.
God's Word of the Day
Your strength is in me...stop...listen to My Voice and Word.
Story of the Day
After several days both animals grew in strength. Finally we felt confident that they could support themselves once again in the wild. We released them one by one giving each a chance to go their separate ways to reunite with their world. We gave them new life to live. New life with new pitfalls. New life with new victories and new defeats but new life once again. So on we went on our journey into the thick of the trees. The light beyond the trees at times would grow dim and sometimes we felt as if we had lost it. But then it would begin to glow again, sometimes bright and other times not. But we kept our focus on that light and continued our journey.
Then it happened so quickly. I slipped and fell. My leg was injured. As I strained to continue the pain became more intense. I had to stop and rest along the way. I needed time to heal. Did I stop the team on the journey? Did I slow the crowd down? Should I just let them leave me? All questions we had to deal with. All questions unanswered. I was the cause of this pause towards the light. I made it happen. Now what?...
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I fall and sin. I get hurt and hurt others. Forgive my sin. Reach out and touch me. Heal me and wait for me as I recover. Lift me up. I depend on Your strength. I depend on Your love. I depend on You. Without You I am lost. Without You I am left behind to die. Save me, I pray. Build up my strength and renew me for a new day. A day that I will lead towards the light. A day that I may reach out and pull up the distressed. A day that Your strength in me will bring others to the light. Lord, I turn to You this day and reach out. Reach out to me, I pray. ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Genesis 42:18-43:34-So he went into a private room and wept there.
Matthew 13:47-14:12-His disciples came and took the body and buried it; then they went and told Jesus.
Psalm 18:16-36-By you I can crush a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall.
Proverbs 4:7-10-Hear, my child, and accept my words...
Psalm 86-...give me an undivided heart to revere your name.
God's Word of the Day
Your strength is in me...stop...listen to My Voice and Word.
Story of the Day
After several days both animals grew in strength. Finally we felt confident that they could support themselves once again in the wild. We released them one by one giving each a chance to go their separate ways to reunite with their world. We gave them new life to live. New life with new pitfalls. New life with new victories and new defeats but new life once again. So on we went on our journey into the thick of the trees. The light beyond the trees at times would grow dim and sometimes we felt as if we had lost it. But then it would begin to glow again, sometimes bright and other times not. But we kept our focus on that light and continued our journey.
Then it happened so quickly. I slipped and fell. My leg was injured. As I strained to continue the pain became more intense. I had to stop and rest along the way. I needed time to heal. Did I stop the team on the journey? Did I slow the crowd down? Should I just let them leave me? All questions we had to deal with. All questions unanswered. I was the cause of this pause towards the light. I made it happen. Now what?...
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I fall and sin. I get hurt and hurt others. Forgive my sin. Reach out and touch me. Heal me and wait for me as I recover. Lift me up. I depend on Your strength. I depend on Your love. I depend on You. Without You I am lost. Without You I am left behind to die. Save me, I pray. Build up my strength and renew me for a new day. A day that I will lead towards the light. A day that I may reach out and pull up the distressed. A day that Your strength in me will bring others to the light. Lord, I turn to You this day and reach out. Reach out to me, I pray. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:27 AM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
January 20th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Give back
Readings of the Day
Genesis 41:17-42:17-The seven year of plenty that prevailed in the land of Egypt came to an end; and the seven years of famine began to come, just as Joseph had said.
Matthew is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.
Psalm 18:1-15-He bowed down the heavens, and came down...
Proverbs 4:1-6-Get wisdom; get insight...
Acts 5:1-11-How is it that you have agreed to put the Spirit of the Lord to the test?
God's Word of the Day
Listen to My word and get wisdom and insight.
Story of the Day
We continued our journey following the one whose feet were lit up by the light. Along the way we encountered a couple of animals, one small and harmless, the other large and looked to be vicious. They had been in battle and tumbled off a shelf causing them to fall eighty feet or so. Both were wounded and unable to move. The smaller animal looked to have a broken leg, the larger animal appeared to have some internal injuries of some sort. So we stopped not sure if we should help one, both or just leave them alone. We decided to help both. The small animal we set the leg and applied a splint. The larger animal was more difficult to care for since we weren't sure what the issue really was. So we cared for him while he was in shock and met his basic needs. We stopped our journey here for several days to nurse these animal back to health and back into the wild.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, this day may I hear Your voice to stop when You wish for me to stop. To put my plans behind me and follow Yours. Show me how to love those that are easy to love along with those that seem to bring fear in love. Teach me Your will and Your way all along this journey with You in life. ---Amen
Give back
Readings of the Day
Genesis 41:17-42:17-The seven year of plenty that prevailed in the land of Egypt came to an end; and the seven years of famine began to come, just as Joseph had said.
Matthew is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.
Psalm 18:1-15-He bowed down the heavens, and came down...
Proverbs 4:1-6-Get wisdom; get insight...
Acts 5:1-11-How is it that you have agreed to put the Spirit of the Lord to the test?
God's Word of the Day
Listen to My word and get wisdom and insight.
Story of the Day
We continued our journey following the one whose feet were lit up by the light. Along the way we encountered a couple of animals, one small and harmless, the other large and looked to be vicious. They had been in battle and tumbled off a shelf causing them to fall eighty feet or so. Both were wounded and unable to move. The smaller animal looked to have a broken leg, the larger animal appeared to have some internal injuries of some sort. So we stopped not sure if we should help one, both or just leave them alone. We decided to help both. The small animal we set the leg and applied a splint. The larger animal was more difficult to care for since we weren't sure what the issue really was. So we cared for him while he was in shock and met his basic needs. We stopped our journey here for several days to nurse these animal back to health and back into the wild.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, this day may I hear Your voice to stop when You wish for me to stop. To put my plans behind me and follow Yours. Show me how to love those that are easy to love along with those that seem to bring fear in love. Teach me Your will and Your way all along this journey with You in life. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:28 AM
Monday, January 19, 2009
January 18th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Genesis 39:1-41:16-Then Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was hurriedly brought out of the dungeon.
Matthew 12:46-13:23-But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.
Psalm 17:1-15-My steps have held fast to your paths; my feet have not slipped.
Proverbs 3:33-35-...but to the humble he shows favor.
2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1-I live in them and walk among them, I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
God's Word of the Day
Return to me and see that I have been by your side all along.
Story of the Day
We saw a small pathway that lead into the dark of the woods. This was a frightening place to be. There were strange sounds of fierce animals all around us. The pathway was treacherous, with rocks, and mud and sharp inclines and declines. You footing had to be sure. As we walked along it seemed that we had to concentrate on our feet. Each step was a task in itself. But as we concentrated on our feet we noticed that we would lose track of the light. Then we found it easier to watch the feet of the leader, who was following the light. This way we had the light in vision along with the path that we were to take. With the light leading the way of the path we could see the correct steps to take and the mistakes that could be corrected along the way. We supported one another in this way. We could give feedback to the lead person to correct his walk and we each grew in the light as we walked the path.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, when it's my turn to lead, make me open to the guidance of those that can see the mistakes I make in the light of your grace. Open my ears to listen and to see and hear Your voice in and through them. Feed me with Your Word and Your Voice and the vision of Your Light day in and day out that this journey may be the journey You wish me to take, today, tomorrow and forever. ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Genesis 39:1-41:16-Then Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was hurriedly brought out of the dungeon.
Matthew 12:46-13:23-But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.
Psalm 17:1-15-My steps have held fast to your paths; my feet have not slipped.
Proverbs 3:33-35-...but to the humble he shows favor.
2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1-I live in them and walk among them, I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
God's Word of the Day
Return to me and see that I have been by your side all along.
Story of the Day
We saw a small pathway that lead into the dark of the woods. This was a frightening place to be. There were strange sounds of fierce animals all around us. The pathway was treacherous, with rocks, and mud and sharp inclines and declines. You footing had to be sure. As we walked along it seemed that we had to concentrate on our feet. Each step was a task in itself. But as we concentrated on our feet we noticed that we would lose track of the light. Then we found it easier to watch the feet of the leader, who was following the light. This way we had the light in vision along with the path that we were to take. With the light leading the way of the path we could see the correct steps to take and the mistakes that could be corrected along the way. We supported one another in this way. We could give feedback to the lead person to correct his walk and we each grew in the light as we walked the path.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, when it's my turn to lead, make me open to the guidance of those that can see the mistakes I make in the light of your grace. Open my ears to listen and to see and hear Your voice in and through them. Feed me with Your Word and Your Voice and the vision of Your Light day in and day out that this journey may be the journey You wish me to take, today, tomorrow and forever. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:18 AM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
January 16th-18th - Let's Play!
Genesis 32:13-38:30-Your name is Jacob; no longer shall you be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name.
Matthew 11:7-12:45-Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Psalm 14:1-16:11-I keep the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Proverbs 3:19-32-Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.
God's Word
I will walk with you through it all.
Once we passed through the river, it was as if we gained a new life. It was as if we gained a new life not only in ourselves, but a new life that was present with us and in us and beside us and all around us. As I looked towards the journey ahead, all I could see were tall trees before me. I could still see the bright light shining through the trees that drew me towards it. But in another way, it felt as if a piece of this light was present with us and in us. I had no idea what path to take but was willing to walk in the presence of this light and be guided by this light. There was no doubt in my mind that this would be a treacherous journey towards that light beyond the trees, however I felt a joy in making the journey. Such mixed emotions and feelings at times were so confusing. It was feelings of joy mixed with pain. It seemed that a fire of passion had built within me and those I was with. So off we headed in an unknown direction towards that light. A journey into some darkness, a journey into sure pain but a journey filled with overwhelming joy and happiness to be a part of it all.
Lord, You have changed me. You continue to mold me and recreate me into something. I joyfully walk this path with you on a journey I entrust to You. I know You will lead me and guide me and show me what to do all along the way. I can't wait! ---Amen
Genesis 32:13-38:30-Your name is Jacob; no longer shall you be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name.
Matthew 11:7-12:45-Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Psalm 14:1-16:11-I keep the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Proverbs 3:19-32-Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.
God's Word
I will walk with you through it all.
Once we passed through the river, it was as if we gained a new life. It was as if we gained a new life not only in ourselves, but a new life that was present with us and in us and beside us and all around us. As I looked towards the journey ahead, all I could see were tall trees before me. I could still see the bright light shining through the trees that drew me towards it. But in another way, it felt as if a piece of this light was present with us and in us. I had no idea what path to take but was willing to walk in the presence of this light and be guided by this light. There was no doubt in my mind that this would be a treacherous journey towards that light beyond the trees, however I felt a joy in making the journey. Such mixed emotions and feelings at times were so confusing. It was feelings of joy mixed with pain. It seemed that a fire of passion had built within me and those I was with. So off we headed in an unknown direction towards that light. A journey into some darkness, a journey into sure pain but a journey filled with overwhelming joy and happiness to be a part of it all.
Lord, You have changed me. You continue to mold me and recreate me into something. I joyfully walk this path with you on a journey I entrust to You. I know You will lead me and guide me and show me what to do all along the way. I can't wait! ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
9:12 AM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
January 15th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Genesis 31:17-32:12-Jacob went on his way and the angels of God met with him...
Matthew 10:24-11:6-Everyone therefore who acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before my Father in heaven; but whoever denies me before others, I also will deny before my Father in heaven.
Psalm 13.1-6-I will sing to the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me.
Proverbs 3:16-18-She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her...
Judges 2:6-15-Then the Israelites did what was evil in the sight of the LORD and worshiped the Baals; and they abandoned the LORD...
God's Word of the Day
My plan includes you, do not abandon me.
Story of the Day
We cleaned up camp and packed up and left to further our journey towards our vision. As we travelled along we came to a plain. This was a wide open plain that was spacious and several miles long. The journey now was easy. But you could see along the horizon a huge row of trees. You could also see a great light beyond the trees. This was a light that was one of those welcoming, attracting lights. For some reason this light gave us the feeling that it would complete the vision we had in mind. We felt that if we reached the other side of these trees we would be at our final destination. As we approached the row of trees, they became large and more ominous than what we had imagined. This journey was not going to be easy. Then in front of the trees was a huge body of water that was rapidly flowing. We would have to forge this stream in order to even get to the entrance to the row of trees. So we set out a plan of how to cross this water. Surely each one of us would go under the water at one point or another. Then we would be pulled to safety by a line that connected one side to the other. There was one who went ahead, first, he went under, but by the grace of God he was permitted to cross. Then one by one he pulled each one of us through the same water bidding us God's grace at the beginning of our journey to cross. We all made it across. We all were united as one in this water that we easily could have drowned in, but instead had now brought us new life. But our journey was only beginning. We had a long way to go. But that light was shining brightly and would lead us along the way.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I give You thanks that in the waters of baptism, you gave me new life. Your brought me up from death to life in You. As I go out this day into Your Kingdom, lead me, teach me, guide me, use me. For You are my God and Savior of whom I proudly boast to all I meet this day. I sing Your praises and tell all of Your bounteous blessings. ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Genesis 31:17-32:12-Jacob went on his way and the angels of God met with him...
Matthew 10:24-11:6-Everyone therefore who acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before my Father in heaven; but whoever denies me before others, I also will deny before my Father in heaven.
Psalm 13.1-6-I will sing to the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me.
Proverbs 3:16-18-She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her...
Judges 2:6-15-Then the Israelites did what was evil in the sight of the LORD and worshiped the Baals; and they abandoned the LORD...
God's Word of the Day
My plan includes you, do not abandon me.
Story of the Day
We cleaned up camp and packed up and left to further our journey towards our vision. As we travelled along we came to a plain. This was a wide open plain that was spacious and several miles long. The journey now was easy. But you could see along the horizon a huge row of trees. You could also see a great light beyond the trees. This was a light that was one of those welcoming, attracting lights. For some reason this light gave us the feeling that it would complete the vision we had in mind. We felt that if we reached the other side of these trees we would be at our final destination. As we approached the row of trees, they became large and more ominous than what we had imagined. This journey was not going to be easy. Then in front of the trees was a huge body of water that was rapidly flowing. We would have to forge this stream in order to even get to the entrance to the row of trees. So we set out a plan of how to cross this water. Surely each one of us would go under the water at one point or another. Then we would be pulled to safety by a line that connected one side to the other. There was one who went ahead, first, he went under, but by the grace of God he was permitted to cross. Then one by one he pulled each one of us through the same water bidding us God's grace at the beginning of our journey to cross. We all made it across. We all were united as one in this water that we easily could have drowned in, but instead had now brought us new life. But our journey was only beginning. We had a long way to go. But that light was shining brightly and would lead us along the way.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I give You thanks that in the waters of baptism, you gave me new life. Your brought me up from death to life in You. As I go out this day into Your Kingdom, lead me, teach me, guide me, use me. For You are my God and Savior of whom I proudly boast to all I meet this day. I sing Your praises and tell all of Your bounteous blessings. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:16 AM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
January 14th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Hang in there
Readings of the Day
Genesis 30:1-31:16-You know that I have served your father with all my strength; yet your father has cheated me and changed my wages ten times, but God did not permit him to harm me.
Matthew 10:1-23-You received without payment; give without payment.
Psalm 12:1-8-You, O LORD, will protect us...
Proverbs 3:13-15-Happy are those who find wisdom, and those who get understanding...
Psalm 69:1-5, 30-36-O God, you know my folly; the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you.
God's Word of the Day
I know how you are. I have graciously saved you. Now go and find wisdom and understanding in what I have done for you and give freely.
Story of the Day
It was a long and hard journey. The both of us were tired and hungry and wet and cold. We had just traveled ten miles this day. Traveled through snow and heavy brush over a mountainous terrain. But it was time to set up camp. We located the wood and built the fire. Along the way we were able to catch a couple of squirrels for food this evening. By the fire we skinned the meat and prepared our evening food. It was a relief to stop and rest and recharge. Our journey was taking us west. We were moving west to a promised land of wide open spaces and prospects of gold. We were travelling towards a common vision. A vision that would surely lead us out of this hard life to a new life and a new promise. It was a long and hard journey. Along the way we made many mistakes. But we had this vision...
Prayer of the Day
Lord, You have given us the vision. The road will be long and hard. We will stumble and fall at times. But keep that vision of wisdom and understanding and Your gracious salvation clear in our sites as we walk this path, in Your Kingdom. You have freely given life so that we may in turn freely give life to You and those You send to us. Protect us along the way and lead us to You. ---Amen
Hang in there
Readings of the Day
Genesis 30:1-31:16-You know that I have served your father with all my strength; yet your father has cheated me and changed my wages ten times, but God did not permit him to harm me.
Matthew 10:1-23-You received without payment; give without payment.
Psalm 12:1-8-You, O LORD, will protect us...
Proverbs 3:13-15-Happy are those who find wisdom, and those who get understanding...
Psalm 69:1-5, 30-36-O God, you know my folly; the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you.
God's Word of the Day
I know how you are. I have graciously saved you. Now go and find wisdom and understanding in what I have done for you and give freely.
Story of the Day
It was a long and hard journey. The both of us were tired and hungry and wet and cold. We had just traveled ten miles this day. Traveled through snow and heavy brush over a mountainous terrain. But it was time to set up camp. We located the wood and built the fire. Along the way we were able to catch a couple of squirrels for food this evening. By the fire we skinned the meat and prepared our evening food. It was a relief to stop and rest and recharge. Our journey was taking us west. We were moving west to a promised land of wide open spaces and prospects of gold. We were travelling towards a common vision. A vision that would surely lead us out of this hard life to a new life and a new promise. It was a long and hard journey. Along the way we made many mistakes. But we had this vision...
Prayer of the Day
Lord, You have given us the vision. The road will be long and hard. We will stumble and fall at times. But keep that vision of wisdom and understanding and Your gracious salvation clear in our sites as we walk this path, in Your Kingdom. You have freely given life so that we may in turn freely give life to You and those You send to us. Protect us along the way and lead us to You. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
5:38 AM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
January 13th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Genesis 28:1-29:35-So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her.
Matthew 9:18-38-If only I touch his cloak, I will be made well.
Psalm 11:1-7-In the LORD I take refuge...
Proverbs 3:11-12-...for the LORD reproves the one he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.
Acts 22:2-16-Now those who were with me saw the light but did not hear the voice of the one who was speaking to me.
God's Word of the Day
See the Light and listen!
Story of the Day
We could all see the light those few days. We could all see that star shining brightly. It was as if that star were pointing to something. So we decided to follow the light. It was as if the light were shining from earth to heaven. This light was a different kind of light. Instead of a light that shone from heaven to earth, like you would expect, it was a light that seemed to shine from earth to heaven, and this light now lit up a heavenly being that reflected it's light. But then again it was as if the light bounced back and forth in rapid bursts from earth to heaven and then from heaven to earth. Somehow or another this light had joined both heaven and earth together. Heaven and earth joined together by the light.
So we followed the light to it's source. The light seemed to draw us in. This light seemed to be a royal light. We were sure something special must be at the source of this light so we brought gifts to give to the source of the light. As we approached the light you could feel a warmth of love radiating from it's source. Then we came to the place of the light. It wasn't as we expected. It wasn't royalty. It was a baby. It was the source of new life and the source of light. This was a twist for us. However, you could tell that this was a different kind of royalty. This was the more perfect royalty sent from above. Royalty sent from above to dwell with his people. Royalty sent to see how it is to be one of the people. Royalty sent as a bright light that brought new life to the people. A bright light radiated from this baby that illuminated everything around and even beyond up into the heavens. A light that brought new life in the baby and in all those it touched. A bright light that you couldn't help but to reflect, just as the star above reflected the light. A bright light with the warmth and glow of a love so deep that your only response was to give all you had to the light. It was amazing beyond belief. It was wonderful beyond explanation. We could all see the light and some of us would listen to that light. Some of us saw the light and heard the voice and reflected the love of God made flesh to dwell among us. Thanks be to God!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, let Your Light brightly bounce off of, and glow through me this day. May Your love spread to all I meet and touch the cloak of this day. Permit me to take refuge in the Light of Your glory. Allow me to serve You seven years after seven years after seven years, on into eternity. Teach me and instruct me and discipline me as You see fit, that I may be Your servant in Your Kingdom, and hear the Voice from the Light, and live in Your Light, today, tomorrow and forever. ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Genesis 28:1-29:35-So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her.
Matthew 9:18-38-If only I touch his cloak, I will be made well.
Psalm 11:1-7-In the LORD I take refuge...
Proverbs 3:11-12-...for the LORD reproves the one he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.
Acts 22:2-16-Now those who were with me saw the light but did not hear the voice of the one who was speaking to me.
God's Word of the Day
See the Light and listen!
Story of the Day
We could all see the light those few days. We could all see that star shining brightly. It was as if that star were pointing to something. So we decided to follow the light. It was as if the light were shining from earth to heaven. This light was a different kind of light. Instead of a light that shone from heaven to earth, like you would expect, it was a light that seemed to shine from earth to heaven, and this light now lit up a heavenly being that reflected it's light. But then again it was as if the light bounced back and forth in rapid bursts from earth to heaven and then from heaven to earth. Somehow or another this light had joined both heaven and earth together. Heaven and earth joined together by the light.
So we followed the light to it's source. The light seemed to draw us in. This light seemed to be a royal light. We were sure something special must be at the source of this light so we brought gifts to give to the source of the light. As we approached the light you could feel a warmth of love radiating from it's source. Then we came to the place of the light. It wasn't as we expected. It wasn't royalty. It was a baby. It was the source of new life and the source of light. This was a twist for us. However, you could tell that this was a different kind of royalty. This was the more perfect royalty sent from above. Royalty sent from above to dwell with his people. Royalty sent to see how it is to be one of the people. Royalty sent as a bright light that brought new life to the people. A bright light radiated from this baby that illuminated everything around and even beyond up into the heavens. A light that brought new life in the baby and in all those it touched. A bright light that you couldn't help but to reflect, just as the star above reflected the light. A bright light with the warmth and glow of a love so deep that your only response was to give all you had to the light. It was amazing beyond belief. It was wonderful beyond explanation. We could all see the light and some of us would listen to that light. Some of us saw the light and heard the voice and reflected the love of God made flesh to dwell among us. Thanks be to God!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, let Your Light brightly bounce off of, and glow through me this day. May Your love spread to all I meet and touch the cloak of this day. Permit me to take refuge in the Light of Your glory. Allow me to serve You seven years after seven years after seven years, on into eternity. Teach me and instruct me and discipline me as You see fit, that I may be Your servant in Your Kingdom, and hear the Voice from the Light, and live in Your Light, today, tomorrow and forever. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:20 AM
Monday, January 12, 2009
January 12th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Genesis 26:17-27:46-Have you only one blessing, father?
Matthew 9:1-17-Stand up, take your bed and go to your home.
Psalm 10:16-18-O LORD, you will hear the desire of the meek; you will strengthen their heart...
Proverbs 3:9-10-Honor the LORD with you substance and with the first fruits of all your produce...
Romans 4:1-12-Blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered...
God's Word of the Day
I bring you healing of body and spirit.
Story of the Day
The shavings fell from the wood so easily. The wood smith made woodworking look so easy. The wood smith knew the vital need for all of his tools to be very sharp. His tools were sharp, so as he formed the wood the wood was either cut to the correct size and shape or the unwanted shavings of wood fell off easily. As the wood smith worked, you could see his project taking shape. The project didn't just appear out of thin air. There were steps to the project. Then the dry fit of the project. Next was the glue up and assembly and finally the finishing of the wood. As he finished his wood, it seemed the grains leaped out to life. What once was dead wood, now seemed to spring forth in a new life of it's own. The shavings fell from the wood so easily.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, take my life and shape it, form it, cut it where it needs trimming. Dry fit Your will and way into my being and spirit. Assemble me into what You desire me to be. Let me feel the pain of shaving work and the cutting. Then bring me to life and let Your creation shine through me as You finish the work in me You have set out to do. ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Genesis 26:17-27:46-Have you only one blessing, father?
Matthew 9:1-17-Stand up, take your bed and go to your home.
Psalm 10:16-18-O LORD, you will hear the desire of the meek; you will strengthen their heart...
Proverbs 3:9-10-Honor the LORD with you substance and with the first fruits of all your produce...
Romans 4:1-12-Blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered...
God's Word of the Day
I bring you healing of body and spirit.
Story of the Day
The shavings fell from the wood so easily. The wood smith made woodworking look so easy. The wood smith knew the vital need for all of his tools to be very sharp. His tools were sharp, so as he formed the wood the wood was either cut to the correct size and shape or the unwanted shavings of wood fell off easily. As the wood smith worked, you could see his project taking shape. The project didn't just appear out of thin air. There were steps to the project. Then the dry fit of the project. Next was the glue up and assembly and finally the finishing of the wood. As he finished his wood, it seemed the grains leaped out to life. What once was dead wood, now seemed to spring forth in a new life of it's own. The shavings fell from the wood so easily.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, take my life and shape it, form it, cut it where it needs trimming. Dry fit Your will and way into my being and spirit. Assemble me into what You desire me to be. Let me feel the pain of shaving work and the cutting. Then bring me to life and let Your creation shine through me as You finish the work in me You have set out to do. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:18 AM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
January 11th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Genesis 24:52-26:16-Let me eat some of that red stuff, for I am famished!
Matthew 8:18-34-And they went and woke him up saying, "Lord, save us! We are perishing!"
Psalm 10:1-15-But you do see! Indeed you note trouble and grief, that you may take it into your hands...
Proverbs 3:7-8-Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.
Mark 1:4-11-And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him.
God's Word of the Day
Wait on My answer.
Story of the Day
I had taken the snap from the center and back pedaled into the pocket. I focused on the receivers one at a time, going through each one looking for who was open. I could see my line of blockers beginning to collapse before my eyes. I could see, hear, and sense the linebacker crashing in towards me. I knew that I was going to be hit. I knew the this was going to hurt, but I waited. I waited for the receiver to get open and then threw the ball. As soon as the ball left my fingertips, I felt the pain. The linebacker had arrived in full force. I crashed to the ground under the weight and force of the linebacker. My head cracked against the turf and my shoulders took the brunt of the force. I felt the pain. Then I rolled over to see what had happened to the pass. It was complete! The receiver caught the ball and ran in for a touchdown. The wait was worth it. I knew he would come open if only I would wait. I knew there would be pain in the wait. But now I was reveling in the joy.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I confess my impatience. I confess that many times I don't think there will be healing. I confess that sometimes I can't wait on the forgiveness. I seem to want it all right now. I seem to want it now as if I'm a customer. Forgive me and teach me the wait. For in the wait I meet a Savior in the boat who comes to calm the sea and the storm. In the wait I meet a Savior who invites me to eat with Him, to follow Him and to be His disciple. In the wait You come and show me my place in Your Kingdom. In the wait I meet a Savior who permits me to touch His cloak and feel the healing power. In the wait I am greeted by a risen Savior. In the wait I learn the love only You can give. Lord, I give You thanks for the wait, for it is well worth it. ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Genesis 24:52-26:16-Let me eat some of that red stuff, for I am famished!
Matthew 8:18-34-And they went and woke him up saying, "Lord, save us! We are perishing!"
Psalm 10:1-15-But you do see! Indeed you note trouble and grief, that you may take it into your hands...
Proverbs 3:7-8-Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.
Mark 1:4-11-And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him.
God's Word of the Day
Wait on My answer.
Story of the Day
I had taken the snap from the center and back pedaled into the pocket. I focused on the receivers one at a time, going through each one looking for who was open. I could see my line of blockers beginning to collapse before my eyes. I could see, hear, and sense the linebacker crashing in towards me. I knew that I was going to be hit. I knew the this was going to hurt, but I waited. I waited for the receiver to get open and then threw the ball. As soon as the ball left my fingertips, I felt the pain. The linebacker had arrived in full force. I crashed to the ground under the weight and force of the linebacker. My head cracked against the turf and my shoulders took the brunt of the force. I felt the pain. Then I rolled over to see what had happened to the pass. It was complete! The receiver caught the ball and ran in for a touchdown. The wait was worth it. I knew he would come open if only I would wait. I knew there would be pain in the wait. But now I was reveling in the joy.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I confess my impatience. I confess that many times I don't think there will be healing. I confess that sometimes I can't wait on the forgiveness. I seem to want it all right now. I seem to want it now as if I'm a customer. Forgive me and teach me the wait. For in the wait I meet a Savior in the boat who comes to calm the sea and the storm. In the wait I meet a Savior who invites me to eat with Him, to follow Him and to be His disciple. In the wait You come and show me my place in Your Kingdom. In the wait I meet a Savior who permits me to touch His cloak and feel the healing power. In the wait I am greeted by a risen Savior. In the wait I learn the love only You can give. Lord, I give You thanks for the wait, for it is well worth it. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
9:03 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
January 7th-10th - Let's Play!
Genesis 16:1-24:51-Can a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old
Matthew 6:1-8:17-Today's trouble is enough for today.
Psalm 7:1-9:20-I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart...
Proverbs 2:1-3:6-In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
God's Word
Stop and listen. I will guide you.
It was an odd day. It began as a cloudy summer day. It was warm enough. It had reached into the eighties that afternoon. As I took my usual walk, I couldn't help but to stop by the creek and look at a container I had seen. I found a glass jar that was unmarked. It looked to contain what appeared to be blood. I opened the jar and dipped my finger in the red sticky substance. I lifted my finger to my nose to see if the drop had an odor. It looked like blood. I was fairly sure but not positive that this was blood. An odd discovery, finding a jar of blood by the creek. Then I noticed to my left, what seemed to be a tiny altar set up. There were traces of dried blood on the altar. A sacrifice of some sort had taken place. A life had been given on this altar. As I set the jar on the altar I accidentally spilled the jar of blood and it was absorbed into the ground. At that very moment, the sun went dark, and it was instant night time, even though it was only about 3 p.m. or so. It was odd that day. I walked home in a panic.
The reports were all over the radio. The sun had stopped shining all over the world for some odd reason. This was wreaking all kinds of havoc to civilization. The world was beginning to get very cold and temperatures were dropping rapidly. This was such a domino effect that I was sure that the end of life was at hand. What I couldn't figure out was how this all happened. Was the spilling of the blood merely a coincidence? Did I, in some way, cause the sun to stop shining by the spilling of the blood? Was the blood what kept the sun shining? Did the blood bring light into the world and sustain life? And what about the altar? What place did it possibly take in this thing? Or was I just playing tricks with my mind?
So I came up with a plan. I figured that a life had been given on that altar. A life whose blood filled that jar. A life that brought light to the sun. A life that sustained life. But whose life was this? And surely if I had spilled this blood and the light had gone out, I caused the life to die. I changed life into death by what I had done. How do I reverse what I had done? I must give my life to bring back life. This was surely a paradox, to give away life in order to bring life.
Once I realized the meaning of the blood, the altar, the light and the sun, I began to realize the source of the sacrifice on this altar. The source of this sacrifice on this small altar brought light and life into this world. I must be willing to give my very life to this source on the altar. I must be willing to suffer, to sweat and to give my own life for this life which was given on this altar. And the very moment I realized all this, right before my eyes, I saw the jar once again full of blood. I saw that very same blood on my hands, and I was ever so sorry for what I had done. I knelt in that very place and confessed my spilling of the blood. I confessed my place in this whole thing that had happened. Then...
I saw the light of the sun reappear. I felt the warmth. I felt the wind begin to blow and I felt life flowing in me once again. I must be willing to give my life to get life. And I realized the life in that blood; I realized the power of that light; I realized that blood and that light active in me.
Lord, I come to You in the darkness of my sin and see Your blood on my hands. Forgive me for turning from You. For You graciously gave Your life, You gave Your blood to take the place of mine. I give my life to You, knowing that at times I will gladly struggle. I give my life to You, knowing that You have already done the hard thing. Take my blood and make it clean. Take my life and use it for Your will and Your way. I come to You this day, knowing of Your blood and Your Light that brings warmth to my world and sustains me to eternity. ---Amen
Genesis 16:1-24:51-Can a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old
Matthew 6:1-8:17-Today's trouble is enough for today.
Psalm 7:1-9:20-I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart...
Proverbs 2:1-3:6-In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
God's Word
Stop and listen. I will guide you.
It was an odd day. It began as a cloudy summer day. It was warm enough. It had reached into the eighties that afternoon. As I took my usual walk, I couldn't help but to stop by the creek and look at a container I had seen. I found a glass jar that was unmarked. It looked to contain what appeared to be blood. I opened the jar and dipped my finger in the red sticky substance. I lifted my finger to my nose to see if the drop had an odor. It looked like blood. I was fairly sure but not positive that this was blood. An odd discovery, finding a jar of blood by the creek. Then I noticed to my left, what seemed to be a tiny altar set up. There were traces of dried blood on the altar. A sacrifice of some sort had taken place. A life had been given on this altar. As I set the jar on the altar I accidentally spilled the jar of blood and it was absorbed into the ground. At that very moment, the sun went dark, and it was instant night time, even though it was only about 3 p.m. or so. It was odd that day. I walked home in a panic.
The reports were all over the radio. The sun had stopped shining all over the world for some odd reason. This was wreaking all kinds of havoc to civilization. The world was beginning to get very cold and temperatures were dropping rapidly. This was such a domino effect that I was sure that the end of life was at hand. What I couldn't figure out was how this all happened. Was the spilling of the blood merely a coincidence? Did I, in some way, cause the sun to stop shining by the spilling of the blood? Was the blood what kept the sun shining? Did the blood bring light into the world and sustain life? And what about the altar? What place did it possibly take in this thing? Or was I just playing tricks with my mind?
So I came up with a plan. I figured that a life had been given on that altar. A life whose blood filled that jar. A life that brought light to the sun. A life that sustained life. But whose life was this? And surely if I had spilled this blood and the light had gone out, I caused the life to die. I changed life into death by what I had done. How do I reverse what I had done? I must give my life to bring back life. This was surely a paradox, to give away life in order to bring life.
Once I realized the meaning of the blood, the altar, the light and the sun, I began to realize the source of the sacrifice on this altar. The source of this sacrifice on this small altar brought light and life into this world. I must be willing to give my very life to this source on the altar. I must be willing to suffer, to sweat and to give my own life for this life which was given on this altar. And the very moment I realized all this, right before my eyes, I saw the jar once again full of blood. I saw that very same blood on my hands, and I was ever so sorry for what I had done. I knelt in that very place and confessed my spilling of the blood. I confessed my place in this whole thing that had happened. Then...
I saw the light of the sun reappear. I felt the warmth. I felt the wind begin to blow and I felt life flowing in me once again. I must be willing to give my life to get life. And I realized the life in that blood; I realized the power of that light; I realized that blood and that light active in me.
Lord, I come to You in the darkness of my sin and see Your blood on my hands. Forgive me for turning from You. For You graciously gave Your life, You gave Your blood to take the place of mine. I give my life to You, knowing that at times I will gladly struggle. I give my life to You, knowing that You have already done the hard thing. Take my blood and make it clean. Take my life and use it for Your will and Your way. I come to You this day, knowing of Your blood and Your Light that brings warmth to my world and sustains me to eternity. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
2:23 PM
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
January 6th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Genesis 13:5-15:21-On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram...
Matthew 5:27-48-But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven...
Psalm 6:1-10-The LORD has heard my supplication; the LORD accepts my prayer.
Proverbs 1:29-33-...but those who listen to me will be secure...
Matthew 2:1-12-God and search diligently for the child...
God's Word of the Day
I have turned it all around and shown you My grace.
Story of the Day
We were told to share the candy bar. How could we share the candy bar? Who would decide who got what? Who got to divide the candy bar? As some point we had to reach an agreement. One of us would divide the candy bar. The other person would choose which piece was his. So I divided the candy bar, and he took the smaller of the two pieces. I was happy because this made him happy. Neither one of us seemed to care who got the most anymore. So I took a bite of my half and gave him the rest of mine. He took a bite of his half and gave me the rest of his. We were both happy in the giving.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, You have turned it all around. When given a chance to choose, You choose the chance to give. Teach me how to pray and to give to my enemies. Teach me Your love and grace that I may choose the chance to give and give freely and lovingly and openly and willingly. ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Genesis 13:5-15:21-On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram...
Matthew 5:27-48-But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven...
Psalm 6:1-10-The LORD has heard my supplication; the LORD accepts my prayer.
Proverbs 1:29-33-...but those who listen to me will be secure...
Matthew 2:1-12-God and search diligently for the child...
God's Word of the Day
I have turned it all around and shown you My grace.
Story of the Day
We were told to share the candy bar. How could we share the candy bar? Who would decide who got what? Who got to divide the candy bar? As some point we had to reach an agreement. One of us would divide the candy bar. The other person would choose which piece was his. So I divided the candy bar, and he took the smaller of the two pieces. I was happy because this made him happy. Neither one of us seemed to care who got the most anymore. So I took a bite of my half and gave him the rest of mine. He took a bite of his half and gave me the rest of his. We were both happy in the giving.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, You have turned it all around. When given a chance to choose, You choose the chance to give. Teach me how to pray and to give to my enemies. Teach me Your love and grace that I may choose the chance to give and give freely and lovingly and openly and willingly. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:15 AM
Monday, January 05, 2009
January 5th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Genesis 11:1-13:4-And Abram journeyed on by stages toward the Negeb.
Matthew 5:1-26-In the same way, let you light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.
Psalm 5:1-12-But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy.
Proverbs 1:24-28-Then they will call upon me...
Luke 6:27-31-Do to others as you would have them do to you.
God's Word of the Day
It's time to start your journey. Go and I will be with you.
Story of the Day
This trail seemed to go on and on. At times I was sure we had gone in circles. I was walking the Appalachian Trail. You can't do it all at once. You have to progress in stages. Sometimes you were on the mountain top and it seemed you could see forever. Other times you were deep down by the creek and all you could see were the trees above. The journey up was tough and tiring. The times when you went downhill, you could feel it in your knees. It was all so rewarding, yet at the same time all so painfully slow. There were good times and bad, hot and cold, light and dark. This trail seemed to go on and on.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, sometimes the struggle of life seems to go on and on. I think the struggle is eternal. I'm not sure of my direction. I'm not sure of my purpose. I turn to You, for direction. I turn to You, for purpose. I turn to talk to You, and You're by my side. Walk with me this day and show me Your will and Your way that I may please You. ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Genesis 11:1-13:4-And Abram journeyed on by stages toward the Negeb.
Matthew 5:1-26-In the same way, let you light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.
Psalm 5:1-12-But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy.
Proverbs 1:24-28-Then they will call upon me...
Luke 6:27-31-Do to others as you would have them do to you.
God's Word of the Day
It's time to start your journey. Go and I will be with you.
Story of the Day
This trail seemed to go on and on. At times I was sure we had gone in circles. I was walking the Appalachian Trail. You can't do it all at once. You have to progress in stages. Sometimes you were on the mountain top and it seemed you could see forever. Other times you were deep down by the creek and all you could see were the trees above. The journey up was tough and tiring. The times when you went downhill, you could feel it in your knees. It was all so rewarding, yet at the same time all so painfully slow. There were good times and bad, hot and cold, light and dark. This trail seemed to go on and on.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, sometimes the struggle of life seems to go on and on. I think the struggle is eternal. I'm not sure of my direction. I'm not sure of my purpose. I turn to You, for direction. I turn to You, for purpose. I turn to talk to You, and You're by my side. Walk with me this day and show me Your will and Your way that I may please You. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:18 AM
Sunday, January 04, 2009
January 4th - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day

Readings of the Day
Genesis 8:1-10:32-He drank some of the wine and became drunk...
Matthew 4:12-25-From that time Jesus began to proclaim, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near."
Psalm 4:1-8-Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the LORD.
Proverbs 1:20-23-Give heed to my reproof; I will pour out my thoughts to you; I will make my words known to you.
John 1:1-18-And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father's only son, full of grace and truth.
God's Word of the Day
I know of your sin. I have placed my Word with you. Now pour out your thoughts to me and repent. For the Word is now flesh and living with you.
Story of the Day
So we floated about for days. We floated and the inside of this boat really began to stink. We had to deal with many personal issues as you can imagine. I probably didn't look all that good to that female this guy put with me on the boat, but what could I do. I did the best I could at remaining attractive. It amazed me how she never became unattractive to me. In fact, the longer it went, the more attractive to me she became. The rain finally stopped. Then this guy sets a bird loose. Where's the bird supposed to go? It flies around a little. I think he just flew to the top of the boat and sat around a while, then flew back to the guy who built the boat. A few days later, the guy sets the bird loose again. This time the bird must have found a tree to hang out on. But he brings back a couple of leaves to make the guy happy. Then a few days later the guy puts out the bird and the bird never comes back. I figured the bird must have been hurt and drowned or something.
It wasn't too long after that when the guy decides that it's OK to get out. He sets us all loose and tells us to be fruitful and multiply. Just the words and the command I was hoping to hear! A funny way to put it though! So I went out with the sexiest female on the boat and multiplied. Now that I think about it, I guess she was the only one on the boat I would multiply with anyway. But multiply we did!
The whole thing was amazing. This guy saved me and gifted me and sent me out with a purpose in life. I was so happy for what he did for me that I sure multiplied with all my heart. Just look around today at all the kids and the kids kids, and how all of my friends that day went out and did the same. This kingdom is a celebration of life. All because of some direction this guy took from our Creator! Wow!
Yours truly,

Prayer of the Day
Lord, I turn to You and face You with the gifts and talents You have graciously given me. You have gifted me and called me and sent me into Your Kingdom to do Your will. I joyfully go this day, today, tomorrow and into eternity to serve You in Your Kingdom. Daily Lord I turn to You and seek forgiveness for my sin. I repent of when I have fallen back and ask You to continue to use me day after day. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
9:16 AM
Saturday, January 03, 2009
January 3rd - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Genesis 5:1-7:24-Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him...And of every living thing, of all flesh, you shall bring two of every kind into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. Of the birds according to their kinds, and of the animals according to their kinds, of every creeping thing of the ground according to its kind, two of every kind shall come in to you, to keep them alive.
Matthew 3:7-4:11-And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am will pleased."
Psalm 3:1-8-Deliver me, O my God!
Proverbs 1:10-19-My child, if sinners entice you, do not consent.
James 4:1-10-Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
God's Word of the Day
Resist the devil and check Me out. Come near, for I have come to you to save you.
Story of the Day
You couldn't help but to check this guy out. Right there in the middle of nowhere, he was building this huge boat. So, my buddies and I came by every day to check it out. We would watch his peculiar actions and wonder what he was trying to accomplish. Walking beside me to watch the show were deer, bear, cattle, sheep, all kinds of birds and a few alligators too, although I'm not sure how they got here anyway. But I had an advantage. With a neck as long as mine and my long legs, I always could get a really good view of this building fiasco taking place.
Then one day he finally finished. So, there it was, a big boat in the middle of nowhere with no hope of ever floating, because there wasn't a sign of water anywhere near this place. This guy must have been some kind of nut! But he sure acted like he was called on a mission of some sort. He worked with all his heart on this thing. Then one day as I drew near, he motioned for me to come on over. So I wandered over. He had me come onto the boat. Well, I couldn't help but go! I'd been watching this spectacle for days now and really wanted to see what it was like on the inside. So, inside I went. All kinds of buddies of mine were in there. All those guys that had been coming to check it out day after day were in there. It was strange though. There was only two of each kind, a male and a female. Except for a few special animals. I'm not sure what made them so special.
Then I looked up! Wow! I couldn't believe my eyes! There she was! She had the most beautiful neck in this world! And legs that went all the way up! All her spots were just in the right places! And those little horns on her head were like a crown of jewels! So I eased my way up to her side. I think she like me! Then the door closed and it began to rain like you never saw rain before! The boat began to float! This guy had come into my life, built this big ol boat and hooked me up with the sexist female in the world and saved my life! I think I found heaven!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, my Savior, You came out of those waters of baptism and saved me. You came to me as I was drawing near to check you out. You came and gifted me with gifts and talents and love to call me to action in Your Kingdom. Surely I will praise and honor and serve You all my life into eternity. ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Genesis 5:1-7:24-Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him...And of every living thing, of all flesh, you shall bring two of every kind into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. Of the birds according to their kinds, and of the animals according to their kinds, of every creeping thing of the ground according to its kind, two of every kind shall come in to you, to keep them alive.
Matthew 3:7-4:11-And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am will pleased."
Psalm 3:1-8-Deliver me, O my God!
Proverbs 1:10-19-My child, if sinners entice you, do not consent.
James 4:1-10-Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
God's Word of the Day
Resist the devil and check Me out. Come near, for I have come to you to save you.
Story of the Day
You couldn't help but to check this guy out. Right there in the middle of nowhere, he was building this huge boat. So, my buddies and I came by every day to check it out. We would watch his peculiar actions and wonder what he was trying to accomplish. Walking beside me to watch the show were deer, bear, cattle, sheep, all kinds of birds and a few alligators too, although I'm not sure how they got here anyway. But I had an advantage. With a neck as long as mine and my long legs, I always could get a really good view of this building fiasco taking place.
Then one day he finally finished. So, there it was, a big boat in the middle of nowhere with no hope of ever floating, because there wasn't a sign of water anywhere near this place. This guy must have been some kind of nut! But he sure acted like he was called on a mission of some sort. He worked with all his heart on this thing. Then one day as I drew near, he motioned for me to come on over. So I wandered over. He had me come onto the boat. Well, I couldn't help but go! I'd been watching this spectacle for days now and really wanted to see what it was like on the inside. So, inside I went. All kinds of buddies of mine were in there. All those guys that had been coming to check it out day after day were in there. It was strange though. There was only two of each kind, a male and a female. Except for a few special animals. I'm not sure what made them so special.
Then I looked up! Wow! I couldn't believe my eyes! There she was! She had the most beautiful neck in this world! And legs that went all the way up! All her spots were just in the right places! And those little horns on her head were like a crown of jewels! So I eased my way up to her side. I think she like me! Then the door closed and it began to rain like you never saw rain before! The boat began to float! This guy had come into my life, built this big ol boat and hooked me up with the sexist female in the world and saved my life! I think I found heaven!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, my Savior, You came out of those waters of baptism and saved me. You came to me as I was drawing near to check you out. You came and gifted me with gifts and talents and love to call me to action in Your Kingdom. Surely I will praise and honor and serve You all my life into eternity. ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
11:12 AM
Friday, January 02, 2009
January 2nd - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day
Readings of the Day
Genesis 3:1-4:26-At that time people began to invoke the name of the LORD.
Matthew 2:13-3:6-There he made his home in a town called Nazareth...
Psalm 2:1-12-You are my son; today I have begotten you.
Proverbs 1:7-9-The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge...
God's Word of the Day
I am with you in your home town.
Story of the Day
As we travelled home that day; I was amazed at all of the people I saw along the way. Travelers like myself, whom I would touch the lives of for just a brief moment or two. These were paths of life that would cross and maybe never cross again. Yet we all had something in common. We all were travelers going from one place to another and we all we connected to the same family. In one way or another we were connected at the simple level of being travelers and at the deepest level of being family. We were connected at even a deeper level in that we all were created by one God. We all were saved by one God. We all were connected in spirit. Yet we also had differences. Some walked with God and others ran from God. Some were of good heart and some were of evil heart. Connected yet separated. As we travelled home that day; I was amazed at all of the people I saw along the way. Yet when I reached home; I was greeted by the love of my Savior. Then I realized; that away, at home or while travelling, that my Savior had gone along with me for the trip.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, as I leave this morning, as I travel, as I come home, as I move about and through the crowd; let me see Your presence. Let me know You are there. May I see you in the eyes and the face of others. May I walk by Your side all day long and recognize Your face in the crowd. For You are with me. You are with me physically, you are with me in spirit, you are with me always. May me path of life cross Yours and join in following You, today, tomorrow and forever. Thanks! ---Amen
Readings of the Day
Genesis 3:1-4:26-At that time people began to invoke the name of the LORD.
Matthew 2:13-3:6-There he made his home in a town called Nazareth...
Psalm 2:1-12-You are my son; today I have begotten you.
Proverbs 1:7-9-The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge...
God's Word of the Day
I am with you in your home town.
Story of the Day
As we travelled home that day; I was amazed at all of the people I saw along the way. Travelers like myself, whom I would touch the lives of for just a brief moment or two. These were paths of life that would cross and maybe never cross again. Yet we all had something in common. We all were travelers going from one place to another and we all we connected to the same family. In one way or another we were connected at the simple level of being travelers and at the deepest level of being family. We were connected at even a deeper level in that we all were created by one God. We all were saved by one God. We all were connected in spirit. Yet we also had differences. Some walked with God and others ran from God. Some were of good heart and some were of evil heart. Connected yet separated. As we travelled home that day; I was amazed at all of the people I saw along the way. Yet when I reached home; I was greeted by the love of my Savior. Then I realized; that away, at home or while travelling, that my Savior had gone along with me for the trip.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, as I leave this morning, as I travel, as I come home, as I move about and through the crowd; let me see Your presence. Let me know You are there. May I see you in the eyes and the face of others. May I walk by Your side all day long and recognize Your face in the crowd. For You are with me. You are with me physically, you are with me in spirit, you are with me always. May me path of life cross Yours and join in following You, today, tomorrow and forever. Thanks! ---Amen
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
4:26 AM
Thursday, January 01, 2009
January 1st - Let's Play!
Theme of the Day

Happy New Year!
Readings of the Day
Genesis 1:1-2:25-So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them...
Matthew 1:1-2:12-Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage.
Psalm 1:1-6-They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper.
Proverbs 1:1-6-For learning about wisdom and instruction, for understanding words of insight, for gaining instruction in wise dealing, righteousness, justice, and equity; to teach shrewdness to the simple, knowledge and prudence to the young-- let the wise also hear and gain in learning, and the discerning acquire skill, to understand a proverb and a figure, the words of the wise and their riddles.
Psalm 8-You have given them dominion over the words of your hands...
God's Word of the Day
Look at all that I have given you. Look at all that I have created. Now go in joy and love and have dominion.
Story of the Day
I couldn't believe what was happening. Everything was a mess! And then out of nowhere it all began to straighten itself out. It all began to come together into the most amazing thing I could imagine! Right before my eyes I saw what was a mess turn into the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I was privileged to witness to all of this. And I sure will tell all, what I got to see!
Prayer of the Day
Lord, somehow You have a wonderful knack and making good out of messes. Make good out of me this day. Take the mess that I have created and bring order to it. Take the mess of my life and use it to show off with. Take my mess and make what You will out of it. For I see all that You have done. I see and hear Your Word and know of my Savior who makes good out of my mess. I give You thanks now and forever for Your creative, redeeming, loving, saving power over the mess. Thanks be to God! ---Amen
A special comment from Kaiya in this New Year
zzs zrff76tyt va

Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
10:16 AM
Happy New Year!
Just an update on the format: Every 6 months I like to change things up a little. Usually in January I change the version of the Bible I am using for my studies. I'm not sure if you are aware, but it you have been reading along the passages each day through 2007, congratulations! You have just read the entire Bible and a little more. All of the readings take you through the Bible, then the last reading usually followed the theme of the church year (that was the little extra I mentioned). I have been using the same reading plan for years now.
Well, this year I have decided to change the plan and use a different reading plan. I found this plan on the net and it comes from the One Year Bible --- you may have seen these Bibles sold in the stores that are set up according to the reading plan. So this will be the change I am introducing for January.
I will continue to use the same format of Theme of the Day and then telling Stories related to the Readings and the Theme and the Word I picked up along the way as I reflected. Then in June I will introduce another change in format. This tends to help me keep from getting stale and deepens my spiritual relationship. I hope this all does the same for you too. Listen for God's Word each day and be joyful that we live in His Kingdom daily.
And feel free to send comments as you are led to.
Well, this year I have decided to change the plan and use a different reading plan. I found this plan on the net and it comes from the One Year Bible --- you may have seen these Bibles sold in the stores that are set up according to the reading plan. So this will be the change I am introducing for January.
I will continue to use the same format of Theme of the Day and then telling Stories related to the Readings and the Theme and the Word I picked up along the way as I reflected. Then in June I will introduce another change in format. This tends to help me keep from getting stale and deepens my spiritual relationship. I hope this all does the same for you too. Listen for God's Word each day and be joyful that we live in His Kingdom daily.
And feel free to send comments as you are led to.
Posted by
Thoughts and Reflections
10:06 AM
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