Monday, November 03, 2008

November 3rd - Let's Play!

Theme of the Day
All Saints

Readings of the Day
1 Timothy 5.1-20-Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching...
Jeremiah 1-2-Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...
Psalm 119.145-176-I put my hope in your words.
Jeremiah 5.18-31-Do you not fear me? says the LORD...

God's Word of the Day
I know you-I created you-I saved you

Story of the Day
As I worked my radio, I began to bring in a rather weak signal. Then as I fine tuned to the correct frequency, I attempted a contact. Contact made, I began to converse. There was something very familiar about this person. Questions flew back and forth. Somehow we knew each other. This person knew all about me. I began to realize that this person knew all of the same things that my deceased father knew. I began to suspect that this contact was something greater than I could ever imagine. This contact was with my father who knew father who was there at my father who pointed out Christ to father who showed me The Father.

Prayer of the Day
Lord, may I remember those who proclaim Your story and point lives to You throughout all time. May I be one of the saints that join in with all saints to dedicate life to following You, today, tomorrow and forever. ---Amen

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