Thursday, May 03, 2012

May 3rd Hymn of the Day by Bill Lynch

Hymn of the Day
Christ is Alive! Let Christians Sing 
Text: Brian A. Wren

Christ is alive! Let Christians sing.
The cross stands empty to the sky.
Let streets and homes with praises ring.
Love, drowned in death, shall never die.

Text: Bill Lynch

Imagine standing by the tomb
And Jesus coming up to you.
Imagine the joy that you now feel
to see your Savior face to face.

You run and tell all those you know.
With all you praise the Lord of life
And sing of  love that never dies
And praise our God of earth and sky.

Jesus, we come to you this day full of life and love. A love that goes beyond space and time. A love that reaches beyond this physical world to our most inner being. We have a love for you that can't be explained. We give you all the glory, honor, and praise for showing us this kind of love in that you came to us and saved us from sin and death. You came to grant life. We humbly give you all thanks as we pause to ponder your love for your creation. --- Amen

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