Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29th Psalm of the Day

Read Psalm 29

Psalm of the Day
by Bill Lynch

Look at the show of awesome power!
Feel God's wind begin to blow.
It's slow and smooth then mighty and strong.
Peals of thunder and flashes of lightening
Such a sight to see!

God is powerful in his might.
See the limbs of trees bow down in his presence.
The reckless power of the wind moves forth
All nature hurries to cover in honor of God.
The trees of the mountains dance in joy.

God's might is awesome.
Tress uprooted and limbs are tossed.
God's display has been an awesome sight.
All nature sings glory to God.
Peace rules on the earth again.

Lord, you are powerful and mighty and awesome. Even in the midst of the storm we give you praise and glory. Nature looks to you and bows down. For as violent winds move through our lives, we know the peaceful breezes that you provide in healing and grace. Lead us with you Spirit this day that we may be with those who have experienced tragedy and pain from storms, to the peaceful breath of the Spirit blowing into all life... today... tomorrow... and forever. --- Amen

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