Saturday, May 27, 2023

John 7:37-39 Living Water - Day of Pentecost


Day of Pentecost - Gospel Lesson

John 7:37-39 ESV
On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

What a great day, Pentecost! The day that God sent the Holy Spirit upon his people. A day for all disciples to keep our eyes focused on God. A day that marks the beginning of Christian witness. For so many, a day of Confirmations across the world where individual disciples declare belief in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A day that sets our lives on fire with the presence of the Holy Spirit with us and in us. A day that we are gifted and made aware of all that God has done for us. A day that we realize that it's never about our own actions or dedication, but all a total gift from God. A day that we renew and revive our witness to God's love and grace and freedom of salvation to all the world. What a great day, Pentecost!

The Gospel passage for this Pentecost Sunday is short and to the point. I didn't even need to add a link to this passage. It is printed in full above. Some, context is appropriate. 

Jesus statement takes place on one of, or perhaps the last day, of the Feast of Tabernacles. So, what is that?

During the Feast of Tabernacles the people would dwell in booths to remind them of how God rescued them out of slavery in Egypt, bringing them through the wilderness into the Promised Land. There is much meaning held within the celebration of this Feast. One of the actions that would take place during the Feast was a procession of water from the Pool of Siloam to the Temple. You may recall Jesus healing the Blind Man at the Pool of Siloam. The Pool of Siloam was a key cleansing place. The word Siloam, in itself, reflects deep meaning in this passage, since Siloam means "Sent." I'll mention more about being sent later.

The Feast of Tabernacles and the Pool of Siloam were reminders to the Israelites of a time in the wilderness when water was drawn from a rock in a time of need and thirst. Pause and reflect upon a couple of words here as well... water... rock... Jesus is the source of  "Living water". Jesus is our "Rock." This is a recurring theme throughout the Scriptures, in the Old and New Testaments. In fact... Jesus is smeared all over the Old Testament in obvious ways, just look for him as you read through the Old Testament, with the words of the New Testament in mind.

So, as the water was brought from the Pool of Siloam to the Temple, the people would sing with joy, that you will draw water from the wells of salvation. Wells were gathering places for people to draw water and receive, salvation, and life, and quench thirst from, in the times of the Old and New Testament. Recall the Woman at the well with Jesus and her realization that Jesus was the Messiah, a source of "Living" water... salvation. She left that well with more than her thirst quenched or the animals watered. She walked away from that well, having seen the Messiah and taking in the Living Water of salvation.

So that's a sort of long way around to setting the time of year and the Feast that Jesus is present at for this Gospel passage. 

Now, for the Day of Pentecost. Jesus makes this brief, yet powerful statement prior to his death, resurrection and ascension. Jesus gives his disciples a hint of the pouring out of Living Waters from him through the Holy Spirit upon us. Jesus in these few verses gives a prophecy to be realized at Pentecost, the Advent of the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells us, in other words, that out of his gut, the very center of his being, flows "Living" water. Recall at the crucifixion, upon piercing his side by the soldier, how water and blood flowed from the gut of Jesus. Well, that reminds me that my sin is washed by the water and blood of Jesus. Living Water, saving blood. 

Anyone who is thirsty come to Jesus and drink "Living" water. As we are baptized we are washed and buried under water to arise anew to new life in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. We are given new life that we certainly do not deserve, nor attain by anything we do. We are given New Life by what God has done for us and now in us, and through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, making us one with God. We are drawn into communion with God and sent out.

As God lives with us we gain faith. We gain faith, not from our own efforts. We gain faith by what God does for us and with us. And we come to believe in God. It's nothing to do with what my efforts or thoughts or actions bring forth. It's all, completely, about God's action towards me or you that we have a believer's heart.

Living waters, flowing through Jesus and from the Holy Spirit into my believing heart. 

Celebrate the Day of Pentecost. Wash in the Living Water of God the Father, Son and especially, this day, the Holy Spirit. And then Go! You have been SENT! Use this new life, not for yourself... but rather throw it away to others in the love of God, and the love of neighbor. As you walk away from church tomorrow, testify, witness and tell all those God gives to you, about the Source of Living Waters... today... tomorrow... and forever!

Thanks be to God for Living Water! --- Amen

Weight of the World Allowed Living Water to Flow is a painting by Melani Pyke

Saturday, May 13, 2023

John 14:15-21 - Paraclete? What's that?


John 14:15-21 Gospel for the Sixth Sunday of Easter

Yes, it's still Easter. That wonderful time of year that we celebrate new life. New life in flesh and new life in spirit. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as we look forward to that awesome day that we will be resurrected as well.

This past week I spent some time in North Carolina and had time to see, hear and smell, new life on walks by creeks, waterfalls and nature. The earth is coming to life in this place. 

I also had time to reflect on how, when I read God's Word, when I participate in God's presence in the Sacraments; I open my heart in prayer to ask God that I may hear and see what God has to speak to me and show me each day. How does God want me, to do his will, and hear his voice, and see his spirit, in me and through me. My ever living hope is that those God gives to me each day will see straight through me and witness God active in this place and time, and not see a tiny bit of me in so doing that. So, as I go through these reflections; the question still remains. What did you hear or see God speaking you?

So, here is my reflection on the passage listed above. Click the scripture link above and read and note what you hear God speaking to showing you.

I'm taking a different approach this time since the scripture is short. I will reflect what I heard and saw this week from within the Word. These are my notes or thoughts along the way throughout my week of study on the passage. Please accept them as my humble offering to you. 

15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. 

Love Jesus and keep God's commandments. Maybe a better way to say this for myself is to keep watch over Jesus command to love God and each other. There is a sense of the Law here but it seems to me to be more a combination of Law and Gospel. To seek to keep Jesus commandments is to remain in Jesus love. The Law of this, points me to how I fail miserably to love God and to love Neighbor. 

The Gospel of this is, Jesus shows us his love in that he gave himself to us to bring us out of sin and death to new life in him. 

Sure, I sin. This world is full of sin, and for people to deny this in the world and in themselves is a delusion. It's a delusion that we can be born free from sin and just by taking responsibility for our actions, pay the price for the wrongs we commit. We can't do that, nor has anyone ever been able to correct themselves enough to make this world all better. Only God can take that BIG task on. And to think that we can take care of our own actions is a fantasy. We need God to "right the ship," so to speak. 

The Father through the Spirit became flesh in Jesus and entered our sinfulness to free us from our sin by becoming our sin, dying in our sin and rising to new life for us to rise in new life in him.

16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, 

In this "Helper" name comes the word Paraclete. The Paraclete is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our Counselor. One called to the side of, is a definition that I came across. Like a legal Counsel but so much more. The Holy Spirit or Paraclete, is someone to help us in relation to the world we live in. Someone to be with us in all aspects of our lives. We have the Holy Spirit with us forever. 

The Holy Spirit not only comforts us, but also rallies us to our feet to face life again, unafraid. The Holy Spirit is strong when we are weak and pulls us up and back to new life.

Jesus is a fleshly witness to God. Jesus came into this world as both a man and also God. Jesus came to a specific place at a specific time. People witnessed to the life of Jesus, wrote down what they saw and followed Jesus as disciples. That still happens to this day, but we don't see Jesus as he was seen at that time and at that place. There was the body of Jesus--- external God. 

17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.

Jesus left his disciples in flesh, yet graciously gave us the Holy Spirit (Paraclete), and we have now God's presence within us. We know the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is within us and with us. And the knowledge given here from Jesus is that the Holy Spirit will stick with us in our life's journey. Life is not promised to be easy. We will suffer all kinds of things in this life we live. We will mourn, be depressed, give in to temptation, become addicted, turn and run from God at times, attempt to save our selves, depend on false gods to bring us out of pain and suffering... on an on... yet... the Holy Spirit is by our side. Jesus sticks with us to save us. God really loves us. He loves us to death... his own in Jesus and our own in this world in which we live. But there is hope and a promise to those who stick with God as God sticks with us.

The Holy Spirit works into the external world through his disciples.

18 “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 

Jesus promises us that he will not leave us orphans or comfortless, Jesus will come to us. God's heart is directed towards us. Each one of us. Why? God loves us. Yes! It's true. Jesus loves me this I know... For the Bible tells me so. 

God comes to us today, tomorrow, and forever. God comes to us in Body and Spirit. God comes to us in Word and Sacrament. As we look to God's Word and listen, read and see it; God will speak. And as we participate in and witness Baptism and Holy Communion; we can see God's presence in the water, the bread and the wine and hear the Word spoken and a promise of everlasting life in the presence of God.

19 Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. 

Jesus makes us a part of the resurrection. Sure, we're going to die. Our loved ones will die. We will witness death and destruction in this world...


We will never be alone. 

20 In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. 

We are part of the Resurrected Jesus. Jesus promises to be with us and return for us and take us from paradise to a New World to live with and under him in his Kingdom. It's a great promise of no more tears, pain, death or evil.

21 Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”

As disciples in the here and now... we respond to the love of Jesus. The love of Jesus will be our own live with a new presence of Jesus. 

May the Holy Spirit within Jesus' followers, expand God beyond a certain place and time to all the world throughout all time. And may all the world see right through his disciples to witness Jesus, the Gate, the Door, the Truth and the Life and see none of us.

Lord, I give thanks that you were put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the Spirit. Lead each of your disciples out to a spacious place to live with you in the closeness of your love that we may love you and each other... today... tomorrow... and forever. --- Amen

Saturday, May 06, 2023

John 14:1-14 - Who's in who and where is what and we're going where?

 John 14:1-14 (Gospel for the 5th Sunday of Easter... please read first)

You need a little background on this Gospel lesson. Jesus and his disciples are in the Upper Room where Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, Jesus tells of his betrayal and denial, by the very same men that he loves. Jesus is going ahead to his death and resurrection. Jesus is in for a rough time.

Last week was about Jesus being the gate. This week Jesus is the Way. Jesus death is also the Way to the Father.

Life is not easy for Jesus or for any of us when we face death. I hear from this passage God speaking a message. Once again a personal message, yet a message that applies to any one. If the worst in life does come, there is nothing to be afraid of, because, Jesus will find you and bring you to himself. Jesus will not leave you or forget you. Jesus is always thinking of you... Even here in this passage of scripture where Jesus is willing to take that journey toward the death that I deserve, for the sin I commit, to lead me through my own death to my sinful self, to life in and with God through Jesus and what he is about to face. 

Jesus speaks of his Father's house. God has dwelt with his people throughout time in houses, tents, boats, temples and in the flesh of Jesus himself. God comes to us to save us. God created a paradise for us and really wants us to live with him in paradise. But early on we had our own ideas and today we continue in our sinful nature attempting to save ourselves in our own ways. 

God saves this sinful world and dwells with this world and creation in a boat... or ark. The world is saved through this dwelling with God. God comes to the Israelites and dwells with his people in a tent, leading his people enslaved not only to hard labor in Egypt but enslaved in their own sin. God lives with his people in the tabernacle to lead his people to union with him in eternity. 

God lives with us to save us from sin, death and the power of the devil in order that we may be his own and live with him, and serve him, in everlasting blessedness, righteousness, and innocence, even as Jesus has risen from the dead and lives and reigns for all eternity. Sound familiar? See Luther's Explanation to the Second Article of the Apostles' Creed. Anyway, God dwells with his people and he came in the flesh of Jesus to dwell with us and save us from our destructive, sinful selves.

Jesus prepares himself as a house or a temple or a boat of salvation that we may rest with God a while and then as Jesus did, be on the way to the cross. We continue our life journey with God as we come to know the only true God.

Our union with Chris is the way of God, and the way to God. In Jesus we find the ultimate truth and the Way. It is through Jesus... the gate (remember?), that God brings us to himself and salvation and everlasting life with God. 

But here, as with Jesus upcoming journey from the Upper Room, we find also that the Way leads through death, the death of our sin, dies upon that cross of Jesus, leading Jesus and his people to resurrection and life. Jesus had to die. Jesus had to suffer and die so that he could enter into glory.

In this passage we find that Jesus is IN the Father... We are IN Jesus... and Jesus is IN us. 

Jesus is going to the Cross... the Tomb... to death... to resurrection... and to the Father. Jesus goes ahead of us to prepare a place (or a Tabernacle, House, Boat) for us. God wants life for you and me. Abundant, everlasting life.

Jesus came into our very own world that we may know how much God loves us. Jesus is the gate, the door, the Way to the Father's love. And the way to know God is to live with him. To live with Jesus.

Yes, Jesus calls me out that door to see for myself, with my own experiences and adventures with Jesus, to discover life with him in this world and into eternity. Day after day Jesus calls me and you to live now and forever with him.

My way and your way through Jesus door or gate is a walk each and all of us take. I walk that I want to take. A walk that I fear to take. A walk that leads to death. Yet... It's a walk I delight to take. Why? Because Jesus took this walk before me, and walks my walk with me, to lead me to him into a new world with God in everlasting life.

Open your eyes to the words Jesus speaks in this Gospel. As we see Jesus, we see the Father. As we see Jesus and the Father we see the Holy Spirit. As we open our eyes, we see God. Jesus leads us to himself in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

And as Jesus is in us, his love fans out across this world. the Gospel of God's love for all the people is testified to, one by one. Each of us tell of living in Jesus and Jesus living in us. And it all comes from Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the life.

It's almost like a Gospel/Law conundrum. In the Gospel, we see God's love and gift of life... why?... because we can't free ourselves from our own sin and death. We need Jesus to lead in the Way that we may follow him through our sin that he took upon himself to a resurrection like his. 

So, follow Jesus and live life in and through God, just as God comes to tabernacle with all of us in his wonderful house of flesh and blood in God,,, in Jesus... in the Father... and with the sustenance of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus prepares a place for us... in him... through him... and forever with him.

Lord, I follow your Way... your Truth... to Life with you... today... tomorrow... and forever. --- Amen