Monday, February 13, 2023

You Jackass!

Matthew 5:21-37

Read it! You must... you are convicted as well as I!

Boy, oh boy, am I ever guilty of murder! I murder every day! 

In this passage Jesus convicts every one of us of sin. In just a couple of verses Jesus spells out how I murder, commit adultery, ruin marriage and lie. I'm guilty and Jesus reveals to me how, in my actions and thoughts, I deserve hell and eternal damnation. And, I'm not alone... You also are guilty of every one of these sins as well!

How many times in a day have I killed someone by my sneers and contempt? Idiot! Fool! Jackass! You no good two bit pea picking boneheaded yellow bellied sap sucking idiot you! Have you spread any gossip? Have you spread a lie? Have you lusted for someone? What inner thoughts have you had that convict you? 

Murder is a result of anger. And the anger of my sin both involves my flesh and my spirit. My desire is just as bad as my actions. 

Jesus in this passage reveals the harsh truth of the Law. I tend to scrub down the Law to make myself "OK" with the Law. It's easy for me to rationalize the Law and make myself "good," at least good in my own mind. But, Jesus in this passage points out my egotistic faults and declares me guilty! In this passage, Jesus expects perfection. 

I'm NOT perfect! Far from it! So, Jesus points me to repent, turn and realize that I need a Savior. I can't live up to these expectations. In these expectations, I certainly murder, lust, lie and ruin marriage. What about any other sins that I commit?

Even though I hate to hear these words of Jesus, I realize that Jesus does not contradict the Law. In fact, as Jesus points out my sins of murder, adultery, lies, lust, gossip and so forth; Jesus points me to the altar. I hear Jesus tell me to act now. To give up my inner thoughts to the altar. To praise the Law for convicting me of my sin and my sinful thoughts of thinking things are ok, or are not so bad. Sex outside of marriage, sex before, during with another person, cruel shouts of anger towards another person, lies, lies and more lies. All disgusting things for which I need to admit that I'm a sinner in need of God's grace and forgiveness. 

Oh how I need to repent! Repent, then look at that cross on which Jesus died. He bled and died and exposed my sin and the sin of all of us to give you and me, life. As we turn and see the blood on that cross, the black stains put there by us, the dried blood that Jesus died upon, we see sin, death and evil piecing the heart of Jesus, and our hearts as well. 

But look! Jesus put to death sin, our sin, Jesus didn't sin; so on that cross is my murder, my adultery, my lies, my evil... and yours. He did this so that we could live while he dies. In his death, that was it! That was it for sin. Jesus did it once and that was all that was needed. It's done! Sin is defeated! 

Huh! I still sin! I still do the stuff that I hate! Sure, but Jesus has taken care of my sin for me now and forever. I'm not in prison to my sin. I turn from my sin each and every day to face my Savior and follow him in his will and in his way. As I turn each day, Jesus grows in me and for me. I can choose life because Jesus took care of sin and rose again to new life. In my here and now, I can look heavenward to a joy that never ends with God. As I peer up at the cross, I see beyond that cross to a resurrection. I see the white and perfection of God. I see the heart of God beating within Jesus and me, alive... not dead... I see the blue sky of hope and joy of eternity with God. Even though my sin convicts me... there Jesus is on that cross dead, yet walking forth from the tomb to lead me to him. 

Jesus will come again and raise me to a new life, free from all sin, death and evil. Jesus will come again to raise me and all those that he has made righteous, to live fully as God intended.

So, I follow. I turn to Jesus from my sin, and I follow. Yes, I'm a sinner, but Jesus has already taken care of all of that for me. Do, I continue to sin? Yes... I hate it, as I should, but I can now live assured that sin is defeated. Not by me in my own rationalization, but by Jesus suffering and death and resurrection.

Thanks be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit... today... tomorrow... and forever! --- Amen

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