Saturday, April 29, 2023

John 10:1-10 "Can Billy Come Out to Play?"

John 10:1-10 (Please follow the link and read the passage)

This passage of scripture seems to jump out, like we're listening in on another conversation. In a way, it is like this. It would probably be better to read John 9 and then you would see that Jesus has just healed a man born blind and gave the man sight. Jesus healed the man on a Sabbath Day and the Pharisees were investigating the healing. The Pharisees condemned Jesus, and were upset with the healed blind man too.

With this passage, Jesus, apparently still speaking in the presence of the Pharisees, tells a parable to teach us all an insight into how God loves us. 

For me, the parable has many parts to it. Maybe, for me, too many. I'll start with the gate or door to the place of the sheep. Try to get away from the picture of a modern farm. Think more about a place in the open country with a stone wall built in a square with a gate on it. More like this:

Now this picture doesn't even show a door, but play with me here a little. Imagine a strong door or gate on this. Jesus tells us that he is the gate or the door to the pen. Jesus is the way in and out of the pen for the sheep. The sheep... that is you and I... can only enter the safety of the pen through the strong door of Jesus. Jesus provides all the protection needed from harm for the sheep. Jesus keeps all the bad stuff out of the pen.

Now if Jesus is the door or gate; there must be someone to open the gate. A gatekeeper that knows the correct Shepherd for the sheep. The gatekeeper can't just let anyone into the pen!

The gatekeeper only allows the correct Shepherd for the sheep into and out of the pen. The Gatekeeper must be faithful and likewise know the Shepherd. Now this, is where it gets just a tad confusing, but deal with it. Jesus is not only the door or gate to the pen; he is also the Shepherd to the sheep in the pen.

To the sheep, their Shepherd is intimate, affectionate and personal. The sheep hear the voice of their very own Shepherd and respond to his voice. The sheep know the voice of their Shepherd and they hurry to be with him. The sheep will not follow a stranger, rather they will flee from the stranger.

The real Shepherd of the sheep always uses the door or the gate to the pen to lead the sheep to protection for the night, and to lead them to pasture during the day. The Shepherd leads the sheep to safety and life through the gate or door.

OK so far:

  • Jesus is the gate or the door
  • Jesus is the shepherd
  • Jesus guides the sheep
  • The sheep know the voice of Jesus the Shepherd
  • The Gatekeeper knows Jesus and only opens the gate for Jesus
  • The sheep hurry to Jesus 
  • The sheep run away from a stranger

So what? You can draw your own analogies, like who are the sheep, who is the gatekeeper and so on. I'll leave that up to you. 

But this is where it gets personal for me. Just ten verses of scripture reach into my core, my gut, my bowels and call me out, show me my sinfulness and show me a forgiveness and love that leads to life.

Maybe you can relate... maybe not... but here goes...

Jesus no doubt calls me and keeps calling me and misses me when I fail to respond. Jesus comes to my door each and every day of my life. And Jesus speaks to me. "Can Billy come out to play?" At a young age I had this very dream of Jesus coming to my door and asking this very question. There is more to the dream but this much will do for now.

I'm not alone in this calling. Jesus comes to his disciples each day and calls. Jesus comes to the door to guide me, and many others besides me to life. You only need to recognize that Jesus comes. God is faithful in coming to you and to me. God's faithfulness does not depend on my own faith. 

God is faithful to me even when I'm not faithful to him. It's not about how I act towards Jesus. That's not what any of this life or disciple stuff is about at all. Rather, it's about how Jesus acts towards you or me.

I and you belong to God and God comes after me or you. Even when I run to something else. God comes after me.

One time in my life, when I was running away from God, and hiding for all it's worth, because I was keenly aware of my sinful actions and how my sinfulness had an impact on so many people that I loved and care for; God chased me down. God chased me down with a message in lights for all to see, but it seemed the message was there just for me at that moment. The message? "God is closer than you think."

I was running away from God, but God was running after me. God was running after me to love me, forgive me, and lead me to new life with him. Jesus goes "before" us to lead, call and guide with patience and love. 

God became flesh in Jesus and Jesus knows exactly the sin and temptation that I fall into. Jesus knows me exactly. Jesus knows my sin so intimately that he died on a cross to defeat the sin that I give in to, so that I can turn to him, hear his voice and hurry to him.

When Jesus invites Billy out to play. He daily forgives my sinfulness and frees me to a new day in his awesome Light, to witness through him the peace that passes all understanding. Through this daily, worldly play with Jesus, is real joy and hope and strength. Through this door, daily I live with Jesus in real joy and hope and strength. Through this door, daily, Jesus shows me life.

And yes... at the end of the day... at least while I live in this realm of life. I come home messed up. I ran after some of the wrong stuff. I denied Jesus. I doubted Jesus. I betrayed Jesus. I crucified Jesus. How could I? But I did! And each day I kick myself for it all. I confess my failure. I cry on my pillow.

But here's the thing. The next day... Jesus is right back at my door! Can Billy come out to play? Jesus really meant it when he said on that cross... It is finished. He took care of sin for all time. Even as I sin each day, I'm not held captive to that sin. 

See! Look! There is Jesus at my door. My Shepherd comes to my door and I hurry out that door into this sinful world in which I live, free, happy, adventurous, and excited to live another day following Jesus into whatever or wherever he leads me, to play and have a great time. 

It is in Jesus that I have life abundantly. A door opens and Jesus leads me to life. Everlasting life. Life forever and ever.

Lord Jesus, I see you at the door... Billy, and many other friends, we are all ready to come out to play! For we hear your voice, we see your love and are ready to live life with you... lead us... guide us... and show us all, your will and your way --- today... tomorrow... and forever. --- Thanks be to God! - Amen

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