Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Seasonal Gift! - Mark 9:50


A Seasonal Gift


Mark 9:50 NIV

50 “Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with each other.”

Wow! Look what dropped out of my notes on my desk! It’s wonderful! I found the final page of notes on the Gospel for the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost on Mark 9:38-50. It found me thinking of a great review and what a gift God drops on my lap every now and then.

So, here are my thoughts on this final note of scripture from last week…

A disciple of Jesus that loses saltiness, has lost the Gospel message of Jesus free act of suffering, death and resurrection. God sent Jesus into this world to save this world, and this world contains you and me. On the cross Jesus took upon all the sin of men and not only forgave our sin but died in our sin. And when Jesus stated that it was finished, He meant just that. The power of sin is finally defeated. But, you say, why do we still have sin, death and destruction? Notice the words the power of sin… the power of sin is death. As God gives us the faith to believe in what Jesus has done, the power of death is gone. God claims us as His own children and even though we die to this world, death is not final. Jesus will come again to raise us up to live with Him forever in eternity in a new world, in a new body, with the awesome Spirit of God.

So… if a disciple has lost their saltiness, has lost the Gospel message; that disciple is of no use anymore. If we lost the Gospel of Love by blessing violence and hate; it’s true, we disciples have lost our saltiness.

So… now what? Turn! Point away from yourself! Point to Jesus! He’s God the author of life here and into eternity.

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