Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 10th Reflection - Let us pray... - by Bill Lynch

Matthew 14:22-33
 Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, but by this time the boat, battered by the waves, was far from the land, for the wind was against them. And early in the morning he came walking towards them on the lake. But when the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified, saying, ‘It is a ghost!’ And they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, ‘Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.’

 Peter answered him, ‘Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.’ He said, ‘Come.’ So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came towards Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, ‘You of little faith, why did you doubt?’ When they got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshipped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’

It seems all Children of God love to pray. In one form or another we pray. Jesus went up on the mountain to pray. I've done this myself. I remember hiking by myself on a trail all alone with no other hikers present. Oh how the thoughts and prayers come to you when you can hear your breathing and feel your own heartbeat. There is the feeling that it's just you and God. At least this was my experience. Then I sat on a fallen tree trunk to rest. Yes, I prayed. I prayed to God and not to nature. Yet nature and the trees and the small animals and even the insects also seemed to me to be joining me in prayer to God as I sat on that fallen tree trunk.

I've heard a term in the past about the "thin" places where we encounter God. This was one of those moments of the "thin" place. A place where I felt close to God for some reason beyond myself. Just as the quiet sound of the wind in the trees, the birds, the small animals and a crackle of something in the twigs of the forest surrounding me. Myself and nature in that "thin" place with God. Upon my return I felt refreshed and renewed but ready to return to the action of the valley and the city and the family and the routine of life. Yes, I think all Children of God love to pray.

But Jesus commands us to get into that boat. Jesus commands us to get in and go out to sea while he goes to the mountain to pray. Why? Why do I have to get into this boat without you Jesus? Why? I want you to be with me! I want to go to the mountain and pray with you! Why make me get into this boat and go out on the water away from you? Why, Jesus, why?!

This past week was a time of prayer for myself as well. But this type of prayer was not the "mountain" type of prayer. This type of prayer was the prayer from the boat battered by the waves far from the land. I've been to the "mountain" type of prayers many time and to the "battered boat" type of prayers many times as well. This past week as has happened several... really many times since the doctors have discovered that I have Crohn's disease was from the wave battered boat. A prayer of doubt and fear...a prayer of silence and waiting... a prayer of separation from Jesus. A prayer that cries out in fear and pain, wondering if I am all alone in this life. What's the purpose of this type of living? Why must I go through this? Why do I doubt myself and God all at once? What worth could I ever have in this state of being? A cry that longs for the sight of the Savior walking on that water approaching my little boat battered by the waves of doubt and fear and pain and loneliness. That period of waiting and looking and not seeing anything at all from my little boat. Have I been left to drown in my despair? All, still a prayer though. Yes, I think all Children of God love to pray.

And then Jesus comes. Yes, slowly he comes. Jesus comes without fear and confident that all will be just fine. Jesus comes through the slow healing and recovery. Jesus comes in the words of a book recommended almost a year ago by a friend and pastor. Jesus comes as I recover and feel good enough and my sight is clear enough that I can read the Bible. Jesus comes as I begin to write these reflections once again. Jesus comes to me in the sound and the presence of people who care enough to help me along and guide me when I'm down. Jesus comes in the hand of one reaching out to me telling me to leave that battered boat and walk on the water of faith reaching out to my Savior. Yes, I think all Children of God love to pray.

We pray from the mountains to the valleys to the midst of the storms on the sea. We pray in the hope of a Savior who has not left us behind but has joined us in life as one of us. We pray to a God that loves us so much that God comes to us as we are in flesh and blood and in spirit to lead us back to him. We pray to Jesus who is born and lives and heals and comforts and forgives and dies upon that cross for our sin. We pray to a God that would have Jesus rise from the dead to lead all of God's Children to heaven with him in eternity. We pray a resurrection prayer of new life when Jesus will come again to make us and all creation as God intended for it to be right from the beginning. We pray in hope. Yes, I think all Children of God love to pray... and why not?

See the Saviors hand reaching out... hear the teaching on the mountain... see the Light of the world shining brightly at the transfiguration... look at the empty tomb... eat the breakfast of fish with Jesus... receive the bread and the wine of Jesus body and blood in amazement... feel the water on your feet as the Savior washes... notice the life-giving water of baptism on your head... feel the grit of the cross of ashes on your forehead... observe the texture of the oil of the cross on your head at baptism... see the Light of Christ shine brightly in the darkness of the Easter Vigil or on Christmas Eve... see Jesus in the eyes of the prisoner, the ill, the homeless, the least...

We pray in hope. Yes, I think all Children of God love to pray... and why not?

Thanks be to God!

"Just Reach Out Your Hand To Jesus" by Larry Jackson. Performed by REMNANT

Lord, as I reach out for your hand upon the sea and on the mountain top I look to you and see your face shining brightly upon me. I see the faces of all people looking to your hand and into your face as you graciously and freely and lovingly offer salvation to all... today... tomorrow... and forever. --- Amen

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