Friday, September 16, 2022

Face the Facts

 Let's face facts. I cannot be my own savior. 

Am I casual about my soul? Do I really mean it when I profess Christianity? Do I really go at it like it's life or death? 

I tend to work harder at earthly goals than I do on my discipleship of Jesus. I talk more about ham radio, morse code, football,  this and that and the other than I do about following Jesus. Does my life with Jesus show up in daily conversation and daily living? Can people tell that I follow Jesus?

Do I plan my earthly future more than I plan for a heavenly future with God? Do I consider home to be with God or do I consider home to be with family here on earth?

Am I child of earth or heaven? Do I claim being a child of God? Even on Monday?

Do I immerse myself in this world and let heaven go by the way?

Let's face facts. I need forgiveness and salvation from God.

But God has made me a steward. I may be a steward of a pig sty, but non the less God has made me a steward. I'm not the owner. God is the owner of my life. I'm only the steward of what God has already given me.

And every day I must think back and account for my use of the gifts of what God has given me. I'm a steward with wonderful gifts given straight from God. How great is that?

I handle this world's gifts as a steward, as a caretaker and I deal directly with the God who made me and loves me to death so to speak.

I am free to live my life as a steward in the light and the sight of eternity. God frees me to live not for this world but in this world with my sights set on eternity with God. Eternity now and forever. Eternity here and there.

You see, little things matter. In the eyes of God, greatness is not size. Greatness is like intensity. Greatness is to work as a disciple of Jesus, full steam ahead with all the passion I can gather.

The cross was a small thing in comparison to the greatness of the act of love that Jesus took upon it. Jesus was intense in the gift of grace to all people.

When I think of earthly wealth it pales in comparison to what Jesus did for all people upon that teeny tiny cross. 

Wealth is in Jesus righteousness... not any earthly endeavor of my own.

But there is a choice here and now. I can't walk both east and west. I need to choose. Am I following Jesus or myself?

Will I choose to develop my life here in this earthly home? Or will I choose something else?

I choose Jesus. I choose to live with the ONE God.

In this choice, may I work as hard to follow Jesus as his disciple as I would work to save my own skin in this world. The Dishonest Manager account in Luke 16 reminds me of the passion that can be taken to save skin in this earthly place. That guy was out to make a way for himself when his life was about to change drastically. He went about saving his own skin with great passion! He was intense. Read the account for yourself... Luke 16:1-15.

So, for me, my real treasure is not earthly. My real treasure comes from my love for Jesus... here in this earth... but more so.... in paradise forever.

Sure... I'm still going to stumble along on this earth and pull some really boneheaded mistakes in the eyes of God. But my passion, my love and my following is as a disciple of Jesus.

But it will be OK. All because Jesus loves me enough to make me his steward here and now and forever with him.

So how about you?

For me? All thanks to God in Christ Jesus!

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