Friday, October 07, 2022

Return in Faith and Believe


Ten lepers... all healed. Jesus sees them and loves them and has compassion on them. Jesus commands them to show themselves to the priests... but along the way... healing occurs. One of the lepers is a Samaritan, kind of a double outcast, not only is he a leper, he is spurned by Jews. 

The Samaritan didn't even get to the priest, he turned back to Jesus. I suppose the other nine strictly followed Jesus' command to show themselves to the priest.

I can identify with the Samaritan and the other nine. If Jesus commanded me to go to the priest... I go!

Also, I can identify with the Samaritan. I think I identify with the Samaritan even more. I'm a diseased outcast myself. I see Jesus... Jesus sees me and loves me. Jesus has compassion towards me and heals me. Jesus heals me in a much deeper means than from leprosy and disease to body. Jesus heals me eternally. Jesus heals my soul with his love. 

As I journey through life, as my body rots and decays and becomes diseased; I notice a healing taking place. A deep healing... from the inside out. And the healing is from the love and compassion Jesus has already shown to me, without my even making it to the priest.

Jesus loved me so deeply that he suffered and died and rose again, all for my disease and death that I am going towards in this life. Jesus loved me to death... his death and my death. 

Just as in my baptismal waters... while going under the water... I died to myself. Even as an infant... I died in my sin to rise again to a new life in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. A new life free to me as a loving gift. I do nothing for this gift of love from God.

And Jesus returns to me in body and spirit each and every time I follow his command and partake of his body and blood in with and under the bread and the wine of communion. Jesus comes to me... both in my body through the bread and the wine and in my spirit through his body and blood. I take Jesus in and he is part of me, healing me for a future resurrection even after Jesus own resurrection and promise to return for me, for you, and for all who have faith and believe in Jesus.

I'm a sinful, separated leper for sure. But along the way Jesus has loved me and saved me and healed me in a much deeper sense than this rotting flesh of mine reveals. I certainly do not deserve this gift of healing on my own accord.

My response? Thanks be to God! 

Jesus didn't ask to be thanked or worshipped --- but, I think, myself and the rejected Samaritan leper, witnessed Jesus' deep love and compassion... and we return to Jesus with a thankful heart to worship Jesus. To love Jesus, to be a disciple of Jesus. To follow Jesus.

Jesus is my savior and your savior as well. Jesus saves you from sin, death and  the devil. He has done all that needs to be done to give you life, here today, tomorrow and forever! Return in faith and believe. My only response.

Thanks be to God!

(Painting by Melani Pyke)

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