Saturday, January 28, 2023



Please take a few minutes with me as I reflect on this week's research and reflection on: Matthew 5:1-12 (see link below for passage)

This week seemed to bring forth a more direct approach to the scripture for me. Kind of like a Disciples Code of Conduct. A few thoughts before I dig into what I read and reflected upon are appropriate.

God is a saving God. So much so that I stand in fear of him. I know for certain that I am not deserving of salvation. Sins that I have done and things that I have left undone convict me to die in my sin. 

However, I read in the New Testament, and see examples in the Old Testament, how God chooses people to act out his will in this world of sin and sinful people. God, over and over again demonstrates how he is the source of life. That source of life is brought into creation and fulfilled in creation through the actions of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 5:1-12 is referred to as the Beatitudes, or also The Sermon on the Mount. These are the words of Jesus teaching his disciples. Some liken these comments with a "New" law from the mount. Jesus seems to be giving, what may seem to be, "New Commandments." It seems to me that these short statements are more like examples of how Jesus lives his life and how we follow our teacher.

God does not give up on us. With this love shown, his disciples respond to God's call to do his will in his way. 

I will always fail in my attempt to act out all of these new commands. But Jesus does that for me. My response is a constant, daily, turning to Jesus to be forgiven and freed to live my life as his disciple day after day, knowing that only through Jesus perfect life will I be brought into the Kingdom of God to live with him forever. 

So, daily, I turn my interests and desires to join God in working for justice. I expect my discipleship to be hard. In thinking of the Kingdom of God, I know that the way is tough to establish what will happen as heaven is established on earth. 

The rule of heaven will right what is wrong and bring justice. Being a disciple of Jesus will not be easy. A disciple has much serious work to do. Work not to earn "brownie" points or even work to achieve credit with Jesus, but work as a response to what God calls each disciple to do as God turns us to focus on the Now and the Future with him in eternity. It is Jesus that faithfully fulfills all of the Beatitudes.

As we pray in the Lord's Prayer, They will be done, I know that God's will will be done, but I ask that God's will be done in and through me (Luthers' Explanation). As a disciple I turn my interests to the desires of God in his Kingdom.

So now I take a moment to reflect on what I have heard this week as I ponder the jets of Light sparkling and streaming from Jesus as he sat to teach his disciples on the mount.

+Poor in Spirit+

Remember I depend on God for all life! I am poor and need to be real about myself. So, fear and trust in God.


Accept sorrow. The darkness will reveal the Light of Jesus. Share my pain and share in the pain of another. And mourn for my sins and the sins of others. We all need to turn and face God.


Be overcome by the greatness of God. God is God, I'm not, nor ever can be. I am meek in God's presence, I am humble and reverent before God my Creator, Saviour and Redeemer. I am overjoyed to walk in the shadow of Jesus.

+Hunger and Thirst+

Thirst for righteousness. Righteousness only through what Jesus has done for all people. I thirst for righteousness in myself and the world. I hunger for Christ, day after day.


This is not a sentiment. Mercy is a call to action. Mercy is a deed to be done. Get to it with all those God gives to me each day. Be merciful.

+Pure in Heart+

I seek to see God with my whole body and soul. I look for God all around me. God is always closer than you think, so look for God. Look, see. listen and respond in love.


Seek reconciliation with God and neighbor. Be one again with God and those we live with. Turn my mind to see God's love for all people.


Expect to be persecuted. Jesus had a cross and I have a cross. Expect persecution. The outcome of Christ's way of life is to be home with God. I need to expect to die with Jesus. And wonderfully as well I expect to rise again with Christ to be with God in eternity.

At the end of each of these statements Jesus declared blessings. As a called disciple of Jesus, walking in the will of God in my life, Jesus blesses. Blesses his disciples in these statements that appear to be opposites of worldly standards.

Thanks for this discipleship "Code of Conduct," so to speak. Ways to actively live life with God and with neighbor.

Thanks be to God for being chosen by God in my Baptism, anointed with the Holy Spirit and called to action in the ways of Jesus, my Saviour, my King, my God, today... tomorrow... and forever. Amen

Saturday, January 21, 2023


Rest a while and ponder with me if you care to.

Matthew 4:12-25

I can't help but to think of John the Baptist, first and foremost, in this passage. Arrested, in prison. John had witnessed the Holy Spirit descend upon Jesus as John baptized Jesus. John had seen a new beginning. John's calling complete, in a way. Yet he sees the Light. In the darkness and depression of prison, John sees the Light of God. God in Jesus through the Holy Spirit beginning something new. Jesus beginning a ministry that would change everything. God present in flesh to save mankind.

How John must have seen in the darkness a Light that would bring great joy, not only to himself but to all who believe that God will rescue his people from sin, death and the evil forces of this world that imprison each of us. 

I'm sure, you like me have been imprisoned by something in life. Perhaps addiction, gluttony, sexual desires, gossip, theft, murder, jealousy, on and on I could go; but I'm sure all are guilty of some sin that has put us in that dark place of sin, death and evil. It's nothing new in this place that we live.

When we dwell in the dark times and that Light shines through the bars of our sin, the Kingdom is near. God's Kingdom has come, is here and will be fulfilled, in the end of it all. We can rest assured. God's Kingdom is with us in our dark times.

Oh, how I need the dark times. I need the dark times to come to the end of myself. I realize that God reigns in his Kingdom with me when I submit to God's will and give up on myself being my own god. I cannot save myself. So here I sit in the darkest times of life. In these dark times I begin to hear again and again my confirmation verse coming through in life... Psalm 27:1 - The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

In the midst of John the Baptist's prison darkness, Jesus begins his ministry. Jesus begins his ministry with the same cry that the Baptist cried from the wilderness. "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." 

Jesus cry strikes me a bit differently. Repent! Jesus is here! The Holy Spirit has descended upon the flesh of man in Jesus and is about to begin something wonderfully awesome for all the people of this earth, you and me included. The Spirit is shining through Jesus for you and for me. A great Light is here! Repent, Jesus says. Turn to new life. See the Light in the midst of your prison cell. There is new life in Jesus love and grace. See the Light... Hear his Voice... Sense the Spirit of God making a new creation in you and me.

Out of my dark prison, Jesus issues a call. Wait a minute! Jesus issues a command! Jesus issues a command to follow him. This is not a choice! This is a command. A command that causes disciples to immediately follow. Come out of that dark prison to the Light of Christ and follow! Now!

But how? Through the power of the Gospel of God. Power that can bend the bars of prison cells, or break them apart to release each of us toward the great Light of what God does for all people. Jesus sets us free to be his disciples.

Jesus call is a word contact flesh to flesh. Jesus calls the average people. Jesus calls individuals, not copies of a bunch of goody two shoes, but real individual people of different characteristics and various walks of life. Jesus calls the enthusiastic, who are alive and excited to follow him. Jesus calls the reverent who pray in full compassion for God's people in all the situations of life that need Jesus healing touch to free them from their own prison cells of life.

When we see "stuff" like common occupations, fishermen, maintenance workers, servers, garbage collectors, accountants, doctors, healthcare workers, production workers, managers, pastors, priests... Jesus sees brothers and sisters, Jesus sees disciples. Even when we look at a well of water, Jesus sees living water. When we see the harvest of crops, Jesus see a human harvest of souls to save for all eternity. When we see "stuff" Jesus sees love, compassion and grace, for his sisters and brothers in the flesh.

As Jesus calls you and me to be his disciple; we are not called to be scholars of scripture. Rather we are called to be heralds of God's Kingdom of grace that has saved us from our own very unique prison of sin and death and the evil of this world, so that we may scream with great enthusiasm what God has done for us through the healing from the Light of God into our prison. 

Or perhaps we are heralds of steady prayer and understanding to those still in the prisons of sin, death and the devil, to listen, pray, comfort, feed. clothe, and follow the example that Jesus has called us to act out, shining Jesus Light into this dark world. 

All along knowing that Jesus came in flesh as God with the Holy Spirit to live, heal, suffer, die and rise again, as he defeats the death that our prisons would surely cause without his action in our lives.

So, sing it out. God has shown you the Light of Jesus and called you to be a disciple of Jesus in the Kingdom of God. 

You have been released from your own prison. You are called. You are commanded to follow. You are saved by God. You are God's most loved and adored person. Believe it! Act like it!

Daily... Repent... For the Kingdom of God has come near to draw you from your darkness... to God's Light... to eternal Joy with your creator.

"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?"

Thanks be to God... today... tomorrow... and forever!

Friday, January 13, 2023

Who is this?

Relax for a few minutes please... reflect with me...
Reflection --- John 1:29-42
Who is this man, John? Who is this man that you baptized? Who is this that the Holy Spirit descended upon in your baptism?
First off, the focus of baptism is not the action of man. In baptism we are not witnessing a great action of a man. Baptism changed with Jesus. John called the people to confess their sinfulness and be cleansed of their sin by baptism. But with the baptism of Jesus, baptism changed. It was no longer about me taking care of my sin. I will always fail if I think that I can cleanse myself of my sin. I may think that I can be a good boy from now on and God will then like me again and take care of me and take me to heaven. But, it doesn't work like that. It never did work like that.
Even as Adam and Eve tried to get closer to God by believing the tricks of Satan, God was watching out for them and you and me. So, God kicked them out of the garden. He had to. God had to kick them out, and you and me out as well. We would have made the error of thinking that more of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would make us closer to God and we would be like God by our own action. If this would take place, we would be forever in our own sin. So, God kicks us out! Kicks us out to save us from ourselves. God loves his creation and us.
God kicks us out and then... and then... along in time comes Jesus at his baptism. At Jesus baptism God sends his Spirit upon Jesus. Jesus baptism is God active.
John the Baptist saw the heavens open, he heard the voice of God and he saw the Spirit descend on Jesus. This was God's action. And time for John to step away. Jesus steps in. God steps in.
So, the next day, John sees Jesus and now can proclaim, "Here is Jesus the Messiah, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."
Jesus has come to forgive all of us and cleanse us from all of our unrighteousness that we inherited from that sinful action of Man attempting to be close to God through his own efforts in the Garden of Eden. And for our own actions of trying to be the god of our own life as well.
When I was born, I was born with an infection. An infection passed on to me since the Garden of Eden. I was born infected with sin. So now, as John says, "Look the Lamb of God."
God gave me a Sacrificial Lamb and a Passover Lamb. One to take on my sin and another lamb to feed me for my journey of life. That Lamb is Jesus. Jesus remembers Mans sinful infection, and comes to remove that infection so that we may be in communion with God. In communion with God like Adam and Eve would have loved, but now, in communion with God because of what God does... not because of what Man does.
In baptism in the Church today, we speak of it being a sacrament. The central figure in a sacrament is not Man, but the central figure is God. It is God's action that makes baptism a sacrament. Baptism does not depend on my action or the action of someone else. It is God's action that counts. In baptism, God accepts us. Baptism is not about me or you accepting God.
So now what? How do we find Jesus?
Look back at the passage above. One way is to listen to the voice of John the Baptist. He directs the first two disciples to Jesus and declares Jesus the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. And then there are those people that Jesus hunts down ruthlessly until they come to recognize him as the Messiah, the Savior, their Savior!
Listen to Jesus... he tells us to come and see. Come and see the Messiah and what he does for you and for me. So, having Jesus... once again... Now what?
Just as at Jesus baptism, things have changed. God puts a new Spirit within us. Baptism is not about us becoming new again due to what we have done. God does it all. God brings us back to him. He removes the fever of our sinful being and draws us back to him out of sin and death.
I know that Jesus takes away my sin... but how many sins has Jesus taken away from me? Jesus loved me and gave himself for me! How hard that must be! And... how grateful I am for God sending his Son into the world that I may be in communion with him, in communion, not of my own doing, but of God's action in my life.
So, like John the Baptist, I respond. I respond humbly in the presence of Jesus and proclaim. Come and see! Come and see what's happened in my life. Come and see Jesus. Stay with me, remain with me and see and hear Jesus gift of salvation for all people.
I can't be content with my own salvation, while those around me perish in the storm of life. That would be so selfish of me! I have been called by God, given the Spirit of God to proclaim Christ. To reveal to all the people God gives to me the Gospel of Jesus action of saving all people by putting our sin to death upon the cross, by dying in our sin, and by raising again, defeating sin forever.
It really is all about God's action. No action on my part would do.
Friends, trust God, be happy and tell the Good News that God has been revealed in Christ, that we may live in the communion and love of God, like God would have had it all along. Believe it and live in communion... today... tomorrow... and forever.
Thanks be to God!

Saturday, January 07, 2023




Matthew 3:13-17

Let's deal with baptism a little bit here. I certainly fall short in my explanation, but God certainly opens eyes and ears to visions and voices.

A few things jumped out to me in this passage. But first a little background is helpful to understand. This is a passage about Jesus ministry... the beginning of his ministry. Jewish priests were consecrated. Kind of like an ordination into ministry. But what trips us up is that John the Baptist was calling for a baptism of repentance. Repent from you sin and turn around. It's accepted by Christians that Jesus was sinless. So what gives? I'll get to that in a bit.

So the consecration of a priest was threefold. The priest was washed, anointed and sealed. That's what happened here also with Jesus. He was washed in the waters of the Jordan, anointed with the heavens opening to him, and sealed with God the Father's voice announcing Jesus as his Son.

It strikes me that Jesus rises out of what I will call the chaotic waters of sin. John the Baptist call was to repentance. I certainly need repentance. Jesus steps into the very messed up water of my sin to be baptized in a new way. These chaotic waters take my memory back to Genesis, where God hovered over the chaotic water and created life that was open to God's heavenly realm of paradise all with God's voice and Word.

And then... mans sinful self attempted to have the knowledge of God. Perhaps to be his own god. Sin enters...

And then... and then there is the Dove. I think back on the dove that Noah released after the flood. A flood brought on by man's sin in this world. But here, in Jesus baptism is the dove in a different respect. A dove appears to demonstrate the deliverance from sin by God for all creation. 

Now Jesus was sinless. So what gives? Well, at this point in Jesus life, he was leaving home to take up the cross or maybe better stated his calling. God was turning this repentance baptism of John the Baptist into an ordination of Jesus for ministry. Today for me and for you, as we are baptized this same thing occurs.

Jesus left home to take up the cross and to take upon himself, in this baptism, the common sin of all men. In Jesus baptism, he shared my shame and pain in my sin in order to redeem and save me.

Now this baptism has become both corporate and personal. In the baptismal waters, this earthly water and element of God's creation, we are drowned in our sin to be pulled up out of the chaotic waters of sinful man to a new life with promise and hope and a calling to be God's very own child. We are declared by a voice from God to be baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. We are a new child free from sin and death yet sill in the presence of sin and death. My sin and your sin still happen but are no longer the point of it all. 

We are free to act boldly and to follow Jesus to begin what God has called us to do in his kingdom with the passion only God can give to us, to be ministers, priests, servants, and disciples; to voice and flesh out the Gospel message to all the people God gives to us each day. All so that each person can see what God has done in taking on sin, death and the devil to defeat once and for all in the resurrection of Jesus. And we need to do nothing for it all. Jesus has done it all.

Believe it. Accept it and run in joy from your baptism to a new beginning and a new life and a fulfilling ministry to life in God. In the baptism God freely gives, we are free to run and play and roll in the grass with the angels. 

So rejoice in this passage of the Bible. Jesus died to sin once and for all and Jesus likewise rose for all of us to grant eternal life with God.

It's a good day to celebrate and be baptized!

Thanks be to God! Today... tomorrow... and forever!

Friday, January 06, 2023

The Journey



Matthew 2:1-12

I think of a journey. A journey by some important and wise and very knowledgeable people. I, though not very knowledgeable, but willing and anxious to follow, go along on a journey of my own.

I follow Gentiles that are going to pay homage to a king. A new king in Jesus. Gentiles sent by a ruthless, murdering ruler of the area named Herod. Perhaps and maybe likely, there are murderers with us as we journey. Murderers with the job to kill the new king, so I have to watch out for myself.

Where are we heading? Well we really don't know. All I can do is follow along, trusting the knowledge of these so called Wisemen. The Wisemen knew the story of Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy. So they had some information to go by in this journey. They were told by Jewish Chief Priests and Scribes about a star and about Bethlehem. So off we go, towards Bethlehem following a star. We follow the Light.

These Wisemen are no dummies either. They know the plot of Herod, to kill this new king. Perhaps some of the gifts that they carry are more than gifts to honor the new king in worship. Perhaps these gifts are to finance an escape trip for the family of this new king into Egypt. Not only could we worship the new king, but we could also save the king.

As we continue our journey a change takes place. A change takes place in me and in the Wisemen and in all the world. This is not a journey towards safety for me and a place in the kingdom of the new king. It turns. It turns around into something else. 

As I follow the Light of the Star on my journey, I begin to sense that Jesus is bringing me from a far away place. Jesus walks with me and takes me into a place with him. A place of worship and honor and glory. 

But, for now, let's go back to the party of travelers that I'm with. Our purpose has a few issues that we need to address. You see, Herod has an issue with this new king. The Jewish leaders of the day gather against the new king. Plan's are made in secret. And the death of this new king is sought. A new king, upsets the rule and order of not only the government but also the religious order of the day. This new king must be stopped right away.

Time tells of a huge contrast in motives between these kings of the day. Herod is magnificent, energetic, powerful and a crafty murderer. This new king, Jesus, born in a manger as a helpless baby, would rule in compassion and truth. Two kings that were totally different. One king of this world and all the evil it brings and the other king sent into this evil world to bring salvation and life to all flesh. This, Jesus king, arrives and seems so weak, yet well... he is divine.

A bright light announces the coming of king Jesus. The Light of God's glory has dawned upon his creation. Jesus is a Light and King sent to deliver all flesh and to save God's people from sin, death and the devil. Sent to bring everlasting life to all who believe. So, we have a king sent to grant access to God through faith in Jesus.

We journey towards Bethlehem, known as the "House of Bread." A village in the grainfields with a much deeper meaning that just bread to sustain life. We, journey as a group of Gentiles towards a new life.

As our party arrives, it dawns on me in this present age in which I live, that I gather to worship and rejoice with all the Christmas hymns, the joy, the celebration, the gifts and all to realize that as I look upon this baby Jesus, I also see Jesus mocked at the cross. The secret plots and plans to kill King Jesus are carried out in fullness.  I see Jesus in the darkness at his death. I see my Christmas rejoicing turn to Good Friday mourning of the death of the king, I too crucified in my sin.

In my journey to Bethlehem, as the Light leads me onward in life, I walk in the Light to a place beyond the star. I walk in the Light to a place beyond myself. As I look to the star from my place on this planet, I look up and out into the cold of space at this bright star. Stars from beneath seem cold. Yet stars from above, from the love of God looking down on me provide a life giving sacrifice in my place. From above is the warmth of the love of God. From beneath is the coldness of my sinfulness.

As I realize my journey proceeds on to a journey beyond myself. A journey towards a God and Saviour that will meet my biggest need. My biggest need isn't health or wealth or food or anything this world can give. My biggest need in this journey in the presence of the Light, is salvation.

So, I journey in the Light... today... tomorrow... and forever. A journey open to all who believe. I journey in thanksgiving for all this  King gives. As I journey I strive to bring my best to the One Life, the One Truth, the One Salvation.

Walk your own journey in the Light, to the Light and the warmth and love of God's true gift of a new King and new Life in and through him.

Thanks be to God!