Friday, January 06, 2023

The Journey



Matthew 2:1-12

I think of a journey. A journey by some important and wise and very knowledgeable people. I, though not very knowledgeable, but willing and anxious to follow, go along on a journey of my own.

I follow Gentiles that are going to pay homage to a king. A new king in Jesus. Gentiles sent by a ruthless, murdering ruler of the area named Herod. Perhaps and maybe likely, there are murderers with us as we journey. Murderers with the job to kill the new king, so I have to watch out for myself.

Where are we heading? Well we really don't know. All I can do is follow along, trusting the knowledge of these so called Wisemen. The Wisemen knew the story of Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy. So they had some information to go by in this journey. They were told by Jewish Chief Priests and Scribes about a star and about Bethlehem. So off we go, towards Bethlehem following a star. We follow the Light.

These Wisemen are no dummies either. They know the plot of Herod, to kill this new king. Perhaps some of the gifts that they carry are more than gifts to honor the new king in worship. Perhaps these gifts are to finance an escape trip for the family of this new king into Egypt. Not only could we worship the new king, but we could also save the king.

As we continue our journey a change takes place. A change takes place in me and in the Wisemen and in all the world. This is not a journey towards safety for me and a place in the kingdom of the new king. It turns. It turns around into something else. 

As I follow the Light of the Star on my journey, I begin to sense that Jesus is bringing me from a far away place. Jesus walks with me and takes me into a place with him. A place of worship and honor and glory. 

But, for now, let's go back to the party of travelers that I'm with. Our purpose has a few issues that we need to address. You see, Herod has an issue with this new king. The Jewish leaders of the day gather against the new king. Plan's are made in secret. And the death of this new king is sought. A new king, upsets the rule and order of not only the government but also the religious order of the day. This new king must be stopped right away.

Time tells of a huge contrast in motives between these kings of the day. Herod is magnificent, energetic, powerful and a crafty murderer. This new king, Jesus, born in a manger as a helpless baby, would rule in compassion and truth. Two kings that were totally different. One king of this world and all the evil it brings and the other king sent into this evil world to bring salvation and life to all flesh. This, Jesus king, arrives and seems so weak, yet well... he is divine.

A bright light announces the coming of king Jesus. The Light of God's glory has dawned upon his creation. Jesus is a Light and King sent to deliver all flesh and to save God's people from sin, death and the devil. Sent to bring everlasting life to all who believe. So, we have a king sent to grant access to God through faith in Jesus.

We journey towards Bethlehem, known as the "House of Bread." A village in the grainfields with a much deeper meaning that just bread to sustain life. We, journey as a group of Gentiles towards a new life.

As our party arrives, it dawns on me in this present age in which I live, that I gather to worship and rejoice with all the Christmas hymns, the joy, the celebration, the gifts and all to realize that as I look upon this baby Jesus, I also see Jesus mocked at the cross. The secret plots and plans to kill King Jesus are carried out in fullness.  I see Jesus in the darkness at his death. I see my Christmas rejoicing turn to Good Friday mourning of the death of the king, I too crucified in my sin.

In my journey to Bethlehem, as the Light leads me onward in life, I walk in the Light to a place beyond the star. I walk in the Light to a place beyond myself. As I look to the star from my place on this planet, I look up and out into the cold of space at this bright star. Stars from beneath seem cold. Yet stars from above, from the love of God looking down on me provide a life giving sacrifice in my place. From above is the warmth of the love of God. From beneath is the coldness of my sinfulness.

As I realize my journey proceeds on to a journey beyond myself. A journey towards a God and Saviour that will meet my biggest need. My biggest need isn't health or wealth or food or anything this world can give. My biggest need in this journey in the presence of the Light, is salvation.

So, I journey in the Light... today... tomorrow... and forever. A journey open to all who believe. I journey in thanksgiving for all this  King gives. As I journey I strive to bring my best to the One Life, the One Truth, the One Salvation.

Walk your own journey in the Light, to the Light and the warmth and love of God's true gift of a new King and new Life in and through him.

Thanks be to God!

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