Saturday, January 28, 2023



Please take a few minutes with me as I reflect on this week's research and reflection on: Matthew 5:1-12 (see link below for passage)

This week seemed to bring forth a more direct approach to the scripture for me. Kind of like a Disciples Code of Conduct. A few thoughts before I dig into what I read and reflected upon are appropriate.

God is a saving God. So much so that I stand in fear of him. I know for certain that I am not deserving of salvation. Sins that I have done and things that I have left undone convict me to die in my sin. 

However, I read in the New Testament, and see examples in the Old Testament, how God chooses people to act out his will in this world of sin and sinful people. God, over and over again demonstrates how he is the source of life. That source of life is brought into creation and fulfilled in creation through the actions of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 5:1-12 is referred to as the Beatitudes, or also The Sermon on the Mount. These are the words of Jesus teaching his disciples. Some liken these comments with a "New" law from the mount. Jesus seems to be giving, what may seem to be, "New Commandments." It seems to me that these short statements are more like examples of how Jesus lives his life and how we follow our teacher.

God does not give up on us. With this love shown, his disciples respond to God's call to do his will in his way. 

I will always fail in my attempt to act out all of these new commands. But Jesus does that for me. My response is a constant, daily, turning to Jesus to be forgiven and freed to live my life as his disciple day after day, knowing that only through Jesus perfect life will I be brought into the Kingdom of God to live with him forever. 

So, daily, I turn my interests and desires to join God in working for justice. I expect my discipleship to be hard. In thinking of the Kingdom of God, I know that the way is tough to establish what will happen as heaven is established on earth. 

The rule of heaven will right what is wrong and bring justice. Being a disciple of Jesus will not be easy. A disciple has much serious work to do. Work not to earn "brownie" points or even work to achieve credit with Jesus, but work as a response to what God calls each disciple to do as God turns us to focus on the Now and the Future with him in eternity. It is Jesus that faithfully fulfills all of the Beatitudes.

As we pray in the Lord's Prayer, They will be done, I know that God's will will be done, but I ask that God's will be done in and through me (Luthers' Explanation). As a disciple I turn my interests to the desires of God in his Kingdom.

So now I take a moment to reflect on what I have heard this week as I ponder the jets of Light sparkling and streaming from Jesus as he sat to teach his disciples on the mount.

+Poor in Spirit+

Remember I depend on God for all life! I am poor and need to be real about myself. So, fear and trust in God.


Accept sorrow. The darkness will reveal the Light of Jesus. Share my pain and share in the pain of another. And mourn for my sins and the sins of others. We all need to turn and face God.


Be overcome by the greatness of God. God is God, I'm not, nor ever can be. I am meek in God's presence, I am humble and reverent before God my Creator, Saviour and Redeemer. I am overjoyed to walk in the shadow of Jesus.

+Hunger and Thirst+

Thirst for righteousness. Righteousness only through what Jesus has done for all people. I thirst for righteousness in myself and the world. I hunger for Christ, day after day.


This is not a sentiment. Mercy is a call to action. Mercy is a deed to be done. Get to it with all those God gives to me each day. Be merciful.

+Pure in Heart+

I seek to see God with my whole body and soul. I look for God all around me. God is always closer than you think, so look for God. Look, see. listen and respond in love.


Seek reconciliation with God and neighbor. Be one again with God and those we live with. Turn my mind to see God's love for all people.


Expect to be persecuted. Jesus had a cross and I have a cross. Expect persecution. The outcome of Christ's way of life is to be home with God. I need to expect to die with Jesus. And wonderfully as well I expect to rise again with Christ to be with God in eternity.

At the end of each of these statements Jesus declared blessings. As a called disciple of Jesus, walking in the will of God in my life, Jesus blesses. Blesses his disciples in these statements that appear to be opposites of worldly standards.

Thanks for this discipleship "Code of Conduct," so to speak. Ways to actively live life with God and with neighbor.

Thanks be to God for being chosen by God in my Baptism, anointed with the Holy Spirit and called to action in the ways of Jesus, my Saviour, my King, my God, today... tomorrow... and forever. Amen

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