Saturday, January 21, 2023


Rest a while and ponder with me if you care to.

Matthew 4:12-25

I can't help but to think of John the Baptist, first and foremost, in this passage. Arrested, in prison. John had witnessed the Holy Spirit descend upon Jesus as John baptized Jesus. John had seen a new beginning. John's calling complete, in a way. Yet he sees the Light. In the darkness and depression of prison, John sees the Light of God. God in Jesus through the Holy Spirit beginning something new. Jesus beginning a ministry that would change everything. God present in flesh to save mankind.

How John must have seen in the darkness a Light that would bring great joy, not only to himself but to all who believe that God will rescue his people from sin, death and the evil forces of this world that imprison each of us. 

I'm sure, you like me have been imprisoned by something in life. Perhaps addiction, gluttony, sexual desires, gossip, theft, murder, jealousy, on and on I could go; but I'm sure all are guilty of some sin that has put us in that dark place of sin, death and evil. It's nothing new in this place that we live.

When we dwell in the dark times and that Light shines through the bars of our sin, the Kingdom is near. God's Kingdom has come, is here and will be fulfilled, in the end of it all. We can rest assured. God's Kingdom is with us in our dark times.

Oh, how I need the dark times. I need the dark times to come to the end of myself. I realize that God reigns in his Kingdom with me when I submit to God's will and give up on myself being my own god. I cannot save myself. So here I sit in the darkest times of life. In these dark times I begin to hear again and again my confirmation verse coming through in life... Psalm 27:1 - The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

In the midst of John the Baptist's prison darkness, Jesus begins his ministry. Jesus begins his ministry with the same cry that the Baptist cried from the wilderness. "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." 

Jesus cry strikes me a bit differently. Repent! Jesus is here! The Holy Spirit has descended upon the flesh of man in Jesus and is about to begin something wonderfully awesome for all the people of this earth, you and me included. The Spirit is shining through Jesus for you and for me. A great Light is here! Repent, Jesus says. Turn to new life. See the Light in the midst of your prison cell. There is new life in Jesus love and grace. See the Light... Hear his Voice... Sense the Spirit of God making a new creation in you and me.

Out of my dark prison, Jesus issues a call. Wait a minute! Jesus issues a command! Jesus issues a command to follow him. This is not a choice! This is a command. A command that causes disciples to immediately follow. Come out of that dark prison to the Light of Christ and follow! Now!

But how? Through the power of the Gospel of God. Power that can bend the bars of prison cells, or break them apart to release each of us toward the great Light of what God does for all people. Jesus sets us free to be his disciples.

Jesus call is a word contact flesh to flesh. Jesus calls the average people. Jesus calls individuals, not copies of a bunch of goody two shoes, but real individual people of different characteristics and various walks of life. Jesus calls the enthusiastic, who are alive and excited to follow him. Jesus calls the reverent who pray in full compassion for God's people in all the situations of life that need Jesus healing touch to free them from their own prison cells of life.

When we see "stuff" like common occupations, fishermen, maintenance workers, servers, garbage collectors, accountants, doctors, healthcare workers, production workers, managers, pastors, priests... Jesus sees brothers and sisters, Jesus sees disciples. Even when we look at a well of water, Jesus sees living water. When we see the harvest of crops, Jesus see a human harvest of souls to save for all eternity. When we see "stuff" Jesus sees love, compassion and grace, for his sisters and brothers in the flesh.

As Jesus calls you and me to be his disciple; we are not called to be scholars of scripture. Rather we are called to be heralds of God's Kingdom of grace that has saved us from our own very unique prison of sin and death and the evil of this world, so that we may scream with great enthusiasm what God has done for us through the healing from the Light of God into our prison. 

Or perhaps we are heralds of steady prayer and understanding to those still in the prisons of sin, death and the devil, to listen, pray, comfort, feed. clothe, and follow the example that Jesus has called us to act out, shining Jesus Light into this dark world. 

All along knowing that Jesus came in flesh as God with the Holy Spirit to live, heal, suffer, die and rise again, as he defeats the death that our prisons would surely cause without his action in our lives.

So, sing it out. God has shown you the Light of Jesus and called you to be a disciple of Jesus in the Kingdom of God. 

You have been released from your own prison. You are called. You are commanded to follow. You are saved by God. You are God's most loved and adored person. Believe it! Act like it!

Daily... Repent... For the Kingdom of God has come near to draw you from your darkness... to God's Light... to eternal Joy with your creator.

"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?"

Thanks be to God... today... tomorrow... and forever!

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