Thursday, March 08, 2012

March 8th Reflection by Bill Lynch

1 Peter 2:4-10 (NRSV)
You are God's own people
Come to him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals yet chosen and precious in God's sight, and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in scripture:
"See, I am laying in Zion a stone,
a cornerstone chosen and precious;
and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame."

To you then who believe, he is precious; but for those who do not believe,
"The stone that the builders rejected
has become the very head of the corner,"
"A stone that makes them stumble,
and a rock that makes them fall."
They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Once you were not a people,
but now you are God's people;
once you had not received mercy,
but now you have received mercy.

Here we consider the corporate aspect of our faith. We are built together, stones though we are, we are brought to life as living stones through the corner stone of our faith in Jesus. As we gather as a church we come alive and begin to imitate Jesus upon whom we are connected.

Lord Jesus, bring us together as your Church that we may do your will in the way only you would have it done... today... tomorrow... and forever. --- Amen

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