Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17th Reflection - Go! - by Bill Lynch

Genesis 12:1-4a
1 Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. 2 I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." 4 So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him.

Reflection - Go!
Notice how this passage starts out with God. God gives Abram a command to "Go." God gives Abram and Sarai a command to pick up and leave. Then the passage continues with God... I will make... I will bless...I will bless... I will curse. God is in the forefront of this passage all over the place. It's not a passage about Abram and Sarai, rather this passage is about a God that loves and cares for the couple to assure them that in the going is the journey. God loves and cares for the couple to assure them that God will be with them as they "Go."

And... Abram and Sarai went! They went because they both had faith in God. And Lot went along as well. God gave a promise and Abram and Sarai believed in that promise and picked up and left.

This is what God calls all of us to do in our lives. God leads us into the future that God has planned for our lives. God promises a future and a relationship that will be eternal and everlasting. As we read in the New Testament the promises of Jesus to be with us always we can be assured, just as Abram, Sarai and Lot were assured, that in our "Going" we will have God to lead us and guide us through the ups and downs and the ins and outs of our life journey. A journey that will take place in physical space here on this earth and in the spiritual realm of our lives. God takes us on a journey into the future... into eternity. And all we do is "Go."

Yes, we have the trust, hope and faith in God that we are bold to "Go." Go into the future of space and spirit with God into eternity. What more could we ever desire?

For the past few months, this has been the song that I wake to each week day. I leave you with this gift as a reminder of what Abram, Sarai and we all do each day. And on top of that... how could I not mention that childhood dream of mine when Jesus came to my front door on Washington St. in Sidney Ohio, with Moses, Elijah and someone else, wanting to know if Billy came come out and play!

Lord, as I hear your promise to Abram and Sarai that a great nation will proceed from them; may I be a part of that nation of people who hear your promise and have the trust, hope and faith in you to "Go" with you wherever you may lead. I "Go" knowing that you will always be there in the ups and downs of the journey and of my life. Lead me as I "Go"... today... tomorrow... and forever. --- Amen

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