Monday, November 08, 2010

November 8th - Reflection

Job 20:1-11 (NRSV)
Mortals fly away like a dream

Then Zophar the Naamathite answered:
"Pay attention! My thoughts urge me to answer,
because of the agitation within me.
I hear censure that insults me,
and a spirit beyond my understanding answers me.
Do you not know this from of old,
ever since mortals were placed on earth,
that the exulting of the wicked is short,
and the joy of the godless is but for a moment?
Even though they mount up high as the heavens,
and their head reaches to the clouds,
they will perish forever like their own dung;
those who have seen them will say, 'Where are they?'
They will fly away like a dream, and not be found;
they will be chased away like a vision of the night.
The eye that saw them will see them no more,
nor will their place behold them any longer.
Their children will seek the favor of the poor,
and their hands will give back their wealth.
Their bodies, once full of youth,
will lie down in the dust with them.

Zophar, agitated and impatient, speaks to Job and incorrectly observes that Job's suffering is bases upon Job's sin. That's not the only case for suffering. The saints suffering may or may not be a result of sin. This opinion creates a twisted vision of God.

God is so much more than a judge just waiting to dole out punishment for sin. So much more and shows this through his love for all people. God, in love, sent his son to live, move, teach, heal, and talk to his people. Jesus came to not only talk, but to take on the sin of the world. Jesus came and took on that sin on that cross. Then, powerfully, Jesus rose again. New life was granted to all who believe and are baptized. New life freely given. God is not an impatient judge, but a loving Father that is willing to wait for his children to grow, learn, and come to him. God the Father, is willing to let us live our lives, yet be with us to guide us. God the Father, loves you and I so much that we have relationhship of flesh and blood with him through Jesus. God the Father, loves you and I so much that he sends the Holy Spirit into our lives to gift, call and guide us through this live.

An impatient God? I think not...just wait and see. Thanks be to God!

Lord, forgive my sin. Teach me, lead me, heal me and save me. For my life is your forever. --- Amen

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