Tuesday, November 09, 2010

November 9th - Reflection

Job 21:1, 17-34 (NRSV)
Poor and rich lie down in the dust

Then Job answered: ...

"How often is the lamp of the wicked put out?
How often does calamity come upon them?
How often does God distribute pains in his anger?
How often are they like straw before the wind,
and like chaff that the storm carries away?
You say, 'God stores up their iniquity for their children.'
Let it be paid back to them, so that they may know it.
Let their own eyes see their destruction,
and let them drink of the wrath of the Almighty.
For what do they care for their household after them,
when the number of their months is cut off?
Will any teach God knowledge,
seeing that he judges those that are on high?
One dies in full prosperity,
being wholly at ease and secure,
his loins full of milk
and the marrow of his bones moist.
Another dies in bitterness of soul,
never having tasted of good.
They lie down alike in the dust,
and the worms cover them.

"Oh, I know your thoughts,
and your schemes to wrong me.
For you say, 'Where is the house of the prince?
Where is the tent in which the wicked lived?'
Have you not asked those who travel the roads,
and do you not accept their testimony,
that the wicked are spared in the day of calamity,
and are rescued in the day of wrath?
Who declares their way to their face,
and who repays them for what they have done?
When they are carried to the grave,
a watch is kept over their tomb.
The clods of the valley are sweet to them;
everyone will follow after,
and those who went before are innumerable.
How then will you comfort me with empty nothings?
There is nothing left of your answers but falsehood."

If you observe simply on the level of the flesh, then we do all go to the same place. If I am good or bad, if I believe or don't believe in God, if I am a disciple or not, the result is dust. But there is a difference not in us but in what Christ has already done. Our curse was to return to dust. And to dust we shall return. But the blessing of Jesus gave new life. Through the resurrection and death to sin, Jesus, as human, brings us to everlasting life in God. Sure, the body to dust, but the spirit lives in Christ. And then that hope of the resurrection, when the body will be made new again. What a day that will be. What comfort for Job and you and me.

Lord, your answer for the pain and suffering of the flesh is restoration. But first we must live this part of eternal life. First there is this journey and purpose and calling that you graciously send us on. Send us so that others may see the pain and see the hope, send us so that others may see the struggle and see the freedom. Send us so that others may see us yet see you, and see the eternal joy only you can give...today...tomorrow...and forever. --- Amen

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