Monday, April 13, 2009

April 13th - Let's Play!

Theme of the Day
Love in action

Readings of the Day
Joshua 7:16-9:2-"Do not fear or be dismayed..."
Luke 16:1-18-"Whoever is faithful in very little is also in much..."
Psalm 82:1-8-Rise up, O God, judge the earth; for all the nations belong to you!
Proverbs 13:2-3-Those who guard their mouths preserve their lives...
Genesis 1:1-19-And there was evening and there was morning...

God's Word of the Day
Evening and and action...You have act.

Story of the Day
Christ has risen! He has risen indeed! Alleluia. Evening and morning...death and life...forgiveness and love. Let the faithful who arrived to see, be faithful in much. Rise up and act for God has judged sin and death. Open your mouths and run and shout the good news. Evening and morning...night after day after night. Proclaim the Good News!

Prayer of the Day
Lord, day after day, You greet me in the morning. You greet me with a new surprise to action. As I go this day, surrounded in your Love, may the world see my excitement and joy for all You have done. ===Amen

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