Monday, July 11, 2005

July 11th People Reflection

Monday 7/11/2005

Mark 16-Jesus is risen!

1 Kings 12.1-31-The people rebel-Israel splits- Israel-Judah with different kings and idols in Israel

Hosea 14-return to the LORD and say, "Please forgive our sins."-"I will heal you and love you without limit."

Acts 9.19b-31-Paul changed radically- he proclaimed- "Jesus is the Son of God"

Revelation 22.12-13, 20-Jesus is coming soon

Psalm 6-the LORD accepts my prayer

"Isn’t she so cute."—A puppy from a farm yesterday- it’s young life in a horse trailer- a puppy- flea bitten and full of worms- hasn’t seen a vet yet- "Isn’t she so cute." – Makes me wonder- when Jesus was hanging on that cross- did he see past my fleas and worms and love me this much- so much that he would die for me- so much that he would accept all my silly prayers – so much that he would promise to come again and take me to a wonderful place- a place where the vet would declare me clean- free from fleas and worms- a place where I would stink like a farm animal but have that sweet smell of perfume—Paul changed radically- from and evil persecuter of Christians- to the biggest proponent of Jesus at the Son of God—can I change from a flea bitten – worm filled new Christian – to a sweet smelling – love filled Child of God?- I suppose that’s what Jesus saw from that cross- I suppose that’s what Jesus had in mind when he rose again – I suppose it is possible after all that I a flea bitten -worm filled –born in stench human – could be a Child of God- what hope-faith and love I can have in Jesus- did God speak yesterday? – yea- through the voices of some caring children for a small puppy- flea bitten and filled with worms—Thanks be to God!

Prayer- Lord- you see my fleas and worms and love me anyway- you clean me up- you heal me and save me and make me into something I could never imagine- use me this day- send me out this day- I will proclaim your saving grace- I will tell the story of how you rescued me from death and sin and the grave and praise and honor you all day long. You are my Savior! -- Amen

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