Monday, July 18, 2005

July 18th People Reflection

Monday 7/18/2005

1 Corinthians 6-God paid a great price for you.

1 Kings 19-Don’t give up- feel God’s presence and calling and keep faith and trust in him

Amos 3.3-4.3-Can two people walk together without agreeing to meet?

Ruth 1.6-18-Cling to God- go where he goes-lodge where he lodges

Luke 15.1-7-Repent-it will bring great joy in heaven

Psalm 119.9-16-Seek God with your whole heart-meditate on his instruction-treasure his Word

The Bishop made a statement yesterday- a simple comment about his shirt- "I just grabbed a red shirt and it happened to have Wittenberg written on it."—I was wondering why red?- Something special about today?- It was the beginning of a Faith Trek journey to Milwaukee- Steph is participating in—they will do some service work- why red? – Red reminds me of blood- it also reminds me of fire- so I was looking around the sanctuary- there was the wine- there was a dove above the arch on the altar- there was the fire of the Holy Spirit- it all reminded me of what a great price God paid for me- especially in Jesus blood- but also how God will stay with me- he will walk with me through life- a walk that he has agreed to- a presence of faith and trust in the on-going gifts of the Spirit that God provides for all his ministry through me- a journey- maybe even a Faith Trek Journey of my own- through my life- I will cling to God and trust in God- I will go on my Trek with God where he goes- and lodge where he lodges- I will repent of my sin along the way and continue to turn and see his direction -–not my direction- I will seek God with my whole heart as I turn and see his shadow- I will meditate on his Words as he gives me the wisdom and knowledge I need- did I hear and see God speak yesterday—yea—through some words about a red shirt- about a journey- about a love so deep that some red blood was shed for all so that we will cling to God.

Prayer-Lord-today I cling to you- I will go wherever you wish me to go today- I will lodge wherever you wish for me to lodge this day- the journey of a new week has begun and I trust all to you- lead me- send me- guide me- and walk with me. -- Amen

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