Friday, July 15, 2005

July 15th People Reflection

Friday 7/15/2005

1 Corinthians 3-Others plant and water- but God gives growth and that’s what is important

1 Kings 15.33-16.34-A line of unfaithful, ungodly kings of Israel

Joel 3-God will punish the guilty and defend the innocent

Isaiah 44.6-8-You are my witnesses! Is there any god besides me?

Romans 8.28-39-Nothing will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Psalm 30-Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

There was a leak repaired yesterday on an air conditioner at one of the plants at GE- We have to track all the refrigerant used for GE and the EPA- did any leak into the atmosphere? – what did we do about it? – so to the computer- yea- the leak was repaired- but some refrigerant was released to the atmosphere- we have to track it—what’s important is that we attempt to stop the leak- repair it – it reminds me of sin in some ways- we notice a sin and have to repent – have to go back and work on it-reach out to God for help and try to sin no more- maybe we will leak and sin again- but are we accepting God’s grace- and turning from our sins? – yea- I will fail again- I will leak again- but do I place all my trust in God who will forgive my sin- who will turn me in the correct direction? – I must- for if I don’t repent and trust in God’s grace- but believe I can repair myself – then I sin again- because then I must think I don’t need God’s salvation because I can take care of it on my own- think about that for a while- so if I think I’m without sin and can save myself – then I sin and am not without sin- so my trust and hope and faith in God’s salvation is a must- so the kings of Israel- many never got it- they tried over and over to go another way besides the one God- to worship other gods or themselves- I must trust in God- God will punish those who turn from him and leave him- I must trust in God! – There is no other god- NONE!- once I realize this I am assured that noting will separate me from God’s loving grace- Yea – I sin—but I have the assurance that God is there to help me through my sin- to set me on the right path and to lead and guide me- and thanks be to God- that I have a God that saves me through the blood, death and resurrection of his Son Jesus Christ- my Savior- it’s certainly not me that will save myself- but Jesus!

Prayer- Lord, thank you for the ultimate sacrifice for sin. It’s only through you that I am saved! -- Amen

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