Friday, May 01, 2009

April 22nd - May 1st - Let's Play!


Joshua 24:1-Judges 14:20-The boy grew, and the LORD blessed him.
Luke 21:1-John 1:51-What has come into being in his was life, and the life was the light of all people.
Psalm 89:38-102:28-...but you are the same, and your years have no end.
Proverbs 13:20-14:16-Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise.

God's Word
I move.

There we stood in the middle of a vast field. There wasn't another soul in sight. There we stood, the two of us, far away from anyone else. As we looked on the horizon, we could see a cloud moving our way. In the cloud were bursts of bright lightening. Announcing the coming of the cloud were peals of thunder. We were mesmerized by this cloud and it's movement towards the two of us as we stood in the middle of this vast field. We were without protection from the storm. The cloud approached and the lightening and the thunder was frightening, but the ran felt refreshing in the heat of this field in the middle of nowhere.

The cloud had come to us. The cloud had overpowered us with it's majesty. We were awed by the light. We couldn't help but to hear the message of the thunder. We were given new life in the cool refreshment of the rain. The cloud came to us and caused us to continue our journey. Continue the journey, in realization of the blessing we received in the coolness of the rain. Continue the journey, now knowing the wisdom of walking with the cloud and giving of self to refresh another. Continue the journey after learning, that in the giving of self, in the moving towards another, and giving from the center that fresh rain of love...other's will give of themselves likewise.

The cloud moved to us and gave us a blessing. As we stood motionless, the cloud came to us. Now in this blessing, we gladly move to others to tell them of the blessings of the cloud.

Lord, You saw my condition. You know my sin. Yet You come to me in the middle of that vast field. You come and shower me daily with Your baptismal waters. You shower me with Your love and forgive my sinful actions and my sinful ways. You move to me and cause me to be refreshed in Your love. You cause me to leap and run for joy to tell the story of Your love. Jesus is loose and on the move. Thanks be to God! ---Amen

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