Friday, September 27, 2013

September 27th Reflection - Viewpoint - by Bill Lynch

1 Timothy 6:6–19
Of course, there is great gain in godliness combined with contentment; for we brought nothing into the world, so that we can take nothing out of it; but if we have food and clothing, we will be content with these. But those who want to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains.

The Good Fight of Faith
 But as for you, man of God, shun all this; pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life, to which you were called and for which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. In the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus, who in his testimony before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, I charge you to keep the commandment without spot or blame until the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ, which he will bring about at the right time—he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords. It is he alone who has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see; to him be honour and eternal dominion. Amen.

 As for those who in the present age are rich, command them not to be haughty, or to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life.

So, what's your viewpoint? Do you look at what you have gained and accomplished by the end of this life on earth, or the end of this day, or the end of a project, or the end of something that is well defined? Do you have a different point of view such as life with God and what God would have in you? Do you seek accomplishments and rewards such as money and power and prestige and rank and view those things as the ultimate satisfaction? Maybe your viewpoint is in eternal life with God. Does your viewpoint bring you happiness when you have been rewarded or when you have come to the completion of your goals? What is your viewpoint?

I know one thing for me at least. I didn't ask for life. Someone gave me life. I believe God gave me life. So, the life I live is not my own to begin with. I live this life for God. I don't live this life for myself. The joy and comfort I receive, the reward I receive all comes from God. This life, freely given to me, was granted to me from my Creator and therefore my God. So, this life I live is for God's purpose. In my life there is pain, there is joy, there is sorrow, there is laughter, there is all types of experiences. I live a life full of rich experiences that were given to me by God. Some experiences bring happiness and other experiences do not, but all experiences are rich and full of life. I think that is what God desires for me. God desires that I live my life, his life, to the fullest and that I experience the gift of life only he could give to me, that I may be his and be with him through all of life. Life with a point of view that is in the here and now, yet goes beyond the here and now into eternity with my God and my Creator. Life that is rich and full and meaningful and a life that brings God joy and gives me all that I would ever need. A viewpoint from eternity that proceeds through the daily and the moment by moment life with God.

So, I am called to live my life for and with God. Who sent Jesus and the Holy Spirit into my life to save me from myself, my sinfulness and my selfishness and from sin, death and the devil, in order that I may spend an eternal life with my God, my Creator, my Savior, my Lord, in a rich and a full expression of life that God has graciously given to me and to all people who believe on his name and on his power and on his grace and on his love. God IS life!

In this passage, Paul is encouraging Timothy to keep his viewpoint straight with God. To avoid wasting time on the pursuit of the happiness found in riches, power and the things of this world. Timothy is encouraged to pursue the qualities of godliness seen in Jesus. Timothy is encouraged to confession and deliverance from the sinfulness of man and this world to the life of God, and the qualities of righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness.

And Timothy is encouraged to use any worldly wealth and joy gained, for the advancement of care of God's people and God's creation. Do something good with the gifts God gives to us in this life on earth in the here and now for another in need, so that all people may come to set their hope and joy on the eternal viewpoint of God and live abundant, rich and eternal life with our Savior.

Lord, forgive me when I turn my viewpoint inward and only upon myself and my gain and my joys. Help me to see and understand your viewpoint and your desire for my life in this place and in this moment that I may realize eternal life with you... today... tomorrow... and forever. --- Amen

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