Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17th - Revelation


Nehemiah 12:27-13:31
The joy of Jerusalem was heard far away. - Nehemiah 12:43c
1 Corinthians 11:1-16
Be imitators of me as I am of Christ. - 1 Corinthians 11:1
Psalms 35:1-16
Then my soul shall rejoice in the LORD, exulting in his deliverance. - Psalms 35:9
Proverbs 21:17-18

Does all of that emotion, the honor, the praise and the glory stay all penned up inside that coliseum? What a moving song. What an emotional moment. But I have to wonder if it all is expelled in that one brief moment of time. Is this what God would want? Maybe so...maybe just the honor and glory and praise is all that He wants. But I tend to think that there may be more. I tend to think that God doesn't want me to pen Him in a stadium, a temple, a body or even an earth. I think God wants me to see Him and realize that He is the God of all that there is. No doubt, I am here to give praise and honor and glory...but wait! there's more!

In the Nehemiah reading the people marched around the walls of Jerusalem singing praise to God. They circled the town from opposite directions and included all of their world to praise the King of all. I wonder...did they face inwards or outwards. Sometimes I face inwards and seem to be praising my pious self and affirming my own good deeds rather than facing outwards and proclaiming the glory of God to all the world.

Sometimes we praise the King of Kings in our tidy little worship places and forget to turn around and praise Him amongst those outside the walls. Christ broke free from heaven and came down. He stepped outside the walls to come to us and to save us. He is the example for our lives. He shows us how to face outwards and offer praise to God our Father. And He also shows how to face inwards to reflect on the mission God has given to us in prayer. To seek guidance and to then come from the garden and to continue on with the vision and focus on God and what God has placed here for us to do.

Revelation...what a wonderful song of glory. The emotions of this song swell within me when I see the Bread and the Wine and see Jesus Body and Blood and realize that He has burst through the walls of my sanctuary to be in me and through me and with me. Yes...even as I walk outside those walls to the Kingdom that He calls me into day after day. Let's sing that Revelation song boldly and loudly for the King of Kings as we face into the when we gather together in that glorious communion of praise for Jesus our King.

Thanks be to God!

Lord; I go out this day with a song of praise and glory in my heart and on my lips and with You in my soul to boldly proclaim You as the King of Kings. ---Amen

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