Monday, October 12, 2009

October 10th-12th Reflection


Jeremiah 14:11-21:14
Jeremiah 17:7 - Blessed are those who trust in the LORD, whose trust is in the LORD.
1 Thessalonians 2:9-5:28
1 Thessalonians 3:12 - And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we abound in love for you.
Psalms 80:1-82:8
Psalm 80:7 - Restore us, O God of hosts: let your face shine, that we may be saved.
Proverbs 25:1-10

Run for your life! Run! I can't help but think of Jesus as he travels to Jerusalem to give his life for our sin. Running towards death with a love for the created. Running towards death to give life. What a paradox! Running towards death that we may be saved. Running towards death to likewise proclaim to each one of us to run for your life! Fan the flames of passion and Spirit and run for your life.

Do we run? Do we run with a sense of mission and purpose? Does the Christian Church today run so that others may live? We need to run into the flames and heat to save the lives of others. We need to run for the life that has been graciously given to us in baptism. We need to run with a passion so deep that we anxiously search the Word in scripture. We need to run so that we hear the voice of God and follow as disciples. We need to run towards that cross and trust in the Lord that his purpose and will may be fulfilled in our actions of love towards God and our neighbor. We need to run towards our sin and seek humbly that forgiveness that only God can give. We need to run towards the sin that another has committed against us that we may wholeheartedly forgive and restore relationship and love for one another. Run! Run for your life! Run towards that prize with the cross in full view knowing of the pain and suffering but also knowing of the hope and life only the love of Jesus can give as he hung from that cross.

Run! Run for your life as we see that shining and glorious face of our Savior exiting the tomb and living in the Church. Run! Run for your life!


Lord, this day, I run for You. I run for my life. I run for the life You gave to me. I run for the life You have called me to. I run for You in love, this day. Lord, I love the call to run for my life. I run towards the dangers You have set before me knowing that You give me all the hope and trust that I need. I run, no longer needing to worry because of those You send me with to run by my side. I run with all the disciples with You in the lead. Lord, this day, I run for You. ---Amen

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