Monday, September 26, 2005

September 26th People Reflection

Monday 9/26/2005

1 John 4-The commandment that God has given us is: "Love God and love each other!"

Ezra 1-2-Now they were on their way back to Jerusalem and to their own towns everywhere in Judah.

Psalm 91-When you are in trouble, call out to me. I will answer and be there to protect and honor you.

Daniel 10.10-14; 12.1-3-Do not fear

John 5.1-15-Stand up, take your mat and walk.

Psalm 97-Light dawns for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart.

"I gave her a box of my God books."—A box of books given to a friend searching and yearning for some understanding of God. – It was a reflection – it was a gauge of loving others- and the commandment God has given us it to Love God and each other- now that’s when we are returning from our exile- seems like there are many times in life when I am in exile- I turn from God and am far away- but then God tells me exactly where he is-but now I have a journey to take- a journey to return to God- he shows the way- he heals me and gives me sight- he gives the light of dawn to guide me to him- but I still must move- I still must pick up my mat and walk- yea- God is there- sometimes distant- sometimes close- and sometimes a friend leads me and points out the direction to take- but I have to walk and act out my faith and tell others where I’m going—"I gave her a box of my God books." – A box of books with understanding, light and direction—well it’s time now that I pick up my mat and start my journey towards that light—wanna come along?

Prayer- Lord, you are a journey- you call me to action- you call me to come to you- you show yourself to me in so many ways- in the wood along my path- in the wood of that tree of life that you hung and died upon just for me- in this wood you show me your light- in this wood that many times I see as a barrier- you show your light right through the heart and soul of that wood- you show your light of love and life- I’m on my journey to you- following that beam of light at the center of that wood- it won’t be easy – but I’m willing to pick up my mat- and walk to you and with you -- Amen

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