Friday, September 30, 2005

September 30th People Reflection

Friday 9/30/2005

Jude-keep building on the foundation of your most holy faith, as the Holy Spirit helps you pray

Ezra 9-10-but you have never turned your back on us. You love us…It’s as though you have given us new life

Psalm 95-Listen to God’s voice today!

Isaiah 5.1-7-Let me sing for my beloved my love-song concerning his vineyard

Hebrews 1.5-14-you (God) will remain

Psalm 110-From the womb of the morning, like dew, your youth will come to you

"Look how much she has grown!"—Phoebe the puppy taken to the vet for a check up and comments about growth- I think that’s how I am too- A puppy in God’s eyes- and he is building on my foundation – daily giving me new life – daily renewing my baptism- daily forgiving my failings and stumbling behavior – God never turns his back on me- even when I turn my back on him- he calls to me- and I need to listen to his voice- just like Phoebe needs to listen to my voice and return for safety – I need to listen to God and return for safety- he sings to me and I sing to God- Phoebe hears that "dog talk/singing" – and she will sing back in her own howling ways- I know that God is always there- just as Phoebe rests assured that her master will always return home when she is left- yea- "Look how much she has grown!"- Growth- it’s a daily thing- and every morning – like dew—like a miracle- God give me new life and growth – "Look how much she has grown!"—It’s time to grow a little more today.

Prayer- Lord- daily give me your growth and love and send me out to run and play in your Kingdom—for you are always my constant source of life. -- Amen

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