Tuesday, September 06, 2005

September 6th People Reflection

Tuesday 9/6/2005

John 11.28-57-Come out!- Untie him and let him go.

2 Chronicles 12-13-Judah’s army won because they had trusted the LORD God of their ancestors.

Psalm 76-You are more glorious than the eternal mountains.

James 2.14-26-So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.

Proverbs 1.1-7-The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge

Psalm 148-Praise the LORD!

"Back then next to your ring finger."- Directions being given to me about an area I couldn’t see- I don’t think the people knew what Jesus was up to with Lazarus- he couldn’t see – and only heard his voice- Come out! – I think Jesus calls all of us to Come out! – he calls us from death to life- to be untied – to be let go to – Come out! – and serve him in his kingdom- maybe we can’t see at first- but at first we can hear his voice- he calls us from death to life- the beginning of a new kind of knowledge we don’t understand- an new life- a new exploration of the unknown- we begin to see his glory – more glorious than the eternal mountains- Come out! – new – like babies born again- we come out in faith to do works now- no longer dead- but alive in our works of faith- Praising God for the life he has given us—blind yet willing to go – untied—"Back then next to your ring finger."—I hear the voice but don’t quite get the direction—but Jesus is there to let some friends untie me and let me go into a new life of love and praise and service to my King.

Prayer- Lord thank you for letting me go – thank you for bringing life to me- thank you for friends that untie me – that release me from my death cloths and send me out alive with joy and praise for you. -- Amen

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