Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Aug 21 and Aug 22 People Reflections

Sorry about getting this out AFTER Bill got back (but he just sent it yesterday late morning and I was out...
> Sunday 8/21/2005
> John 4.43-54-The man believed Jesus and started back home
> 1 Chronicles 17-David went into the tent he had made for the sacred
> chest. He sat there and prayed…
> Zechariah 6-Finally, I looked up and saw four chariots coming from
> between two bronze mountains
> Matthew 16.13-20-Set your mind on divine things
> Exodus 14.21-31-Thus the LORD saved Israel that day from the Egyptians
> Psalm 40- Happy are those who make the LORD their trust
> “Dad, I’m getting tired now.”—Sarah was driving behind me on the way
> to LR- a long drive and it was late and time to stop for the evening.
> It was a drive through the mountains and a sunset that reminded me of
> Zechariah—some light between two mountains- the light of God- shining
> brightly – time to stop and rest and pray for the evening—it’s all a
> big journey through life- and Sarah and I too are on that journey- so
> it’s a change- time to set our minds on the divine – to trust in God-
> and to believe in all he will do for us- together and individually –
> then when it’s all said and done it’s time to have faith and start
> back home believing in a God that will care for all—“Dad, I’m getting
> tired now.” – yea—and so was I and it was time to stop- but the
> journey will continue tomorrow.
> Prayer- Lord- protect me and guide me all along the way of my life- I
> will trust in you and rejoice in the happiness you give to me. -- Amen
> Monday 8/22/2005
> John 5.1-18-The man who healed me told me to pick up my mat and walk
> 1 Chronicles 18-19-Everywhere David went, the LORD gave him victory in
> war.
> Zechariah 7-See that justice is done and be kind and merciful to one
> another.
> Psalm 12-The promises of the LORD are promises that are pure
> 1 Peter 3.13-15-Now who will harm you if you are eager to do what is
> good?
> Psalm 149-Sing to the LORD a new song
> “Here do the man’s thing and hook all this stuff up…there are three
> plugs and only two outlets.”—Sarah’s room mate told her fiance this
> yesterday in her dorm—well the guy couldn’t do anything – he didn’t
> have all he needed – he was eager to do what was good – but couldn’t –
> he was eager to pick up his mat and walk but couldn’t – actually it
> was kinda funny to me! – so I told them I would purchase a power strip
> and hook it all up later- being the real man- ha! – everywhere David
> went God gave him victory—and God is blessing all of us this day- a
> good room mate- some money to buy things needed- all this comes from
> God- and God is blessing us way too much—makes you want to sing a new
> song—and it also keeps you so happy that you want to listen to God and
> be merciful and kind to one another- it amazes me how much God blesses
> us even as we think we are in a struggle—can’t hook it up- three plugs
> and only two outlets—then before you know it- there are more outlets
> than plugs- all due to the blessings of God.
> Prayer- Lord you are a blessing- in our own struggles you give the
> answers- you allow me to take up my mat and walk- now send me out this
> day with that some love and mercy to live with your children in your
> kingdom—you have filled my cup to overflowing – Thanks be to God! --
> Amen

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