Wednesday, August 24, 2005

August 24th People Reflection

Wednesday 8/24/2005

John 6.1-24- and they saw Jesus walking on the water

1 Chronicles 22.2-23.32-Ask for anything else you need

Zechariah 9-Your king has won a victory, and he is coming to you

John 1.43-51-Follow me

Acts 2.1-4-All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit

Psalm 104.30-35-for I rejoice in the LORD

"The parameters were changed in the program."—A machine tool program – changed parameters- can cause metal to be cut incorrectly and parts damaged- a human change-not something done accidentally but on purpose—Makes me think of how I must change my life- follow Jesus – see him coming to me on the water- realize that this is the man without sin- he doesn’t need to go under the water like I do – I need to go under- to be cleansed from my sin- but Jesus can walk on the water- I must follow him- he is my King- the one who forgives and has won the victory for me – he is coming to me- follow him- change my parameters and follow him- be filled with the Holy Spirit- change my parameters- and rejoice in him and in him only – yea- change my parameters- that’s what I need this day.

Prayer- Lord, change my parameters- I confess my sinfulness- change my parameters and fill me with your Spirit- I wanna serve and obey you- I wanna reach out to your hand as you walk on that water towards me- I wanna praise you as my victorious King- I wanna be filled with the Sprit- I wanna work in your kingdom this day- I wanna rejoice in you- I wanna love you- I wanna be your child – I wanna trust in you for all I need- I wanna follow you -- Amen

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