Sunday, August 07, 2005

August 7th People Reflection

Sunday 8/7/2005

2 Corinthians 8- You know that Jesus was kind enough to give up all his riches and become poor so you could be rich

2 Kings 20-21-God can do anything- even make time go backwards by moving the sun or earth

Nahum 2-enemies will be attacked

Matthew 14.22-33-Lord save me! Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him…

Joshua 6.1-21-Shout-for the LORD has given you the city

Psalm 43-Hope in God

"I expected her hair to be dark, but we all got older."- A comment at a High School Reunion of 65 years. Made me think about the reading in 2 Kings- God can make time go backwards if he chooses- God is beyond time and space- a really cool idea and thought to think about- it will blow your mind- cause we can’t grasp this concept- it’s beyond our thinking- which makes me love God even more- I like knowing that God is beyond my thinking- this way I know I can never become God- I need God to save me—just like Peter in that boat – on the water- Lord save me! – and the great part about it--- Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him- how many times do I need Jesus to reach out his hand and catch me- how many times do I call out- Lord save me! – then that Jericho story—God gives the plan—and at the proper time we shout! – and the LORD gave them the city—Salvation – a reason to shout—for God has given us that city- given that hope in the eternal future of that wonderful city – that vision of heaven- what a reason to shout- God became poor and took on flesh for me to save me- did God speak yesterday – I think so- throughout time – "I expected her hair to be dark, but we all got older."—And none of that really matters because God has saved us and we have all the hope we need- It’s time to shout!

Prayer- Lord- thank you for Jesus- thank you for being my God- for reaching out when I need it most- I will go out today and shout your glories- for you are God most high! -- Amen

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