Wednesday, August 31, 2005

August 31st People Reflection

Wednesday 8/31/2005

John 8.48-59-I tell you for certain that even before Abraham was, I was, and I am.

2 Chronicles 5.2-14-Suddenly a cloud filled the temple…the LORD’s glory was in that cloud

Malachi 2.10-16-Didn’t the one God create each of us?

Acts 27.9-26-a wind…we gave way to it and were driven.

Ezekiel 37.1-14-Thus says the Lord God to these bones: I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.

Psalm 62-He alone is my rock and my salvation

"What was your favorite toy while growing up?"—Not sure if those were the exact words- but it’s close- so I thought- hmm—I’m still growing up – so that includes all time- but does it include the time before I was born?- makes me think of what Jesus was telling the people of his day- even before Abraham was, I was, and I am—well no wonder they picked up some stones to kill Jesus—this was a little too much for them to comprehend- Jesus had gone too far- did he think he was God or something? – when was Jesus growing up- did he grow up before he was born? – what about creation?- Malachi questioned – Didn’t the one God create each of us? – does all that mean that Jesus was there at creation- I think so- even from what the book of John says about the Word – the Flesh – then God in the cloud of the temple- the breath in the dry bones- God gave life to bones which had already lived life- died and decayed to bones God gave life to them once again- even though the people of those bones time was up so to speak- and then God in the wind – the wind speaking to Elijah – the wind of the early church- the wind in Paul’s life and trip driving him to his destination- a destination unknown- yea- God is mysterious- but God is also the solid firm rock of salvation – beyond time- beyond space- beyond comprehension—"What was your favorite toy while growing up?" – Mine happened to have been a big wooden box of big blocks- I could build them up and tear them down and build them back up again—throughout all time I think God has been building those blocks back up- then when my sin tears them down- God lovingly builds me back up again- blows a little breath in- gives his Spirit to me to gently lead me in the direction he wants me to go and off I am- once again filled with the cloud of his grace and living the life God intends for me in his kingdom- free to play with my favorite toys and free to love God and all his people in his kingdom—"What was your favorite toy while growing up?" – I’m not sure the toy matters really – I think it was the play that mattered more than the toy and the activity of God in my life while I play with my favorite toy.

Prayer- Jesus, play with me today- you bring your favorite toy and I’ll bring mine- let’s go outside and play – let’s have some fun today in your kingdom- and while we play blow the Spirit of life into my life and into the lives of those playmates we meet this day- for in you and you alone I trust in salvation. Mom! – I’m going out to play! I’m going to wherever the wind blows me. -- Amen

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