Tuesday, August 23, 2005

August 23rd People Reflection

Tuesday 8/23/2005

John 5.19-47-Everyone who hears the message and has faith in God has eternal life

1 Chronicles 20.1-22.1-The temple of the LORD God must be built right here at this threshing place.

Zechariah 8-Now you no longer need to be afraid.

1 Corinthians 12.27-31a-Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

Ezekiel 3.1-3-Then I ate it; and in my mouth it was as sweet as honey.

Psalm 119.89-104-I am yours; save me

"Greetings Papa Lynch!" – A warm welcome from LR campus Pastor Weisner- a welcome with a big hug! – an assuring hug – that as a parent I don’t need to be afraid- God is present here at LR – The temple is being built all around me – at the threshing place- where the wheat is beat and the precious kernels are brought out- young lives invigorated with wisdom, understanding and spirit- young lives finding what part of the body of Christ they will play- discovering the gifts God has given them then enhancing those gifts- they will partake of the body of Christ and it will be as sweet as honey in their mouths -–they will offer their lives to Christ the one who saves- here they will hear the message of Christ – receive a full measure of faith –so I no longer need to be afraid – nor any of the students at LR—"Greetings Papa Lynch!" – God speaking through a wonderful southern accent and a faithful, spirit filled Lutheran Pastor.

Prayer- Lord, lead and guide all students returning to college this week and in the up-coming weeks- bless all those responsible for spreading your loving message – your wisdom- your understanding – and lead all to grow in the knowledge of the gifts you have given each one of us in the body of Christ- then send us out in the most powerful way only you know how. -- Amen

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