Monday, August 29, 2005

August 29th People Reflection

Monday 8/20/05

John 8.1-20-I am not going to accuse you either.

2 Chronicles 1.1-2.16-no one can ever build a temple large enough for God

Zechariah 14-It will be a bright day that won’t turn cloudy

Acts 26.1-23-I have appeared to you for this purpose

Romans 3.21-26-because in his divine forbearance he had passed over the sins previously committed

Psalm 130-my soul waits for the LORD

"I won’t charge you for this."—A statement from a clerk at Krogers yesterday- a product they were supposed to have and didn’t- something else was substituted- Jesus tells a woman that he won’t accuse her either- but to go and sin no more- Jesus love is beyond the boundaries of sin- Jesus knows of all our sin- but he isn’t about sin- he is about love- a love so large – God has a love for his people- he chooses to dwell with us- but we try to put him in a box- put him in a tent- put him in a temple- knowing that there isn’t a temple large enough to contain him- his love is so large we could never contain it- seems like I am always trying to draw lines around Jesus or God- define him- define right and wrong- but I’m starting to think now- how can I do that? – his love is way beyond my silly decisions- my focus can’t be on drawing lines around God- or even building temples to contain him – Jesus appeared for a purpose- he came for a purpose- not to accuse- not to draw the lines- not to be contained in a temple- he chose to passover my sins and move beyond all that law and free me from those very sins- to break out of that temple – to cross those lines I place in life and free me to live in his kingdom – to serve him in joy- to follow him- to listen to his voice – and to go from the death of my sin and the temple’s I have created to life in him. It’s a hard thing to grasp- I don’t know if I ever will.

Prayer- Lord, teach me this day to see your way- to hear your Words- to follow your path- forgive my sin and erase the lines I have drawn- tear down the temple I have created to contain you and let me see your love. -- Amen

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