Wednesday, August 17, 2005

August 17th People Reflection

Wednesday 8/17/2005

John 3.1-21-Yet only God’s Spirit can change you into a child of God.

1 Chronicles 12-God’s Spirit took control of him…

Zechariah 2-The LORD has promised to come and live with you

Galatians 4.4-7-And because you are children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts

Luke 24.13-35-Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been made known to them

Psalm 119.105-Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path

"The doors are all locked and all computers are down."—A worm on the network yesterday- caused all the computers to go down and the security system for all the doors to lock down. Something that took control of things when we didn’t ask for it. Sometimes I need God to do that same thing for me- take control of things when I don’t ask for it—not to wreak havoc like the computer worm – but to bring order- and infuse his Spirit into my life- to change me- to show me than I am a child of God- to live with me- to send his Spirit into my hear- lock it up- fill it up and over and take me down- I must depend on God- life goes all over the place all the time- I can’t pretend to think I have control over it all- so I must turn my life over to God—follow the light of his path and watch his beautiful feet- those nail scarred feet of love, live and salvation- "The doors are all locked and all computers are down."—It’s time to let the Spirit of God have my life- to take my life and use it – then I can see and hear his Word while I’m on that road- that road of my life- different and unique from all others- cause that’s what God has done for me- gifted me with my own unique calling and life and ministry in his Kingdom—boy what a story to tell- of a Savior walking the road of my life with me—even through all the pain – and there also in all the joy---"The doors are all locked and all computers are down."—Thanks be to God I can follow him and open the doors of my heart and restore that faithful connection of love to the source of all love.

Prayer- Lord- when I feel the doors lock – the computers go down- lead me on the road of my life back to you- break that bread so that I may see that you are my Savior- and all my silly attempts to restore myself to you on my own are useless- for you have always been connected to me and it’s all about what you have done- lead me out this day into your kingdom to proclaim to all the world your love and grace -- Amen

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