5/30/2004 Sunday -Pentecost
Sue’s birthday (A good day to start a renewed Journal reflection)
Concerning the derivation of the word Hebrew- It may be realted to the verb abar - “to cross over�- At work we have Abar furnaces - they pull a vacuum and have a cross over stage when a certain vacuum is obtained.
Romans 5 - God has given us the Holy Spirti, who fills our hearts with his love.
Psalm 59 - “I will sing your praised! You are my mighty fortress, and you love me.�
Acts 2 - “In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and you old men shall dream dreams. Even upon my slaves, both men and women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy…. Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’�
Prayer- Send your Holy Spirit into my heart - make me burn with your love and use me as your servant. May the Spirit of your love spill over in me to those around me and into the world so that all may realize and believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. May your Spirit of love develop in them that the love of God will spread to all the world. -- Amen
5/31/2004 - Monday - Memorial Day
Roman 6 - Give yourself to God, as people who have been raised from death to life….Now you are set free from sin and are slaves who please God.
1 Samuel 15 - Saul found out that God wants us to obey him - completely - in every detail - God doesn’t want our sacrifices -- Makes me think about how it isn’t what I do that will bring me closer to God - not what I sacrifice - But God is already close - He comes to me - My response is to obey and serve Him only. It’s easy to get this turned around.
Psalm 60 - You can depend on God - As I feel the hurt and emotional pain the past week, I am reminded that I can depend on God to rescue me and heal me - not on my terms but on his - I must trust completely and wait.
We need to trust in the Holy Spirit to lead us out to the world in service and proclamation of the awesome grace of God through Jesus Christ.
Don’t neglect God’s Word - regard it as holy and gladly hear and learn it.
Luke 1:39-45 In the visitation I think of an unseen Jesus (still in the womb) causing me to leap for joy as John the Baptist did in Elizabeth’s womb. May I leap for joy when I sense the presence of Jesus in other Christians and people. Which I do for a friend at church and the joy is deep and awesome.
Prayer- Let me give myself to God set free from sin and obey in every detail. I see Jesus presence in people and the world around me. May I leap for joy at this awesome presence. Help me to learn and gladly hear the Word.
6/1/2004 - Tuesday
Romans 7 - We serve God in a new way - by obeying his Spirit.
1 Samuel 16 - David is chosen to be king- God judges people by what is in their hearts. People judge others by what they look like. Samuel poured the oil on David’s head…At that moment, the Spirit of the LORD took control of David and stayed with him from then on. Reminds me of baptism. It seems lately all my readings are focusing on the movement of the Spirit. Lead and guide me!
Psalm 61 - “Let me live with you forever and find protection under your wings, my God.� -- I think of being in the upper room and the joy and comfort present their and the passion for mission and purpose. “Lead me to the mighty rock high above me.� Reminds me of the Prayer book Diane let me read where the author liked to pray from a rock as his special place with God. Sounds like the place and prayer was how he entered his upper room. But I think there needs to be connection with another person so we can pour Christ into each other from our upper rooms. This is a new thing to me and a movement of the Spirit between people which is not just superficial but deep care and love for another. God’s love. Wow!
We need to trust in the Holy Spirit to lead us out to the world in service and proclamation of the awesome grace of God through Jesus Christ.
Respect, obey, love and serve parents and those in authority. (Even other Christian friends)
Blue of hope. The Spirit gives me hope of a spiritual connection and service to others.
1 John 2 - Whoever loves a brother or sister lives in the light
I continue to re-read the book “The Safest Place on Earth� - I experienced time in the Upper room with Diane. God poured Jesus Christ into each of us. Back and forth it went. The Lower room however has a powerful pull and I must always seek to stay in the upper room. Someday the lower room will be destroyed. I feel the Spirit move - in the wind - in my soul and in ways I can’t explain. In devotions, things around me. I pray for direction in service with the Spirit directing my actions.
Prayer - I feel the Spirit this morning - the power and awesomeness. Lead and guide me this day. Anoint my day with your oil and direct my actions. Help me to love others and see the light in my brothers and sisters. Tell them that I can see Jesus active - help them to pour Jesus saving baptismal grace out all over the world. All can be saved through Jesus love! Lead me in respect of my Christian sister and give me the hope of a glorious spiritual connection guided and centered only in you. Heal and comfort the pain of waiting and keep me humble in your service. As I approach the cross with friends walking careful footsteps may we lead your children to see the loving Spiritual saving grace of your Son. Keep my service centered on you. Forgive me when I stumble on my journey towards this cross and center my actions on myself. You are God! -- Amen.
Wednesday 6/2/2004
Romans 8 - Christ condemned sin with his own body. He did this so that we would obey the Spirit instead of our own desires. People ruled by their own desires think only of themselves and will die. But if our minds are ruled by the Spirit we will have life and peace.. The Spirit lives in the Christian and God will raise you to life by his Spirit. We must not live to satisfy our desires but hope for something we have not yet seen and patiently wait on it.
1 Samuel 17 - The story of David and Goliath has Jesus all over it. Jesus defeats sin as David defeats Goliath by depending on God to lead and guide. Once David defeats Goliath the Israelite army attacks. Are we as Christians to attack the world since Jesus defeated sin. I think Jesus radically changed this idea of attack - we are to attack with God’s love through Jesus our Savior.
Psalm 62 - Only god can save me, and I calmly wait for him. Sometimes I’m not too calm about it but if I truly trusted God it would be easier. Help me!
We need to trust in the Holy Spirit to lead us out to the sorld in service and proclamation of the awesome grace of God through Jesus Christ.
Don’t hurt your neighbor but help them in all their physical needs.
Gold of Jesus my most precious gift.
Romans 12 - do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. -- outdo one another in showing honor -- persevere in prayer
The prayer concern is for pastors -- today is Wednesday
Prayer- Lord as I reflect on this message you have sent for the day, I give you thanks and praise for the many ways you speak to me. You are an awesome God giving hope for more than I can begin to understand. Give me the patience to wait for your timing. Use me in service and fill me with your Spirit. Thanks for the friends and family you have gifted me with and allowing me to see you in others. Your work is mighty but you choose us to carry it out. Thanks for Diane and her openness to your Spirit. Her willingness to allow me to learn you and let you speak through her. Thanks for Pastor Dave. Lead and guide him - fill him with your Word so that his actions and words reflect your glory. Lead him out of the wilderness into the light to tell a story of redemption and salvation through Jesus Christ. -- Amen
Thursday 6/3/2004
Romans 9 - The Lord makes his own choices -- not because of anything I may do.-- Everything depends on what God decides to do - Afterall he is God and can do anything.-- All of this was in the context of God choosing the Gentiles.
1 Samuel 18 - David had killed Goliath and the people thought much of him - this irritated Saul to the point that he began to hate David and wanted him dead.
Psalm 63 - God is all I think about - before I go to sleep - my thoughts turn to you during the night - God helps me and I rejoice.
We need to trust in the Holy Spirit to lead us out to the world in service and proclamation of the awesome grace of God through Jesus Christ.
In matters of sex - keep your words and conduct pure and honorable
Psalm 8 - The LORD is majestic and awesome and has crowned me with glory and honor.
Prayer- Lord, what a down feeling I have - Help me to see your loving grace and to feel the crown of glory and honor. Forgive me for my sins - especially for the pain I have caused by my selfish desires while seeking you. Forgive me for forgetting that I don’t have to seek you - you are already in my heart and you have found me - It’s not what I do but what you do. After all -- you can do anything and everything depends on what you decide to do. Humble me and if I have irritated a brother forgive me and heal my brother with your love. You are all I think about - when I go to sleep and even during the night. Many times I wake up with some image on my mind. Help me to articulate the meanings and act upon the messages you give. Send your Holy Spirit to fill me - to lead me - to give me clear direction. In Jesus name -- Amen
Friday 6/4/2004
Romans 10 -You become acceptable to God through faith - not by obeying the Law.-- So you will be saved, if you honestly say, “Jesus is Lord,� and if you believe with all your heart that God raised him from death. God will accept you and save you, if you truly believe this and tell it to others. -- The Scriptures say it is a beautiful sight to see even the feet of someone coming to preach the good news.
1 Samuel 19- Saul is still trying to kill David - It seems odd that this keeps happening to David - I guess God not stepping in is causing David to build character and grow - Or did God step in? -- David didn’t get killed on this attempt- But what if Saul had been successful? - Then much would have changed -- makes me wonder
Psalm 64 -Keep me safe from secret plots - People setting traps and making evil plans -- Something about the last 2 scripture readings could make you paranoid! But I guess we all feel this way sometimes and must depend on God -- This is probably how David felt about Saul.
Psalm 119 - Teachings, Learning Laws and obeying, filling the heart with God’s desires, God’s word, -- Open my mind and let me discover the wonders of your Law,,,Show me your love and save me, LORD…I would rather obey you than to have a thousand pieces of silver and gold…Our Lord, you are eternal! Your word will last as long as the heavens…Your word is a lamp that give light wherever I walk…Your word to me, your servant, is like pure gold; I treasure what you say. Wow! -- this one does speak out to this time and what I am feeling - especially about our response as Christians to the saving grace of Jesus death and resurrection. This is the longest Psalm in the book, I think.
We need to trust in the Holy Spirit to lead us out to the world in service and proclamation of the awesome grace of God through Jesus Christ.
Help you neighbor improve his property and means of making a living. This one makes tough decisions even tougher when it is time to lay people off -- maybe that is why I hate that part of my job - It’s odd, when some people like this - I don’t understand.
Proverbs 8 -This one speaks of Wisdom -- being there before creation -- It also makes me think of Jesus - being there before creation - This is one of those “blow you mind� scriptures that makes you think and stand in awe of God and the possibilities I can’t even comprehend.
Prayer - Wow! Your wisdom can blow my mind! Can even begin to imagine how deep it is. Thanks for the comfort this brings because I can know you and serve you. Even when I may feel paranoid like I’m sure David felt - I can depend on you Lord. Teach me to listen to your Word. Help me to obey your Law in joyous response to the saving grace of Jesus my Savior. Jesus is more precious than gold or silver and you have given him to me! An act of kindness that I don’t deserve by gladly accept. Lead me and guide me this day as I talk to others. Pour out Your Spirit on those close to me - family-friends - so that we may display the joy to the world and tell the story of our belief and be the beautiful feet of one coming to preach the good news. --- Amen
Saturday 6/5/2004
Romans 11 - I am not a natural branch - to be grafted into God’s family. But through faith I have been grafted in. Others who are natural branches and have lost their faith have been cut away from the tree. I can be sure that if I lose faith- I would even more easily be cut away from the tree of life because I am not a natural branch. Lord, I have faith - keep me there!
1 Samuel 20 - This is the story of Jonathan and David and the signs of the arrows shot indicating if Saul wanted to kill David or not. A story of a close relationship between two friends dealing with the issues of life.
Psalm 65 - Everyone will come to God because he answers prayer, forgives sins, blesses us, invites us, saves us, gives hope, protects us and provides for us.
We need to trust in the Holy Spirit to lead us out to the world in service and proclamation of the awesome grace of God through Jesus Christ.
Defend your neighbor, speak well of them and explain their actions in the kindest way.
Romans 5 - Here is the “heart� thing again - seems to be speaking to me lately - God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.
The Day of Atonement was an annual event when the high priest would enter the holy of holies to seek forgiveness and reconciliation for the Israelites. The high priest first offered a sacrifice for his own sins. Then he killed a goat as a sin offering for the people. This was the only time in the year the high priest went into the holy of holies. He would sprinkle the blood of the goat on the mercy seat -- above the ark - two angels reached out to each other forming a seat above the ark. This is where God existed. The holy of holies was the innermost chamber of God’s presence among the people. But - (I love this but) - Jesus became our high priest. He didn’t have to offer a sacrifice for his sins since he had no sin. However (I love this however) - He offered himself - instead of a goat - for our sins and sprinkled his blood on the mercy seat and saved us once and for all time. I remember reading about how they used to have something called a “mercy seat� on the cross. This would give the person hung from the cross a brief rest to catch his breath. It was kind of like a wooden platform that you could sit on briefly but many had nails or sharp objects protruding so that the rest would be brief and painful, this would prolong the suffering before death. I don‘t know if this was on the cross that Jesus was hung on, but it‘s meaning is significant here because as the sacrificial goat, Jesus blood would have literally been sprinkled on the mercy seat. Eventually the person would die from suffocation. On Jesus death the curtain to the holy of holies was torn. A miraculous event. To me this is when God whose presence was represented by being on the mercy seat above the ark and now with Jesus death on the cross made the final sacrifice for our sins and opened the holy of holies to all people and burst into our hearts, because now God’s innermost chamber (holy of holies) is inside our hearts with his loving and saving grace. Thanks be to God! - Wow!
Prayer - Lord, thank you for friends. As David and Jonathan may I treat my friends with respect and honor, speak well of them and explain their actions in the kindest way. May we share our innermost emotions openly and freely and hear you speaking and see the gifts you have given to all of us to develop those gifts and boldly use them in your kingdom as faithful servants. Thank you for images with meaning and may all come to have the faith which grafts us into the tree of life through Jesus, the high priest, the sacrificial goat and the awesome saving grace of his death and resurrection into our hearts and lives. Thank you for prayers answered, for your loving care of us, for forgiveness, for inviting us to your table, and for saving us. Pour you Spirit directly into our hearts and lead and guide us in your mission. -- Amen
Sunday 6/6/2004
Romans 11 - God doesn’t take back the gifts he has given or forget about the people he has chosen.-- Everything comes form the Lord. All things were made because of him and will return to him.
1 Samuel 21-22 - David is now running from Saul and has picked up a few soldier followers. The priest Ahimelech gives David some of the sacred bread to eat.. This is making an exception to the law. Saul finds out that David was helped and has Doeg kill 85 priests but Ahimelech’s son Abiathar escapes death and hooks up with David and they stay together in a common bond of trying to avoid Saul killing them.
Psalm 66 - Tell everyone on this earth to shout praised to God!. -- He listened when I prayed, and he is always kind. -- It seems a story of how God is active in our lives in all the ups and downs but always there. Sing praise to God. I understand God as a personal deliverance as a new kind of exodus.
We need to trust in the Holy Spirit to lead us out to the world in service and proclamation of the awesome grace of God through Jesus Christ.
Help your neighbor keep what is his.
Faith is encompassed by a gold ring of endless joy and thanksgiving. Gold of Jesus my precious gift.
John 16 - We will see Jesus again - until then he has given us the Spirit of truth who will speak to us and glorify Jesus and declare things that are to come. We will see Jesus through the Spirit until we see him again. In baptism God gives the Holy Spirit to be poured into us and making us new creations.
Abraham was a “friend� of God. May I see God in my friends and I show God to my friends.
Prayer - I give you thanks for them many gifts I see you have given. To me and to others you love and care for. Everything comes from you. Keep me humble in your presence. Develop my gifts to spread to all the world the message of your grace. Jesus is a precious gift to me. Beyond all earthly value. In baptism I thank you for pouring your Holy Spirit into me. I thank you for pouring your Holy Spirit into me through friends. May your Spirit overflow from me to family, friends and the world in service, love and thanksgiving to you. Show me the specific ways to act in my life. You speak to me daily through your Word. May I hear! This morning I will come in worship of you and tell everyone to shout praises to God! Bless the baptism of a child of God today and remind all of the power you have sent each of the baptized through the Holy Spirit to freely give that Spirit to the world. I will see Jesus again. As I approach that awesome cross with friends, family and the world; when we kneel at the foot of the cross, open our minds and lives to you and your will. -- Amen
Monday 6/7/2004
Romans 12 -Talks about the body of Christ - various gifts and how we should use them. Christian living - like be sincere in your love for others. Love each other as brothers and sisters and honor others more than you do yourself- never stop praying - be friendly with everyone - make friends with ordinary people -- It’s funny how the nice things jump out - but there are some hard things that you tend to push back in my mind - like blessing those that mistreat you - stuff that builds you up - and dealing with enemies kindly - maybe this is the sinful self trying to twist the meaning or ignore what is said?
1 Samuel 23-24 - Abiathar’s prayer to God about what to do after David and his men defeated the Philistine town of Keilah and Saul found out David was in a walled city and was coming to kill David, was a very specific prayer and specific answers were given.The text notes suggest that the Yes/No answers may mean the priest used the Urim and Thummin (these were dice or pebbles or sticks by which the priest would obtain answers form God - Wonder what ever happened to this type of answer to prayer and why we don’t use something like this today?) However, David had to decide what action to take and he got the hell out of Dodge (no wait a minute - Keilah - because God answered the Saul was coming and the leaders of Keilah would turn David over to Saul). -- David had a chance to get even with Saul - of all times when Saul was relieving himself- David snuck up on him and cut off a small piece of his robe (probably would have been better if he had stolen the toilet paper!). I think I would have killed Saul. -- It even turned out that David promised Saul that he would keep Saul’s family name alive. This is a good example of how to deal with enemies. -- May be a hard one for me to follow - Kind of like the Romans passage above.
Psalm 67 - Our God, be kind and bless us! Be pleased and smile. - I like the smile part!
Sometimes I feel the awesome power and majesty of God and the distance between us seems great and far. Then I realize that the Love of god is so great he put himself into my heart and Jesus feels so near. What a gift!
Encourage your neighbors wife/husband to remain loyal.
Ruth 1 - This one is about loyalty and self giving.
Prayer- Seems like today is about enemies Lord. Give me the strength to meet the enemy head on. The passion to forgive. The courage to correct. The heart to love and honor. The loyalty too serve you. Lead and guide me today especially in dealing with Stephanie and the influence her friends are having on her. Help Sarah in her illness to return to a sound mind and glorify yourself through her in the gifts you have given her. Strengthen Sue in handling all the stressful situations. Let your Holy Angels be with us that the evil foe may no power over us. -- Amen
Tuesday 6/8/2004
Romans 13 - No one who loves others will harm them. So love is all that the Law demands. -- We must stop behaving as people do in the dark (lower room) and be ready to live in the light. (upper room)
1 Samuel 25 - Apparently David had done a favor for Nabal. Now it was time to return the favor because David and his men were hungry. Seems like they are always hungry! So David sends a messenger to Nabal for some food. Nabal refuses. This ticks David off and he goes after Nabal. Nabal’s wife Abigail notices what is happening and gives David food while Nabal is back having a drunken party. Abigail saves Nabal from death. In the end Nabal has a heart attack or something and dies anyway. Then Daveid marries Abigail. I think this could go on the Jerry Springer Show!
Psalm 68 - God rescues us and leads us and defends us.
Some times I feel the awesome power and majesty of God and the distance between us seems great and far. Then I realize that the Love of God is so great he put himself into my heart and Jesus feels so near. What a gift.
Fear God’s wrath when sinning but trust in his love and gladly do what he commands.
Ruth 1 and 2 - Ruth had been faithful to Naomi - stuck with her in the tough times -- Now Ruth was gleaning from the fields of Boaz - a relative of Naomi’s - Boaz saw the heart of Ruth and made sure she was taken care of - Boaz saw how Ruth was faithful to Naomi even to coming with her to a strange land and a strange people - Ruth was a Moabite and Naomi was an Israelite - Ruth would normally not be acceptable in Bethlehem - but since Boaz saw her heart Ruth was accepted.
Prayer - Thank you Lord for allowing me to see the hearts of people - the caring, sharing and loving. Thank you for the Spirit and how you have let it move into the hearts of people. Abigail whose heart poured out to David - to provide for and Nabal to protect. Ruth whose heart poured out trust and loyalty to Naomi. To Boaz who could see the love in the heart of Ruth. Make these stories examples for me. Allow me to see the hearts of friends and pour out your love from my heart to any in need this day. --- Amen
Wednesday 6/9/2004
Roman 14 - God’s kingdom is about pleasing God, about living in peace, and about true happiness. All this comes from the Holy Spirit. Help each other have a strong faith.. Don’t do anything that causes problems for other believers. - God welcomes everyone
1 Samuel 26 - David sneaks into the middle of Saul’s camp - He (Saul) is surrounded by 3000 soldiers of Israel - that seems high for just hunting down David -- David takes Saul’s spear and water jug but refuses to kill Saul - reminds me of the robe story earlier
Psalm 69 - Prayer - So, when the time is right answer me and help me with your wonderful love.
Some times I feel the awesome power and majesty of God and the distance between us seems great and far. Then I realize that the Love of God is so great he put himself into my heart and Jesus feels so near. What a gift!
I believe - I believe - I believe
Isaiah 42 - God is majestic - in creation and power - he calls and leads - gives breath and spirit - calls us to open the eyes of the blind - tells us new things before they happen - we respond by singing a new song for joy and shouting form the tops of maintains.
Prayer - Lord you are awesome- let the seas roar with the sound of your name! As I sneak into the middle of the camp of enemies today give me the heart to forgive. May the enemies see your power and grace and feel your presence and be saved by your love that the spear to fight sin and the water jug filled with your water of Life be a blessing to my enemies. Help all to believe, believe, believe! -- Amen
Thursday 6/10/2004
Romans 15 - The Scriptures were written to teach and encourage us by giving us hope. -- Honor God by accepting each other, as Christ has accepted you.
1 Samuel 27-28 - To finally escape Saul - David runs to the enemy Philistines and lives with them. He is deceptive here and leads them to believe that he attacked other groups when David is actually battling Philistines but just doesn’t tell. Saul left David alone as long as David was with the Philistines. Next David teams up with the Philistines to battle Saul and the Israelites. Saul is so scared that he resorts to seeing a woman who would raise the spirit of the dead prophet Samuel to talk to Saul. She does and Samuel comes up out of the ground and tells Saul that he will be defeated and Saul’s kingdom would be taken away.
Psalm 70 - God is wonderful! - God cares about me and saves me.
Some times I feel the awesome power and majesty of God and the distance between us seems great and far. Then I realize that the Love of God is so great he put himself into my heart and Jesus feels so near. What a gift.
I believe - I believe - I believe
2 Samuel 11-12 - God sends Nathan to David to reveal to David his sin against Uriah when David tricked Uriah into getting killed so David could have Bathsheba. It is all so terrible but God cared and loved enough for David to punish and humble David - leading him to ask forgiveness and correcting his direction.
Prayer - God you are wonderful and care for all. Help me to honor you by accepting each other. By honoring my children, spouse and friends. I know you care and save all people. Help all to believe in you saving Grace and Love through Jesus Christ. Sometimes we are with the enemy. Help us to win the battle over sin with the Spirit you have given us through the price paid by Jesus. Return us into your ranks of family and friends to renew and lead us. Forgive me this day for my sins which I name before you and correct my direction to lead me and guide me. Amen
Friday 6/11/2004
Romans 15 - God chose Paul to be a servant and because of Jesus Christ Paul can take pride in his service. Paul asks his friends to pray sincerely with him and for him.
1 Samuel 29-31 - The Philistine commanders didn’t trust David to go to battle with them and sent David and his army back home. On his way back David found out his town had been attacked and even his wives had been taken captive along with everyone else. David asks the priest Abiathar to ask God for direction on what he should do. - God told David to go after the people who attacked the city. The attackers were from Egypt. David attacked the Amalekites and got everything back and all the people that were captured - just like God had said. Meanwhile the Philistines attacked Saul and killed Saul’s sons. Saul killed himself by falling on his sword. The Philistines moved into the Israelite towns when the Israelite army ran away.
Psalm 71 - Run to the Lord for protection. Never stop praising God. All day long tell the wonderful things God does to save people. Never stop telling
Sometimes I feel the awesome power and majesty of God and the distance between us seems great and far. Then I realize that the Love of God is so great he put himself into my heart and Jesus feels so near. What a gift!
God takes care of me therefore I should gladly thank, praise, serve and obey him.
Acts 11 and 13 - The Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.� -- Thanks for guidance! Speak the word of Christ to those who seem unreachable. God rejoices in every person who is touched by the gospel.
Prayer - Lord I give you thanks and praise. For you care for me and love me and give me pride because of Jesus Christ. My service to you is a joy and a thankful expression of what you have given to me. I will gladly thank, praise, serve and obey you. Even in my darkest hour, when the battle seems to rage all around you guide my through the voice of your Spirit and give me protection. Help be to never stop telling of the wonderful things you have done to save myself and all people. Set me apart to speak the word of Christ to those who seem unreachable and open my heart to their needs. In Jesus name -- Amen
Saturday 6/12/2004
Romans 16 – Greeting each other is a good thing to do. Greeting recognizes the gifts and importance of others in Christ. God can make you strong through the message of Jesus Christ. For ages and ages the message has been kept secret – now, because of Jesus, the message is in the open for us to tell all.
2 Samuel 1 – This tells another account of Saul’s death. David met a soldier from Saul’s army. The soldier was an Amalekite which is a little peculiar since the Israelites considered them to be enemies. So maybe the soldier really wasn’t in Saul’s army. Anyway – and most likely to impress David – the soldier told David that he saw Saul leaning on his spear and Saul asked the Amalekite to kill him because of the pain. The soldier did so. David was upset that the soldier did this and disrespected the king (not sure if this would be disrespect or not) and David had the soldier killed for his actions against Saul. David wrote a song about Saul and Jonathan (his best friend) and had the song taught to everyone in Judah. David was a very honorable man in that he honored Saul even though Saul was trying to kill him for no good reason and I am sure David was very upset learning about the death of his best friend Jonathan.
Psalm 72 – Praise the King – this was probably written as a praise to an earthly king however as I read this today I think of Jesus – We will always praise you glorious name. Let your glory be seen everywhere on earth.
Sometimes I feel the awesome power and majesty of God and the distance between us seems great and far. Then I realize that the Love of God is so great he put himself into my heart and Jesus feels so near. What a gift!
At great cost Jesus saved and redeemed me, a lost and condemned person. He has freed me from sin, death, and the power of the devil – not with silver or gold, but with his holy and precious blood and his innocent suffering and death. I may be his own now, live under him in his kingdom and serve him forever. This is most certainly true. I can remember when Sue and I had first met telling her about this article of the creed and Luther’s explanation. This is probably one of the most meaningful parts of the catechism to me. Even to memories as a child in confirmation classes how this particular explanation struck so close to home and held such deep meaning for myself.
Galatians 2 – no one will be justified by the works of the law … And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God. Our good works that we do are a wonderful response to God’s grace.
Prayer – Lord I thank you for your creation. As I sit here in your presence, I can hear the animals, the wind, and all creation shouting your praises. Sometimes I need to be forgiven when I let the noise of my sinfulness get in the way of hearing your voice. I let the noise of my sinfulness get in the way and clutter the sound of true praise to you. Forgive me I pray. This life you give is truly a gift. This time to be in your creation clear of the clutter of human noise points out how loudly your creation sings its praises to you. The sounds are so clear that I praise you and can see your glory. I must always praise the king. I thank you for giving me Jesus as my King and Savior. For at a great cost he paid the price I should have paid. Guide me in my response to the gift of life you have given me. Guide me in joyful service to you. Thanks be to God! Amen!
Sunday 6/13/2004
Mark 1 –This passage is about Jesus beginning his ministry. It begins with John the Baptist. John told everyone to turn back – ask for forgiveness and their sins would be forgiven. John was a simple man – he wore clothes made of camel’s hair and ate grasshoppers and wild honey. This is much like Elijah because he lived in the desert – so many people thought John was Elijah returned. John felt he was not good enough to even untie Jesus sandals. Untying sandals would have been the work of a servant. So John knew how powerful Jesus was and was a humble man himself in the presence of God. John Baptizes Jesus and the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove. Jesus was then tempted by Satan in the desert. Then Jesus begins his work by choosing four fisherman. Jesus told them he would show them how to fish for people and they immediately left their occupations to follow Jesus. As I sit here on this deck in the wilderness, listening to God’s creation. The birds singing God’s praises with not a care in the world. The birds have enough faith that they realize that God will take care of their every need. I need to ask for the faith of the birds. To be able to trust God so fully that I know that he will take care of my every need. For this profound demonstration of trust in faith the birds have put me to shame. They are God’s voice speaking loudly and clearly to trust and have faith in God. Lord forgive me for not living the example of the birds. Give me this faith and trust that I may fully depend on you. The sun is rising over the trees of a mountain which seems very close now. May your Son rise in my life and shine brightly through the trees of my life that I may bask in your warmth and life to go and fish for people in your name.
2 Samuel 2 – Here David becomes king of Judah. He asks God what he wants him to do before returning to the city of Hebron which God sent David. Meanwhile Abner a general in Saul’s army takes Saul’s son Ishbosheth and makes him king of Israel. War begins between David and Ishbosheth. David’s army wins the first battle. This was the beginning of a long war between David and the followers of Saul, but Saul’s power grew weaker and David’s power grew stronger. This war continues in me today. May the war over sin grow weaker and the power of Jesus blood in my life grow stronger day by day.
Daniel 1 – This story begins with the exile. The Babylonians have moved the people of Judah to Babylonia. Around modern day Iraq. They did this because it was easier to gain control over a people if you removed them from their home land. It would then become much easier for the ruling authorities to teach the captives the Babylonian culture and work them into their society. So Daniel and his friends were selected to be trained and placed as court officials. Daniel refused to eat the royal diet, and hold tight to his Jewish faith and not eat as the Royal officials would have. He ate mostly fruits and vegetables. He was afraid to eat meat which may still have blood in it. To prove this he asked for a period of time on his diet. After this time Daniel and his friends looked healthier than others who stayed on the royal diet. God made the young men wise and smart. They read a lot of books and became well educated. Daniel could also tell the meaning of dreams and visions. Lord, I know you speak to me through images. Send to me the meanings of these images that I may freely tell the world what you have done through you Son. Enable me to become smart and wise so I may serve you in joy and faithfulness. Yesterday I took pictures of many things which to most may seem rather normal. But I already feel these simple messages being revealed. Give me the ability to articulate the meanings you give.
Sometimes I feel the awesome power and majesty of God and the distance between us seems great and far. Then I realize that the Love of God is so great he put himself into my heart and Jesus feels so near. What a gift!
I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe I can’t by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus or come to him. But through the Holy Spirit God has given me gifts and keeps me in faith. God calls me, enlightens me and sanctifies me and the whole Christian church on earth keeping us united with Jesus in the one true faith. He forgives me and all believers daily and will raise us from the dead into eternal life. Jesus comes to me – the Holy Spirit comes to me – there is nothing I can do to make myself obtain them – this is the gift of grace – can’t understand it but it happens – Thanks be to God!
Luke 7 – Here Jesus forgives a sinful woman who is very repentant. She washes Jesus feet with her tears and dries them with her hair. Washing feet was common during this time since travel was by foot and sandals were worn. This woman realizes who Jesus is. May I see this great example of faith. Jesus forgives me – as lowly as I am in his presence. Jesus exalts me and uses me in loving service for all. I pray that I may hear the words of Jesus – Your faith has saved you, go in peace.
Prayer – So many examples of faith around me this morning. Birds, squirrels, even plants, praising and fully trusting in you. The message of the woman washing Jesus feet. The faith of fishermen ready to up and leave their occupations to follow Jesus. The faith of Daniel in his eating and staying religious to the laws he knew were from God. I humbly ask your forgiveness for my weakness of faith. I thank you for the eye opening you give in times to relax, reflect and see your glory. This morning before I got out of bed I could see a sliver of the moon in the sky through the window of this cabin. I see the example of how even a sliver of faith and the reflection of the light of the sun can make a difference in this world. May I exhibit through your grace even just a sliver of the reflected light of your Son Jesus Christ. Even this sliver of reflected light helps to bring light to a dark world. I humbly come before you this day to praise you, to reflect the light of your glory, to serve you and to humbly adore you. Forgive my sins this day as I know you daily renew me through your Holy Spirit. Fill me with your Spirit that I may love all people and show them your love and action that will take place in their lives also. It’s all about you and I rejoice in this. – Amen
Monday 6/14/2004
Mark 1 – Here Jesus is healing. I know during this time that Jesus is healing and guiding me. Offer the sacrifice in the temple. Take action on the love God has given me. I also see God’s healing action in Sarah. Just yesterday, Sue and I were thinking about going home. There was trouble between Steph and Sarah. They were fighting as sisters do. I prayed that the two could resolve their differences. God answered this specific prayer. After talking on the phone last evening, Sarah told me that they had overcome their differences and had a wonderful day alone with each other on Sunday. Diane, I see the specific answer to prayer that you were talking about! Thanks be to God!
2 Samuel 3 – Here Saul’s son Abner decides to take sides with David. He had conflict with his brother because Abner slept with one of Saul’s wives. This wife was more of a servant than a wife we would think of in todays culture. So Abner didn’t think it was a big deal. Abner felt David should be king over all of Israel – not just Judah. So he pledged his support to David. In the meantime David’s commander Joab found out that David had talked to Abner and let Abner return home. This made Joab mad because in battle Abner had killed Joab’s brother. So Joab went out to kill Abner and did. David was mad now at Joab and made David’s army and people mourn for the death of Abner and buried Abner in Hebron. Hebron is where at this time David ruled Judah.
Daniel 2 – Here the king has a dream and wants the wise men to tell him what the dream is and what the meaning is. None of the wise men could do this. If the king would tell them the dream, then maybe they could interpret it but the king wanted them to tell him the dream and the interpretation. This made the king so mad that his wise men could not do this that he decided to have all of them killed. This included Daniel. Daniel turned to prayer. God revealed to Daniel the dream and it’s meaning.
Prayer – Talk to God – Listen to God – See God’s answers – Smell the stench of sin and the fragrance of God’s love and humbly turn to God and each other in prayer.
Jesus gives us the Lord’s prayer – what an example Jesus has shown us. Many times he also needed to retreat to the garden to pray and talk to God. May this time be my retreat to the garden. Thanks be to God!
Deuteronomy 4 – This one is Moses telling the people to honor God and keep God at the center of their lives and to obey God. He reflects on how the people were at the base of the mountain. Just as I am now, and saw God’s glory, just as I have these past few days. They heard God’s voice but saw no form. They are to follow and obey God and keep there lives centered in God. God is God! May I follow and obey the calling God has given to me in my life.
Prayer – God, you are the center of my life. I stand at the bottom of the mountain and am in awe of your great power. Yesterday I stood at the top of the mountain at Clingman’s dome. There was only mist and fog. I felt the Holy Spirit move and fill me with your presence. As Sue and I descended this high and lofty place of the presence of your Spirit we began to see the world more clearly. Both in the awesome scenery, to the small snails all curled up. Uncurl me I pray that I may be open to you. With open hands I come before you this day. Fill me with your presence. Help me to use all of my senses and see you in everyone and everything. For you have created all and we all depend on you and you only. You take care of all of our needs. I can do nothing to take care of myself without you. Help me to keep my perspective correct and never stray. Forgive me when I do lose perspective. Thank you for prayer. Daniel resorted to prayer immediately when he saw the need and you answered in power and strength. Jesus gave me the Lord’s prayer to lead and guide me. Help me to fully understand the depth of it’s meaning in my life. Guide me as I work with others just as you guided David in his life on battle, conflict, death but yet the love of God. You reach out to all with guidance in all circumstances. – Amen
Tuesday June 15, 2004
Just as an introduction to the place these reflections are coming from. I am sitting on a fourth floor balcony over the main street in Gatlinburg at the Clarion Hotel. Sue is sleeping peacefully inside. When I came out and set things up for my devotion time, I noticed how the mist of the clouds is coming over the mountains. Some of it almost drops into this valley I am in. It reminds me of how I am coming back to the place God wishes for me to serve with the Holy Spirit still present and supporting me but in a more subtle way. You can still hear the birds, but now their loud and clear praise is hindered by people talking as they walk by on the street, by air conditioners, by traffic noise and the hustle and bustle of the morning starting of work for many people. I realize that this is still creation. God has given mankind the ability to create. The buildings, the cars, the air conditioners, the shops, electrical service and many other things. We have gifts God has given us and many people moving about this morning are working their God given callings. They are serving others, sure for money, but God does provide for all and clothes and feeds the birds of the air. This is how most people are fed in this life. I feel I am coming back down from the mountain top to do the work God has called me to do. Love others and show them God. Each one of the people that walks by is a creation of God. Care for them, love them, talk to them and show them God’s grace. So this is also just as grand a place as in the mountains peaceful with God and his creation. This also is God’s creation.
Mark 2 – Jesus heals a crippled man. Friends of the man brought the crippled man to see Jesus for healing. They had to go extra steps by lowering their friend through the roof so the crippled man could see Jesus. Isn’t this how we should love each other. Go the extra steps to help our friends see Jesus even if it is trouble. When Jesus saw the faith the crippled man had he told him your sins are forgiven. Initially he didn’t tell him he was healed but that his sins were forgiven. This is so much more important than the physical healing. For many of us this is enough. Of course this brought a dispute amongst the teachers of the law about Jesus being able to forgive sins. Only God can do this. It seems ironic that a crippled man and his friends could see that Jesus was God but the religious leaders of the day could not see this. Then after forgiving the man, Jesus healed him – pick up your mat and go home. Jesus next chooses the tax collector Levi. The response of all the disciples has been to get up and go. Leave their occupations behind. Makes me wonder. What great faith these people had. They had complete trust in God. Forgive me when my trust is not complete. Next Jesus reflects on the actions of David eating the bread and feeding it to his soldiers that I reflected upon days earlier. Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for the good of people and not that people are made for the good of the Sabbath. Tells me not to focus on myself but to see what gifts God has given us, accept them and use them. Thanks for the gift of Jesus.
2 Samuel 4-5 – The king of Israel, Ishbosheth is killed by his own brothers, Rechab and Baanah. They came pretending to get some flour but went into Ishbosheth’s room where he was resting and stabbed him and cut his head off. This decapitation thing was common in this day and in some places even today. It was positive proof that the person was dead. They took the head to David. Saul’s family was falling apart and the brothers were fighting over who should be king. Since they saw power being lost, I guess it made more sense to start to back David as king of all Israel than try to put up a fight. David wasn’t too happy about what these brothers did. David had so much faith in God that he told them that the LORD would rescue him from his enemies, not some men (or brothers in this case). So David had both of these sons of Saul executed, had their hands and feet cut off and hung their bodies up so all could see (another common custom of the time to show proof). Now David becomes king of all Israel. He goes on to capture Jerusalem to rule from this city which is more centrally located between Judah and Israel.
Daniel 2 – Daniel tells the king what his dream was and interprets the dream. This is all a gift from God. The dream is about several reigns of power that were present and to come for the Babylonian empire. The king recognizes Daniel’s God as powerful. Daniel and his friends are promoted within the government of that time. God has saved Daniel and all the wise men from death by execution commanded by the king.
Prayer – Talk to God – Listen to God – See God’s answers – Smell the stench of sin and the fragrance of God’s love and humbly turn to God and each other in prayer.
Your will be done – on earth as in heaven
1 Timothy 1-2 – God came in Jesus to save all people. We should pray for them and honor each other.
Prayer – It seems the message today is about faith. The faith of the crippled man and his friends, the faith of David to trust only in you to rescue him from his enemies, the faith of Daniel to trust you would give him the dream and the meaning in order to avoid execution. I pray that you strengthen my faith through your Word. I give you thanks for the faith you have given me and the trust I have for Jesus. Help me to serve in faith and love as I come down from the mountain. I see the people you love all around and must serve in joy and love to these your children. Help me to articulate the wonderful message you give of love through Jesus. Forgive me and forgive them so that all may see the joy in life. Like the birds and the small animals I witnessed these past few days, the plants, trees and flowers, you have created all beautifully and care for all of us. May I care for all of your creation and especially those who may be lost, hungry, poor, persecuted or in prison. Give me the faith to carry out your mission on this earth and the wisdom to discern the stench of my sin and redirect myself and center you in my life. Thanks be to God! – Amen
Wednesday 6/16/2004
Mark 3 - Here Jesus heals a Crippled Man’s hand. But what stands out to me is that Jesus got angry with the crowd because they were stubborn and he felt sorry for them. No one said a word when he asked if on the Sabbath we should do good deeds or evil? He healed the man and the Pharisees left to make plans to kill Jesus. Then following Jesus took some of his disciples up on a mountain and chose the twelve. Simon was named Peter- I wonder if Jesus saw an image of Peter and rocks? Then he called James and John “Thunderbolts�- I wonder if there was lightening? This all reminds me of Moses on the mountain. Could it be he met Jesus there?
2 Samuel 6 - David brings the ark - where the LORD All-Powerful is above the winged creatures on toh of the chest - back to Jerusalem. On the way a non Levite Uzzah reaches out to take hold of the sacred chest when the oxen moving it stumble. The LORD was angry at Uzzah and kills him. I wonder if it was because Uzzah didn’t have enough faith and thought he needed to rescue God? The notes say it is because he wasn’t a Levite. However, I still have to wonder if God saw that Uzzah didn’t have faith in God and felt he needed to rescue God from falling. Uzzah centered himself on his own actions instead of the saving grace of God. Makes me wonder? Seems like an extreme action by God if there wasn’t some other unknown reason we are not aware of. So they stop bringing the ark to Jerusalem and leave it at the house of Obed Edom and Obed Edom is blessed. Then David finally brings it to Jerusalem and dances on the way. Saul’s daughter Michal thinks David is disgusting and isn’t acting like a king. But David realizes that he is a servant of God and this doesn’t bother him. Michal has no children as a result. Maybe because David no longer has sex with her- not sure or maybe God did this. The result is still that none of Saul’s descendants will take the throne in the future as God had promised.
Daniel 3 - Nebuchadnezzar sets up an idol and tells everyone they must worship it. The Jews refuse. So the King has Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are thrown into a heated up furnace. I commonly mistake that Daniel is in this group but he is not his given Babylon name was Belteshazzar. These were his friends. I wonder what happened to Daniel in this story? Why wasn’t he thrown in also? Did he worship the idol? Anyway they didn’t burn up. The king saw four men in the fire - he said the fourth one looks like a god. It is explained as an angel -- maybe so -- but I wonder if it wasn’t Jesus? Jesus saved these men because of his faith just as he has saved us and through faith we respond in service to God. Kind of like David above.
Prayer-Talk to God-Listen to God-See God’s answers-Smell the stench of sin and the fragrance of God’s love and humbly turn to God and each other in prayer
God is our Father- Daddy- Abba - maybe to some it is more comforting to think of Mother- Imma- Mommy- the point is that we can pray with complete confidence just as children speak to their loving parents.
1 Timothy 3 - Here Paul talks about how bishops, deacons, and prominent women of the church must act. Sounds pretty tough to me- especially the part about managing the household. Sometimes I think it manages Sue and I and we just hang on - but we do our best. The last part reminds me of the sermon recently God gave to me - “Without any doubt, the mystery of religion is great� --- Jesus. What a wonderful mystery and gift!
Prayer- Lord I see your presence today. You are present with David as he centers his praise around God. You are present in the fire as we undergo testing and trials but keep our faith in you and your guidance. You are present today in our churches as a great and wonderful mystery and gift. Help us to be faithful servants of your Word and love. Guide us in your mission and use us. Show us the way. In Jesus name we pray -- Amen
Thursday 6/17/2004
Mark 3 - Jesus family thought he was crazy and went to get him under control. He was just filled with the Spirit and some thought it was an evil Spirit. Jesus said that speaking against the Spirit was a sin that could never be forgiven. This is because if you reject the Spirit you reject God and can’t be forgiven. These are the lost we must reach out to. God loves them and doesn’t want them to reject his grace. But they do have a choice to make. Will they accept the gift? I hope so!
2 Samuel 7-8 - David looks around at the place he is now living as king and realizes that the ark is in a tent. He decides he needs to build a temple for the ark. God says, hold on a minute! - Why should you build a temple for me?. Here it is again. We think that we need to take care of God. God then straightens David out by telling him all he has done through history. We (I) keep doing this and even in some subtle ways that I don’t even realize until God opens my eyes to it. Forgive me Lord! So God blesses David after he straightens him out and promises that one of his descendants will always reign as king of Israel. Of course we as humans jump to the conclusion that this is a political thing and say -- Aha! This didn’t happen because look at Israel today and now! -- But God put Jesus (descendant of David) as King over Israel forever on earth and in heaven -- and expanded the Israel family to all people. David goes on in chapter 8 to gain more control over all of Israel and the surrounding area.
Daniel 4 - Daniel interprets a dream for the King. In this dream the King sees a great tree in the center of the earth that provides protection for all the animals. Food, shelter and all their needs. The tree is chopped down, the fruit is scattered and for seven years it is just a stump. Here again God is saying be humble. Only God can provide protection. Don’t center yourself in the earth. God is the center of our worship.
Prayer-Talk to God-Listen to god-See God’s answers-Smell the stench of sin and the fragrance of god’s love and humbly turn to God and each other in prayer.
Hallow God’s name by teaching his Word in truth and purity. But understand that God’s name is certainly holy in itself. Never by anything I can do to make it holy.
Psalm 22 - The LORD rules - Tell of his name to all and in the midst of the congregation praise him.
Prayer - Jesus, forgive me! I certainly do what I shouldn’t do and sometimes put myself first. Worry about my own needs. Help me to realize I am third -- You are first, others are second, and I am third and may I show honor to each in this order. As I see the subtle ways honoring self first can happen through your Word - how David did this, how Jesus family did this and how the King of Babylon did this you have opened my eyes once again. May I heed the warning! Help me to respond by honoring your name and teaching your Word in truth and purity to all. In Jesus name. -- Amen
Friday 6/18/2004
Mark 4 - This is the story about the farmer scattering seeds on different ground. What hit me, and this may have been obvious to you, was that Jesus is telling me stories with images. This was the first time that I really thought about this. May have been in my subconscious or something but now it seem obvious to me. The passage when Jesus was explaining why he did this hit home to me -- “These people will look and look. But never see. They will listen and listen, but never understand. If they did, they would turn to God, and he would forgive them.�. Sometimes I know I have looked and looked but never seen. I have listened and listened but never understood. But, I think I am beginning to see and hear. Now it is time for me to turn to God as I have never turned before. And be forgiven. Forgive me Lord!
2 Samuel 9-10 - Ziba - what a name! (Sounds like a wine drink to me) - I have a friend at work - his real name is Ziba but he goes by Roland, he is the Team Leader for Environmental Health and Safety. We work together closely, since a major portion of the maintenance supports EHS. Anyway, Ziba was one of the servants of Saul’s family. David wanted to honor Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan, Saul’s son and David’s best friend who is dead now (I guess they are all dead now - but you know what I mean). Mephibosheth was lame but David honored him by letting him eat at his table. Reminds me of how we should first honor God then each other. David was so good that he did this even to one who would seem to possibly be his enemy. This turned things around. As I read the book by Gary and Dr. Greg Smalley “Bound by Honor� - it made me think of how I should honor my children. Then in chapter 10 David realizes that King Nahash of Ammon dies and his son Hanun became king. David sent some officials to Ammon to tell Hanun how sorry he was that his father died. David was honoring Hanun and Nahash. But Hanun’s officials twisted the whole thing around and figured David sent these men as spys. Hanun’s officials dis-honored David’s officials by shaving half of their beards off and cutting their robes just below their waist. The beard was a symbol of a man’s honor and masculinity and the robe cutting would have exposed their butts. Both actions humiliating. So - David had good intentions of honor and Hanun had intentions to dis-honor. David went to war. The Ammonites teamed up with the Arameans and fought Israel. This time Joab prayed- and God answered. Israel won the war. But the whole thing revolves around honoring one another. Seems the common thread in these two chapters.
Daniel 5 - This story is about the hand that writes on the wall. Makes me think of the “Adams Family� TV show. I don’t remember what they called the hand that would come out of the box. Anyway, as King Belshazzar was giving a banquet and drinking wine he used the “good cups� to drink from. They praised idols made of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood and stone. Here again people loose focus of where God should be in their lives. This hand comes and writes a message on the wall. No one can figure it out and the king is scared ( I would be too if a hand showed up without the body!). None of the officials can figure it out. You would think by this time -- everyone would say go get Daniel! The queen finally does! It takes a woman to straighten the men out - who think they know everything (Hey! -- It must have been Mrs. Know it all!). Says something still about my life today! Daniel tells the king that the words are mene, tekel, parson, -- Numbered, weighed, divided. The kings days are numbered-He has been weighed and found that he falls short as king and God has divided his kingdom between the Medes and the Persians. That night the king was killed and Darius the Mede took over his kingdom. It is thought that the Medes were part of the Persian army that attacked Babylon and the Persians may have put the Medes in control of Babylon. Persia was around modern day Iran and Babylon was around Iraq. I wonder how many US soldiers there today realize the history of the land they where they are located?
Prayer-Talk to God-Listen to God-See God’s answers-Smell the stench of sin and the fragrance of God’s love and humbly turn to God and each other in prayer
May your kingdom come to me. Your kingdom comes when our heavenly Father gives us his Holy Spirit, so that by his grace we believe his holy Word and live a godly life on earth now and in heaven forever. What meaning this has!
Isaiah 65 - God is there -- I think at the cross I see us approaching - With open hands and arms - kind of like the 2 paths image - He wants all of us - but some won’t come - some will turn away - but he still is there to welcome any who accept his loving gift of grace - Jesus.
Prayer - Father, thanks for being there with open arms. Welcoming and forgiving me for the times I can’t see or hear the obvious. Be with me this day and help me to honor first you then others and finally myself. For you are God! As I reflect on your Word this day may I see and hear you throughout the day. In those I speak with, in the world I live in and in all places. Thanks for your stories. Thanks for your images you paint daily. Help me to articulate your Word and reveal the image of your saving grace through your Son Jesus. -- Amen
Saturday 6/19/2004
Mark 4 - Here Jesus tells stories about the kingdom of God. Jesus spoke to the people in stories so they could understand and he taught them as much as they could understand. He didn’t tell them anything without using stories. But when he was with his disciples he explained everything to him. This is followed by a short passage about the storm on the boat. Seem to speak of how we should trust God. Have faith -- don’t be afraid.
2 Samuel 11-12 - This is the story of David and Bathsheba (she was taking a bath and David went ba!- I know that is just plain stupid!). David focuses on his own needs and doesn’t consider the honor he must give to Uriah. Reminds me of the book -- I am third-Honor God, Honor others, then yourself - I am third. So David screws this up- in more ways than one. Nathan the prophet tells David a story which is similar to what he did to Uriah in having him killed in battle. David asks for forgiveness, gets it but finds that his newborn son will die. I guess this is a harder punishment on David than if David himself would have died. Helps to understand more of my friend Mark’s pain in the death of his son..
Daniel 6 - OK - Daniel in the lions den. Here Daniel has faith in God. Goes against the government and holds true to his faith. I see how important prayer is. I can understand why God commands it through Jesus.
Prayer-Talk to God-Listen to God-See God’s answers-Smell the stench of sin and the fragrance of God’s love and humbly turn to God and each other in prayer.
God has given me “daily bread� - everything I need for life. I receive with thanks.
Galatians 3 - We are all one in Christ through faith. Offspring of Abraham.
Prayer - Faith, Forgiveness and Trust. Lord grow my faith. Forgive my sins. I know there are many. I Trust in you and give you thanks for everything. All is a gift from you and I depend completely on you. Help me to hear your stories and understand your explanations. In Jesus name. -- Amen
Sunday 6/20/2004
Mark 5 - After a trip across Lake Galilee - Jesus meets with a man living in a graveyard who has many demons. Jesus sends the demons into a herd of pigs nearby. Since it is a herd of pigs I wonder if this is a Gentile area. The demons leave the man and the pigs run off a cliff into a lake and drown. When the people of the town heard of all this they had to come out and see. They wanted Jesus to leave. The only reason I can think of here is that maybe they saw that Jesus ruined someone’s means of making a living - in the pigs running into the lake. The man who the demons were cast out of wanted to go with Jesus - but Jesus told him no - go home to your family and tell them what the Lord has done for you and how good he has been to you. The man did this and more - he went telling everyone how much Jesus had done for him.
2 Samuel 13 - What a mess. David’s son , the next in line to be king and David’s favorite son Ammon got the hots for his half-sister Tamar. He cooked up a scheme to be with her by pretending to be sick and lured her into his bedroom to serve cakes. These were heart shaped cakes. He raped her then was disgusted with her and sent her away. This disgraced Tamar since she was a princess, a virgin and a half sister. Her brother Absalom vowed to kill Ammon. Absalom was next in line to be king after Ammon. Absalom planned a party of sorts during sheep shearing season which was typically a time to celebrate anyway. Absalom waited until Ammon was drunk and had his servants kill Ammon. A report came back to David that Absalom had killed all his sons. This was wrong, only Ammon was killed. So David and his officials wept loudly.
Daniel 7 - Daniel has a night mare dream. It is about four beasts. One looked like a lion, one like a bear, and one like a leopard with four heads. The fourth beast was stronger and more terrifying than the others. Some think these beasts represent Assyria, Persia, Greece and Rome. Others think that they represent Babylonia, Media, Persia and the empire founded by Alexander the Great. The message is about hope. Because the “son of man� rescued the people of God from these earthly kingdoms. -- “I saw what looked like a son of man coming with the clouds of heaven, and he was presented to the Eternal God. He was crowned king and given power and glory, so that all people of every nation and race would serve him. He will rule forever, and his kingdom is eternal, never to be destroyed.�…..�Then the greatest kingdom of all will be given to the chosen ones of God Most High. His kingdom will be eternal, and all others will serve and obey him.� -- What joy and comfort this brings. No matter what beasts we face in life - we have Jesus to rescue and save us so we can serve and obey in joy eternally.
Prayer-Talk to God-Listen to God-See God’s answers-Smell the stench of sin and the fragrance of God’s love and humbly turn to God and each other in prayer.
Ask for God’s forgiveness - he gives us everything by grace - We sin every day and deserve nothing but punishment. Heartily forgive and gladly do good to those who sin against us. Here I know that God forgives and I realize that God is all powerful. God is God. I should be careful not to mistake myself as God.
Luke 8 - That’s weird. This is the same reading in the book of Luke that I read above in the book of Mark. This reading is from the devotional “Christ in our Home� the other one is a read through the Bible in a year program that I have been using for years. One thing stood out to me this second time around. The people of the area were afraid of Jesus. They were seized with great fear. Jesus healing power is so great, sometimes it scares us. When you think about grace and God -- I can see - Why would God care enough about me that he would save me from death. If I were the potter - I would have just wadded up the clay and started over. But then again - maybe that is what happens in a Christians life -- The old sins are wadded up and you get to start over. It can make you afraid when you are afraid of change.
Prayer - Jesus, thank you for your healing power. It is so great and awesome that sometimes it even scares me. Your love is so deep I can’t even understand why you care. But you do and all I can do is thank, praise, serve and obey you in joy. What a gift! You healed the man with demons. Evil that was overpowering his life. I see the evil in the story about rape and murder in David’s sons and realize the you can even defeat this kind of evil in the world and cast it into the pigs. Daniel speaks about evil kingdoms who rule the earth and lead people away from you. But you give us the ultimate hope in the eternal King and the eternal Kingdom of Jesus. And all this through forgiveness. Forgive me I pray as I must forgive others who sin against me. You are God - You are Holy - You are Forever -- Thanks! -- Amen
Monday 6/21/2004
Mark 5 - Jesus goes back across Lake Galilee and the crowds press in on him looking for healing. A woman touches his cloak and is healed from bleeding that doctors couldn’t stop. (Sounds familiar) - Jesus told the woman that she is well now because of her faith. He is on the way to Jairus house to heal his daughter. When they get there the girl was dead. But Jesus told them she was just asleep and the people laughed at him. He went in and told the girl to get up and she did and started walking around. Then he told them not to tell anyone what had happened. I think he didn’t want things to get out of hand and also I don’t think he wanted people to think he would save everyone in this way - for Jesus salvation went far beyond just extending our present life and situation.
2 Samauel 14 - This is a strange chapter. Here David couldn’t stop thinking about Absalom, his son who had Ammon killed. I think maybe David was thinking about killing Absalom for what he had done. David did want to capture him. So after Joab sent a woman to tell a story to David that was about this issue - David sent for Absalom to have him brought back. Then when Abasalom gets back David refuses to see him for a while - until Absalom pushes the issue with Joab by burning his barley fields. Finally David and Absalom meet and David leaned over and kissed him. This must have been a tough forgiveness for David. There is on passage that really sticks out in this reading that applies to all of us “God doesn’t take our lives. Instead, he figures out ways of bringing us back when we run away.�
Daniel 8 - Daniel has a vision of a ram and a goat. This is one of those weird ones. Goats becoming powerful and running around in all directions and horns and stuff like that. The angel Gabriel interprets the vision for Daniel but I like the last verse of the chapter “After this, I was so worn out and weak that is was several days before I could get out of bed and go about my duties for the king. I was disturbed by this vison that made no sense to me.� -- Doesn’t make much sense to me either -- I don’t feel so bad!
Jesus magnificent healing can be scary yet an awesome example of ultimate love.
God watch over me and keep me form the devil’s deception.
Galatians 1 - Be sure not to be mislead by a gospel contrary to the true Gospel.
Prayer - Healing and forgiveness. I thank you Jesus for these two things in particular this day. As I heard your Word I pray for healing and forgiveness for myself, friends and the world. Your love can be scary at times because it is beyond my understanding. Sometimes your messages are so awesome - I just don’t get it. Lead and guide me and thump me over the head if needed. But I still get some comfort that others just didn’t get it either - like the disciples and Daniel. - Amen
Tuesday 6/22/2004
Mark 6 - Jesus goes home and is rejected by the local people. They don’t have faith and can’t understand how a carpenter or it could be a stone or brick layer could do such great things. It seems that the ones closest to him are furthest from his ministry here. The disciples are called and sent out into the world to tell everyone to turn to God. Then there is the story of the beheading of John the Baptist.
2 Samuel 15 - Absalom gains the hearts of the people of Israel and they decide they would like for him to be king. David’s authority is undermined and it appears his judgments are not meeting the people’s needs. So he has to leave Jerusalem and Absalom will rule. David leaves with the ark but later sends it back - God will call David back to Jerusalem.
Daniel 9 - Daniel prays in this chapter - the form seems to be praise, confess and ask. Gabriel appears to fly in and interpret the meaning of the seventy weeks which have to do with the rule of kingdoms of the time. Remember the Israelites are in exile in Babylonia.
Jesus magnificent healing can be scary yet an awesome example of ultimate love.
Save me from evil God and at my last hour mercifully take me to you in heaven.
Galatians 2 - Paul goes to the church leaders with the Gospel and gets confirmation to preach to the Gentiles and remember the poor.
Prayer - Lord sometimes it seems the ones closest least understand us. Help me to be open to my wife and family and show them your glory. David’s son Absalom won the hearts of the people and convinced them he should be king. David had love and compassion for Absalom when it seems he should have hated him. It seems the ones closest least understood each other. But Daniel gives us an example of prayer in difficult times or any time - praise God, ask for forgiveness, and tell God your needs. Lord you healing love is magnificent - save me from evil and forgive my sins. Send me out to joyously tell everyone to turn to God and remember the poor. -- Amen
Wednesday 6/23/2004
Mark 6 - Jesus feeds the five thousand - The crowds are now pressing in constantly and it seems Jesus has to try to escape but can’t. Here Jesus feeds the people first with his Word then feeds them physically. It reminds me of the great feast that is to come when we gather with all the saints in unity at the table. How I look forward to this. Each communion I feel a taste of this feast and feel the company of my Dad and others along with all those present now.-- Jesus goes up on a mountain to pray. It must have been difficult to get away. But this does show the importance of solitude and prayer, even that Jesus held. Then Jesus has to walk on the water to catch up with the disciples in the boat. They thought he was a ghost and started screaming- sounds a little humerous from my perspective today. The disciples were completely confused. I can relate to these guys! Then as soon as they got out of the boat the crowd started pressing in. Jesus the healer.
2 Samuel 16 - Roles are reversing here. David and his son Absalom. David is being sent out and Absalom has sex with all of David’s wives. Kind of the reverse of the David and Bathsheba affair. Now David is playing Uriah’s role! Nathan’s previous prophecy to David has come true -- Chap 12 “Someone from your own family will cause you a lot of trouble, and I will take your wives and give them to another man before your very eyes.� -- This was spoken to David through Nathan during the Bathsheeba mess.
Daniel 10 - Daniel had prayed for understanding. He realized that he is only a servant. He was told that God thinks highly of him and God strengthens Daniel for service.
Jesus magnificent healing can be scary yet an awesome example of ultimate love.
It shall be that the kingdom, power and glory are yours forever!
Galatians 2 - The gospel we proclaim is a revelation of Jesus Christ. This is our story - how has Jesus been revealed to you? No need to be scared - have faith and proclaim this story to all. Even the Gentiles.
God’s power shows itself as love for the creature; God’s purity shows itself as grace to transform the sinner.
Prayer - Healing, healing healing -- all over today’s Word. Thank you for healing. Thank you for healing the sick through out all time. The people press in to meet you because of you power and love for them and your grace transforms the lives of sinners. Transform our lives today. Heal us where we are weak and help us to wait for your strength to go in service to you. Forgive us for our sin is made obvious. Just as David’s sin was made obvious -- you turned him around and forgave him. Turn us around and forgive us our sins. For the kingdom, power and glory are yours forever- Yes it shall be so! Send us out today to proclaim how you are active in our lives - even to our enemies. --- Amen
Thursday 6/24/2004
Mark 7 - The Pharisees come up from Jerusalem -- well this some distance from where Jesus is right now - either they wanted to hear Jesus or , I think more likely, they came out of their way to catch Jesus in something so they could eliminate him. There was discussion on washing of hands and laws. Jesus told them they were nothing but show-offs. Then quoted Isaiah - “All of you praise me with your words, but you never really thing about me. They has lost focus -- made up their own laws and once again put themselves ahead of God and God’s intentions.
2 Samuel 17 - Ahithophel gave Absalom advice to have David killed instead of starting a civil war. Absalom wanted to confirm this advice with Hushai - but Hushai told Absalom that this wasn’t a good idea. - he felt Absalom should gather an army. Absalom liked Hushai’s advice better. Then he has a message sent to David about what advice he had given and what advice Ahithophel had given. As the messengers were on their way to tell David a woung man saw them and told Absalom about it. The messengers, Jonathan and Ahimaaz, hid in a well and were able to escape the search of Absalom’s soldiers. A woman hid them. This reminds me of the Rahab and the Israelite spys and how she hid them. In the meantime Ahithophel realizes the Absalom is not going to follow his advice - so he commits suicide. Anyway David escape across the river but the battle is forming. -- Boy what a bunch of names! And what a bunch of conniving!
Daniel 11 - King of the north - King of the south - fight - fight - fight - blah -blah -blah! Again people lose focus on God -- God in the end will rule the earth. It is his! -- Not the king of the south, north or anywhere else. Get the priorities straight. It is comforting to know that God was speaking to Daniel in vision to warn him and help him with all this political crap!
Jesus magnificent healing can be scary yet and awesome example of ultimate love.
Baptism is water together with God’s Word to Go and make disciple and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Luke 1 - This is about the naming of John the Baptist -- What strikes me here is how today we have been given a similar command as illustrated above in baptism -- “for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people by the forgiveness of their sins.� Even though in time we are after Jesus - we know he will come again - so we are also before his second coming --- thus the message continues -- turn, repent and accept the saving grace of Jesus. -- Serve and praise him. He will not only then come again but Jesus will immediately be in your heart.
Prayer - Help the world with political motives. It seems the message today is about how misguided and devious we can become politically when we don’t focus our attention on you and think we have all the power. You, you alone are God-powerful and almighty. Help me today to follow the rules of your grace and love and not some silly rules I impose on myself to glorify myself. Lead me into the wilderness to proclaim to all the saving grace of baptism and life in you. Help me to shout out to all your saving story and proclaim the glory of repentance and your forgiveness. Finally help me to realize how you have entered my life, to unite with Christians friends in you and your love. --- Amen
Friday 6/25/2004
Mark 7 - Jesus continues healing. Now he is healing even the Gentiles. I’m sure this ticked off the Pharisees. The Gentile woman with the daughter who was possessed is interesting. Instead of backing down with her conversation with Jesus - her reply shows even more faith -- What a great example! -- Then I’m not sure about the cure for the deaf man at the end of the chapter -- Jesus stuck his fingers in the man’s ears - Spit and put it on the man’s tongue -- What was that all about???
2 Samuel 18 - David goes to battle with Absalom. David divides his army into three sections and a commander for each. David intends to go too. But the commanders convince him otherwise. David tells them to be sure Absalom comes back alive. This had to be hard on David’s troops. On one hand they are to go to battle against a man that is trying to take over the kingdom and rule from David. But on the other hand they are to not kill Absalom? What pressure! - Go after him-but if you mistakenly kill Absalom - you have the wrath of David to face - like when Saul was killed. David had a history. Absalom gets hung up in a tree. Joab finds out and kills Absalom. I can see Joab’s point - this would put an end to the whole thing. David is told that they won the battle and that Absalom is dead and David mourns Absalom. This would take everything out of the troops that had risked their lives to save David. David must have had a whole range of emotions. This was his son-- his son is dead- what a family mess! -- Yet his son was going to kill David and take away his kingdom. Anger, sorrow, guilt (could I have done more to prevent this?) -- All sorts of emotions. Then pile on how David is treating the people who currently support him. God is needed very much here to help David through.
Daniel 11 - More battles - back and forth - the temple is taken over and other sacrifices offered in it. But God is still God throughout all of this human sin. God rules in the end not matter how important we may think we are. God has the solution no matter how much we think we can solve everything.
Jesus magnificent healing can be scary yet an awesome example of ultimate love.
He who believes and is baptized will be saved.
1 Kings 19 - Elijah gives Elisha his mantle. This is honor! The mantle offers protection and honor. It is a coat of sorts -- but a very meaningful expression of the person and their call. May we all pass God’s mantle on!
Prayer - Battles all around us in the world and in ourselves -- with family, with friends, with sin and with ourselves. Lord- we can’t win the battles by ourselves. We don’t have the solutions. Only you have the solutions. We battle over decisions and become indecisive -- to the point it seems that it is about everything and all is hopelessly lost. Yet I look in awe at the healing of Jesus. The past week -- I have seen healing-healing-healing -- of all sorts of people in your Word. Then if I just look around - I can see it in life today all over. Re-direct my focus to your healing. I can see your grace, love and salvation. Even in a world of battles you are there with so many gifts. Change my attitude to see the gifts of life - past the death and sin of myself and this world. Pour out your mantle on my life that I may give it to others in this world and give all the hope and faith needed to joyously serve you in joy for what you have given us. -- Amen
Saturday 6/26/2004
Mark 8 - Whoa - the feeding of four thousand -- This is the one that reminds me of how God can transcend space -- loaves and fish are multiplied and feed thousands. God’s Word is multiplied in us and feeds thousands. Jesus himself is multiplied in us in the bread and wine and feeds thousands. Yeast although could be evil in the Pharisees could also been seen as faith in Jesus -- feeds thousands after it is multiplied. God fed the Israelites with manna in the desert. Today God feeds me in the bread and wine in Jesus -- I am to go and feed thousands. -- Then there is the one that reminds me of me this week - when I was looking for a sign -- Jesus told the Pharisees and implied with the disciples -- You looking for a sign to verify what I have already told you? Poo on you! -- You should just have faith -- I already gave you the sign - why do you want more? - Same thing happened to me this week with a letter from the Bishop and card from Diane --- I already gave you the sign - why want more - have faith and go!
2 Samuel 19 - David returns to Jerusalem from exile in northern Israel. It is a bitter-sweet experience. David forgives many but there is now the beginnings of a division between Judah and Israel. Israel protected David during the civil war battle. But David is returning to Judah. This is the start of more trouble but a healing too with Judah. Sounds like the “pickles� I get myself into in life.
Daniel 12 - Finally a great end to all that political vision stuff. Here in the OT we see signs of the resurrection of the dead. “Many of those who lie dead in the ground will rise from death. Some of them will be given eternal life, and others will receive nothing but eternal shame and disgrace. Everyone who has been wise will shine as bright as the sky above, and everyone who has led others to please God will shine like the stars.� -- What a great thought of hope in God’s salvation!
Spirit of God - The strength for Samson to kill a lion is ascribed to the spirit of God. - Ezekiel use ruah in the story of the dry bones. Jesus is the permanent bearer of the Spirit. The Spirit’s distinctive mark in the messianic era will be the gift of the Spirit to all, high and low, old and young, male and female. What a gift!!
Jesus magnificent healing can be scary yet an awesome example of ultimate love. -- I think I lived this out this week!
Jesus saved us in virtue of his mercy by baptism and renewal in the Spirit which he poured out on us richly through Jesus our Savior that we might be justified by grace and he heirs in hope of eternal life. Thanks for my baptism. -- On Becky’s birthday - July 15th!
Galatians 5 - Another great passage - Today God is sending blessings of hope! Finally getting beyond all that battle stuff! -- Christ set us free -- Stand firm and don’t let slavery to sin get in the way. Don’t use this freedom for self indulgence. Keep God at your center, in your heart the center of your being - like the Luther Rose - Love your neighbor as yourself. Through love become slaves to one another. Live by the Spirit. Don’t gratify the flesh with sinful desires. Smell the stench of sin and all of it’s components listed. Live by the fruits of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Be guided by the Spirit and don’t become conceited, competing against one another, envying one another. - The fruits of the Spirit thing brings back a childhood memory, when my Mom and I sat down and made a little craft together after reading this passage at the kitchen table. I think it was some devotional thing she was doing with me - it was one of the few things we did alone together and meant allot in my memory - I will always remember it.
Prayer - Lord thank you for opening my eyes. You have used your Word, images, cards, and Diane to help me see what should have been obvious. Forgive me for my lack of vision. You give hope that the battle will finally be won by you. I can’t win the battle but depend on your grace to rescue me from my doubt and sin. You increase my faith. Help me to have faith when I doubt. Help me to love and serve my neighbor. Increase in me the fruits of the Spirit. Help me to recognize the stench of my sin and to run away towards the gifts of the fruits you have given. Sometimes I will run straight to you and other times I will run to your presence in friends. You rescue and redeem me as a kinsman. Thanks for this revelation. You rescue me as a child in a Mother’s activity on the fruits of the Spirit. You rescue me with images of lasers, scales, and marking pulses. You are my marking pulse- let me always see that pulse to keep my reference on you to keep me from being lost. You rescue me by allowing me to smell the stench of my lower room - to realize the stink and reach out to a friend. You rescue me in the words of your saints in books and readings and Diane’s Bible Study notes. You rescue me with Sarah - when we listen to music and she tries to get it through my thick head what some of it means, when we eat a simple supper together at her apartment and she begins to grow in you. You rescue me by showing me to honor Stephanie - to not give up - to discipline when needed and to be a father. You rescue me when I see Sue take a picture of a rainbow this past week and realize that she is beginning to see you also on a deeper level. You rescue me in your church - Zion, the SOS and the ELCA. You rescue me in conversation with Christians of all denominations that expand my thinking in you. You rescue me in my life, here and now and in all the situations I face. You rescue me in the saving grace of the life, death and resurrection of your Son. You rescue me by the presence of your Spirit in my life and the life of others. You rescue!!! Thanks be to God! --- Amen
Sunday 6/27/2004
Mark 8 - Jesus heals a blind man - with spit - what’s this thing about spitting? -- Then the focus changes. Jesus poses the question to the disciples - Who do people say I am? They do a brainstorm thing then he asks - Who do you say I am? -- Peter recognizes that Jesus is the Messiah (Chosen One). Then Jesus goes on to begin to tell about his death and Peter pulls Jesus aside and tries to straighten Jesus out -- Get behind me Satan --- Peter lost focus- God is God - We can’t tell God what to do. I can relate to this Devil Man thing. It is great though that Jesus leaves no doubt in his message of correction. If he had tried to be nice about it then Peter would have continued in his sin. So rejoice in a harsh response from God -- It means you are loved enough that he really cares!
2 Samuel 20-21 - More stench - When David returns he takes the ten wives he left behind that Absalom slept with and puts them away and David never sleeps with them again. Seems unfair treatment. David has put Amasa in place of Joab as his chief commander. David sends Amasa out to hunt down Sheba who was leading Israel away from David. Amasa fools around with this command of three days to put together an army so David tells Abishai to get on the stick and go get Sheba. Abishai takes Joab with him and Joab finds Amasa on the way and kills him. This is jealousy because Amasa had taken Joab’s job from him. Joab tracks down Sheba to the town of Abel Beth-Maacah. Joab is ready to go in and get him when a wise woman saves the city from destruction. She goes and gets Sheba - his head is cut off and thrown over the city wall to Joab. Then Joab and his troops go back to David. Following this are several stories out of order. One is about the death of Saul’s sons and how they were given over to the Gibeonites by David - they were hung and put on display. Rizpah (a couple of the son’s were hers) takes care of the bodies so the birds and beasts don’t pick at them. David takes the bones and gives them a burial in the family tomb to bring back some honor to Saul. Then a story on the death of Goliath of Gath - this may be a contradiction to the David and Goliath story - or it was a different Goliath - some think maybe his brother.
Hosea 1 - Hosea is a prophet - he is told to marry Gomer (what a name! -- I‘d like to introduce you to my lovely wife, Gomer!-- a wife of whoredom). This is in Israel - northern kingdom. The people didn’t force out all the Canaanite people from the land. So worship of Canaanite gods continued and the Israelites began to worship these gods also. Canaanite worship of the fertility god Baal included ritual prostitution that would help bring rain and make their crops grow. The northern kingdom of Israel had good land - so crops were important to the people. God kind of sets up a living example with Hosea and his family life with Gomer to represent how Israel had become unfaithful to him (YHWH). Hosea and Gomer have three children. Gomer has a son, daughter, son. The names are significant - Jezreel (God scatters) - Lo-Ruhamah (No mercy) - Lo-Ammi (Not my people).
The Holy Spirit is present in Jesus and bestowed upon us at our baptism. We are called to our ministry and given the gifts of the Spirit to carry it out.
Jesus magnificent healing can be scary yet and awesome example of ultimate love.
Daily bury you sinful self and repent. Day after day a new self shall arise to live with God in righteousness and purity forever. Experience you baptism daily in this way.
Luke 9 - Help me keep my focus on Jesus and the cross - the mission is clear - the love is awesome
Prayer - Thank you for a day to worship and center our praise on you. Help us to keep our focus on Jesus and the cross throughout the coming week. We will see and experience the sinfulness of ourselves and the world. Forgive us daily our sins and send us out in joy to serve you. Send your Holy Spirit with us as we deal with a sinful self and a sinful world. Lead and guide us in our decisions and center your love in our hearts. -- Amen
Monday 6/28/2004
Mark 9 - This first section is about the transfiguration. Peter, James and John get to witness an awesome event. Jesus is changed. Then they return to the people and Jesus is healing again. The transfiguration is a significant event and changing of Jesus just as he is about to move from healing - to his journey to death on the cross. It seems Jesus ministry begins to change -- the healing begins to move to a deeper level - from healing physical traits to opening up to people the healing needed for the soul. The beginning of this new piece of Jesus life is centered in faith and prayer.
2 Samuel 22 - David was known for two things - his prayerful trust in the LORD and for songs. Reminds me of some other people I know! This song of David makes me think about a recurring theme lately in the readings -- God is God! -- Keep it that way and don’t forget it.
Hosea 2 - Israel is portrayed as Hosea’s wife - a prostitute and whore - Israel has left God and worshiped other gods. But in the end there is hope - God will help and lead and guide Israel back to him.
Can you hear God calling?
In communion we receive forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. For where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation.
Galatians 4 - Tell the truth in love.
Prayer - It’s time for a change. It’s time to see the transfiguration of Jesus and see how he changed. Jesus ministry changed after the transfiguration. It’s time to see how you can take Gomer, and Israel and forgive and change them. In forgiveness we receive life and salvation. Change my heart in your truth and lead and guide the change. -- Amen
Tuesday 6/29/2004
Mark 10 - Jesus begins a teaching ministry. It’s interesting to me that he is still in gentile country. He teaches about divorce in a test from the Pharisees. He turns it beyond divorce and talks about why the law was given in the first place. -- Because we have hardened our heart. Jesus accepts the children. Just as in baptism today all children are accepted by Jesus. Then follows is the rich man that asked Jesus what he could do to have eternal life. Jesus told him to leave everything - sell all he had and give it to the poor and follow him. This man couldn’t do this. I think if we think we can “do� something to have eternal life - we miss the point - so Jesus taught this man a lesson. If he really wants to “do� something to have eternal life on his own - he must give up everything. This is what Jesus did for us -- gave up everything - even his life. We can’t do it - but Jesus has done it for us. God is God.
2 Samuel 23 - OK, so this one for me was hard to get much from but somehow God leaves a message anyway. The first few verses summarize David’s life of trust and faith in God as he followed God all his life. This is the supreme example of David. Even though he was very very human - sinned - he always heard God’s calling and returned asking forgiveness and being forgiven. He was punished for his actions. But David still trusted and had hope in God. What a great example for ministry. The remainder of the chapter is recognition of commanders and battle heroes. Not to make light of their actions. They risk their lives for us.
Hosea 3 - God tells Hosea to take an unfaithful woman hw has a lover as a wife. Hosea does this and buys a woman. Then kind of puts her away and tells her she will be his for a long time before they have sex. God relates this living story to how Israel has treated him. God loves the people of Israel even though they worship idols -- and it will be a long time before Israel turns back to God, before God guides them and rescues them.
Hope - Hebrew qawa and tiqwa - twist, cord, rope - the rope to which one clings -- yahal, tohelet -- to wait -- has - to take refuge -- batah - turst -- God will never abandon the people he has chosen -- This brings hope.
Can you hear God calling?
If you believe the words in Communion “given and shed for you for the remission of sins’ -- These words, along with eating and drinking and a believer has exactly what they say -- forgiveness of sins.
Mark 8 - If you think you can save your life - forget it! You must lose your life for the sake of the gospel and follow Jesus.
Prayer - Lord as I look to your Word in scripture, I see and realize that I can’t save myself. Let me not think that by following you I will save myself. Only you can save me - not some action of my own. However as I realize this great gift you have given - I want so badly to leave it all and follow you - just like the disciples. But then you have given me life and I must respect it. Lead and guide me in hope through the path you would have me go - I know that I must depend on you and I trust in you to lead me to the calling you have for me - not what I think - but what you want. Forgive my doubt and indecisiveness and show me your way. -- Amen
Wednesday 6/30/2004
Mark 10 - Jesus is very clear with the disciples about his mission - death and ressurection. Then James and John want seats in Jesus kingdom. They are still thinking of an earthly rule. We are told to be servants. This is what is honorable. On the way to Jerusalem Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus. He wants to see! - His faith made him well. Help me to see! Increase my faith.
2 Samuel 24 - This one I always thought was a strange ending to the book. “The LORD was angry at Israel again, and he made David think it would be a good idea to count the people in Israel and Judah.� Then when David does - he is punished by God for not trusting him. There must be more here than what I can see. I think the people of Israel have more to do with this than the writer reveals and God is using David as a living story to trust only in God. David takes the punishment - he has one of three choices and takes the one that most directly impacts him -- being unselfish. -- Se then this is another part that doesn’t seem to fit with the actions of God - “So that morning, the LORD sent an angel to spread a horrible disease everywhere in Israel, form Dan to Beersheba. And before it was over, seventy thousand people had died.� -- But I guess if God wants to tell a story -- even though people die - it doesn’t mean they die - I still think God is righteous and saves. Then David repents, builds an altar to God and offers sacrifice. So whatever made the LORD angry at Israel -- I would think, we need to recognize what angers God-smell our sin - Repent - Serve and Offer our lives to God.
Hosea 4 - Kind of like a court trial - God accuses Israel of not being faithful, loyal or caring. Then lists the evil. The warns the priests that they let this happen and didn’t try to control or teach the people the right way causing the people to rebel against God.
Can you hear God calling?
If you believe that Jesus gave himself for you for the forgiveness of sins, then you are prepared for Communion. However if you don’t believe or doubt then you are not prepared or worthy. You must have a believing heart to be prepared.
Galatians 4 - We are children of the promise. Oh what a promise God has given!
Prayer - I know I am unfaithful to you at times. I trust myself and others before looking first to you. I don’t see your kingdom as I should but see it to some advantage of my own. Forgive me. You are great and you are Lord of the Universe. Show me how to serve faithfully. Show me how to love. Show me how to honor. I believe in you. -- Amen
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