Sunday, November 21, 2004

November 21st reflection

Sunday 11/21/2004
1 Peter 4 - Christ suffered - I must be ready to suffer - suffering shows that you have stopped sinning - you turn from your own desires and WANT to obey God for the rest of your life - there it is again - “the good news has even been preached to the dead, so that after they have been judged for what they have done in this life, their spirits will live with God.� -- be sensible enough to pray - “you must sincerely love each other� - love wipes away sins - you have been blessed with gifts to be used in service of others - so use it well - use it to bring honor to God because of Jesus - count it as a blessing when you suffer for being Christian - have faith and keep doing right - verse 12 - after some more research - The dead are those who died before Christ came, but who heard the gospel in the abode of the dead. Now they have the gospel preached to them in Hades in order that they may have the chance of full and final salvation, --life with God and as God lives. -- descended into hell - in the Creed again.
Jeremiah 37-38 - Jeremiah is giving the message - over and over that the Babylonians will take Jerusalem - there was a reprieve when Egypt came to help Judah and the Babylonians stopped their siege on Jerusalem and Judah to take care of the Egyptian army - but once done the Babylonians would return and finish the job at Judah and Jerusalem -- Jeremiah was going out of Jerusalem to claim some land of his and was stopped by a guard at the gate and accused of running away to join the Babylonians - Jeremiah was thrown in jail - but the king still wanted info from Jeremiah - we was put in jail at a different place and fed bread because Jeremiah pleaded with the king that he would die in the other prison - Well this kept up- the people thought that the message from Jeremiah was causing the people to lose hope - he was telling them to surrender -- so some people went to the king - and the king gave them permission to do with Jeremiah what they wanted - so they lowered him into a well without water and Jeremiah sank into the mud - but Ebedmelech came to Jeremiah’s rescue and defended him before the king - so Jeremiah was pulled from the well - seems like here is Jeremiah with a crummy message from God to tell the people - they don’t want to hear it- but Jeremiah goes through a bunch of crap anyway -- talk about suffering and feeling down!
Psalm 137 -This one is like someone just talking to God about their problems during the exile. Almost like a prayer conversation.
God freely gives His grace and life. I must change my heart and turn to God and grow in His Light.
Wedding gifts to give each other always- Love-Encouragement-Prayer - doesn’t matter if your married or not -- we give all this to each other always
Don’t hurt your neighbor -- help them
Luke 23.33-43 - We mock Jesus and tell him to save himself -- but the grace of God - freely given to Jesus - the suffering he was taking for me -- so salvation for Jesus was suffering - if Jesus didn’t suffer and die - he would have been turning from God’s call - but Jesus is God - God would have denied himself -- Jesus had to suffer for my sins -- Wow! -- that will really make your brain hurt -- but it will save your life!!! -- Thanks be to God -- and thanks for the grace of a suffering, dying Jesus -- Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.
Isaiah 42.13-16 - God will lead me - he will not leave me - he will smooth out the path for me and give me life.
Psalm 91 - Make God my refuge - hw will guard me - he will rescue me - he will answer me and give me life
Prayer - Suffering - grace - life - mud - messages of doom - but salvation - Pull me from that muddy well - but let me feel the suffering - for I see in suffering comes life - I am willing to suffer for you and others - I must be willing - for through the suffering comes life and salvation - forgiveness of sins - grace and freedom to go back at it - to serve in this broken world -- but there will be a day - yea - there will be a day when you come again and finish it all up - then - that cross of suffering - will be your throne - will be glorious - I will slowly approach - hand-in-hand with a multitude and we will see your glorious power. Until that time may we join each other in service to you - loving each other - encouraging each other - and praying for each other - for you are God - you have shown the way through Jesus life and grace filled gift of life. Praise god this day especially and always! --- Amen

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