Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 25th - Let's Play!

Theme of the Day
Watch diligently

Readings of the Day
1 John 3-What we know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is. And all who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.
2 Chronicles 36-The LORD, the God of their ancestors, sent persistently to them by his messengers, because he had compassion on his people and on his dwelling place; but they kept mocking the messengers of God, despising his words, and scoffing at his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD against his people became so great that there was no remedy.
Psalm 90-For a thousand years in you sight are like yesterday when it is past, or like a watch in the night.
John 4.11-16-The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.

God's Word of the Day
Watch Me. Hear My calling. Obediently get up and go! Follow me and you well be transformed.

Story of the Day
So there I was, this speck of dust laying on the side of this hill. I had been here since creation. If I could only tell you all the things I had seen over time. But in reality, this whole business of time is overplayed. In time I am but just a moment. To the people that pass by me over and over, time is a life-time, maybe seventy or eighty years or so. But to me, time just goes on and on. But compared to eternity, even my time is just a second or two. I've seen these people, strong in their faith in the Creator at times and at other times, I've seen these people deny their Creator and look to other false god's. I've seen it all over this small amount of time that I've existed as this speck of dust on the side of this hill. I've seen kings come and go. I've seen good rulers and bad rulers. I've seen people kind hearted and people at war with one another. I've seen good and evil. I've seen it all, I think. But the best I ever saw was when the Creator decided to come into this very world He created. He came as a man. He came and lived a life of sacrifice. He gave His very life to save these people He created. A people gone astray. Then a Love beyond belief. On this very hill I saw the most amazing thing. I saw the Creator, I saw the Son, I saw the Father, I saw the Spirit, out of love, die for His Creation. He died for His people. Out of love he gave his life to give new life to His creation. He gave an everlasting spring of life to all creation. I think I've seen it all. I've heard Him call His people to action. Call them away from their daily lives to obediently follow Him. To get up and leave their life behind to be His disciples. Some obey and follow. Others turn and run. Others just make up excuses and really don't follow. I've seen it all. These days as this speck of dust, I've seen it all. Those that follow are transformed. Even when they give up their lives they gain a life that is beyond belief. They are changed into the likeness of Him. It's amazing the change! I've seen it all. Here I am this speck of dust on the side of a hill and I really haven't seen it all. I've only seen the glimpses of the beginnings of eternity. I have so much more to see!

Prayer of the Day
Lord, I hear Your call each day. You come to my door and bid me to come out with You. To follow You in Your Kingdom. I leave this place of mine. I leave this life of mine. I leave myself to follow You. I trust You and will obey Your call. Lead me this day to where You would have me go. Teach me this day what I need to learn. Use me this day, how You would want me used. Transform me this day into what You would have me be. I am Yours. ---Amen

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