Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 20th Story by Bill Lynch

The Illusion

Was it only an illusion? Tom was confused by his thoughts over the past few days. It seems like time flies by and then you must return from the mountain top. But this time it just seemed like an illusion. Did he really hike to the top of that mountain and sit for several hours in thought? Or was that just a dream?

There was more to it than just that though. There was a conversation this time with someone else. Someone that showed him all of the world spread at his feet. The scene went on forever it seemed, from mountain peak to mountain peak and over a beautiful river. Tom came to believe that in this conversation there was so much more to life. There was relationship, love, truth, knowledge and life that goes on and on.

Tom was told on this mountain top that a Guide would be sent to give direction. A guide that would provide the words Tom would need in the future. But who was this guy? He seemed so real at one time but now seemed as if an illusion. Tom know he was real, but now that Tom has returned from the mountain top, he only has this vague illusion to remember.

What kind of Guide was this guy talking about? A guide or a teacher or what? And how long was he to wait for more direction. Who says he needed any direction anyway? The guy says in a little while he won't see him and then in a little while he will. A bit of a confusing illusion to ponder. But ponder Tom will.

Lord, I believe... I wait... I know of more than just an illusion... I know of what's real and what's an illusion. Be with those who are confused and need help to know the difference. Guide the minds and the hands of all nurses and doctors that can give the help and nurture that you have gifted them with in order to help those in need. Send your Holy Spirit into the lives of all involved and strengthen each one of us as we wait in faith for your call. --- Amen

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