Sunday, May 06, 2012

May 6th Story by Bill Lynch

The Love of the Father

His name was Abbot. He was a thick man, a man that was stalwart, an honest man that all admired and looked up to. It was that time of year when all the "helicopters" flew from the trees. Even though Abbot was a strong man, he ran for joy, collecting the seeds as they fell. He carried his granddaughter in his arms, both reaching high, catching each seed as it fell and laughing together. Abbot loved this time of year. He collected a few of the "helicopters" and peeled out the seeds, placed them in a bag with peat moss and put the bag in the refrigerator.

About ninety days later Abbot pulled the bag from the refrigerator. Together with his granddaughter, Carmen, they prepared a small pot with potting soil and planted the seeds. They watered the pot daily and waited and watched. It was as if these seeds had to enter the harsh cold and live for a while and then give up their life to be buried. The seeds had a glorious entry into this world with a wonderful display of flight to the earth only to live a tough life and die in the soil. But Abbot loved the seeds, the earth and life. Abbot was preparing a miraculous event.

With nothing but a pot of dirt, Abbot kept the soil moist and placed the pot in the sun. Abbot cared for these seeds carefully watering them and nurturing them for three months, keeping them in the warmth of the sun, always around the comfortable range of the 70 degree mark. Abbot showed Carmen love and care.

Then it happened, a sprout began to show and a tree began to grow. Abbot and Carmen named the tree Abigail. They loved this tree so much that Abbot and Carmen gracefully took the tree out of the pot and picked just the right place for Abigail and planted her there.

Abbot and Carmen would watch this tree for years to come. They observed the life that this tree would show to all the world. They even collected the sap from the tree in the early spring to enjoy the maple syrup that they would make. Abigail, became a tree of life and love and happiness. Abigail was a celebration of life through the death of a seed. Abigail showed all the world the joy of the Father.

Father, we see your joy, we feed upon the Spirit of Love you have given to us. May the life we live reflect your joy and love for all creation as we love you and all those you give to us... today... tomorrow... and forever. --- Amen

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