Sunday, June 26, 2005

June 26th People Reflection

Sunday 6/26/2005
Mark 8.1-21-Jesus feeds four thousand with seven loaves of bread-then
tells the Pharisees about yeast
2 Samuel 19-David returns to power victorious- a grand welcome
Daniel 12-Resurrection-and end times- go about your business in the
Matthew 10.40-42-Welcome Jesus and all his children
Jeremiah 33.10-16-Give thanks to God- he has given us a Savior
Psalm 102.1-18-My time is short- but God lasts forever- I will call on

Be our guest- that was it for yesterday ? An outdoor show on Beauty
and the Beast?Be our guest- wasn?t that what Jesus was doing when he
fed the four thousand- Jesus reaches out to people in compassion- he
saw a need- and met it- think of this bread ? only four thousand? ? I
think Jesus has fed many more than four thousand- endless numbers as
far as I?m concerned- I don?t know how you would or could even count
the people Jesus has fed?and that bread- reminds me of Jesus
birthplace- Bethlehem (house of bread)- what a wonderful town and so
meaningful- God feeds us each day- both physically and spiritually- we
welcomes us home ?as his guest- just like David was welcome back after
the civil war- just like the resurrection will be- our time is short-
but God lasts forever- it?s time I invite a few guests along- tell
them about what Jesus has done- his victory in the war over death and
sin- invite a few people to be guests- Jesus would want that- call on
Jesus and ask him to be my guest- in my heart- in our church- in our
world- he would and has done likewise for all people- yesterday- did
God speak? ? yea?through love- the Beast was changed back into a
prince?be our guest- by Jesus guest- celebrate the love of God and
invite with loving welcome arms the children of God- all children ? to
be the guest in this party of God?s love. ? welcome- be our guest.

Prayer- Lord-today ? be our guest- as we worship and praise your name-
hear our voices in singing- hear our prayers of praise, adoration and
supplication- you are God! ? be our guest this day- come into my heart
and stay a while- teach me ? heal me- give me understanding ? give me
your love then send me?send me into your kingdom to welcome all
children to a party of love- to a Love Feast- to be your guest. -- Amen

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