Wednesday, January 10, 2007

January 10th Daily Word and Visions from God

Luke 10.1-20-"...but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven."
Genesis 17-"As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. I will bless her..."
Psalm 10-Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up Your hand.
Numbers 27.1-11-So Moses brought their case before the LORD.
A computer mouse. Point and click. Gives direction to a curser. Controls actions on the computer. Sometimes like a pen but more. Allows you to cut and paste. God points and clicks me in life. Points me in a direction. Gently guides me and leads me. Copies and pastes my name and records it in heaven. Changes me from Sarai and blesses me with the new name of Sarah. Abram to Abraham...Saul to Paul. I need God to point and click me through life. I need God to lift his hand and guide me day after day. And I need my Savior to bring my case forward. Only through that point and click of Jesus guidance can I be saved. I have faith in Jesus that he will point and click the direction I'm to take this day.
Lord, point and click me today and guide my actions. ---Amen

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