Wednesday, April 13, 2005

April 13th Reflection

Wednesday 4/13/2005

Acts 4.1-22 - So Peter and John are now in trouble with the Jewish leaders- the same ones who put Jesus on the cross- so they have to go before the Jewish Leaders - Peter gives a great speech in defense of their action- since the crippled man was healed there had been about five thousand new Christians now --who believed in the resurrection of the dead- this is one of those point that the Sadducees and Pharisees would argue about -- Peter tells this group -- “Only Jesus has the power to save!” -- Well the officials look at Peter and John and know they are only ordinary men and not well educated-- they don’t know what to do with them- so they tell them to stop talking about Jesus- but Peter and John answer - “We cannot keep quiet about what we have seen and heard.” - Neither can I. - Time to “beat feet” and run and tell.

Deuteronomy 19-20 - Two things come to mind- the idea of Safe Towns - where a person who accidentally killed someone else could run and be safe- the relatives of the person killed were to seek revenge for the death and kill the murderer-- but what if it was an accident and the relative didn’t know this?- that is where the safe town comes in -- do I need to run to a Safe town for the crucifixion of Jesus? - well that wasn’t an accident- so I would still be found guilty even if I ran to the Safe town- but God pardons me anyway! -- the second thing here is how the Israelites were to have faith in God during battle- it was God who actually gives the victory- especially when the odds are stacked against me in battle- I must have faith and trust that God will defend me and go on into the battle- then give God the glory and praise after victory - kinda sounds like life- trust God and go on into the battle with him having faith.

Job 13 - Job finally tells his friends that they are full of it! -- Job wants God to respond to his question of why all this has happened to him.-- Job asks God -”Do you really enjoy frightening a fallen leaf?”

Let Jesus open the Word to my mind and his broken bread into my life - then “beat feet” to run and tell the world about his saving grace.

I believe that I cannot by my own understanding or effort believe in Jesus -or come to him- but the Spirit calls be the Word- gives me gifts and keeps me in true faith- and day after day my sins are forgiven because of this one true faith in Jesus -- yea I need to repent - but day after day God comes to me- I can’t come to him-because God has already come to me--Thanks be to God!

1 John 5.1-12 - Jesus came with the water and the blood- Those who believe in Jesus have the testimony of the Spirit and of Jesus in their hearts- the testimony is this--God gave us eternal life through and in Jesus

Luke 18.1-8- pray-pray-pray- ask again and again and again- be persistent - God listens but you really gotta have faith - so it’s ok to keep going back

Psalm 45 - You are King- “your robes are all fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia”- reminds me of Jesus anointing with perfume- praise God forever and ever

Prayer-Jesus- you are the one I proclaim - I must like Peter and John tell what I have seen- how can I help it? - as I run to the safe town for my sins and for killing you - please forgive me- I realize that day after day you forgive me- you pardon me for the sins I commit- you take up my defense and take on my sin - I will respond with joy and thanksgiving and turn from that sin and “beat feet” to run and tell of your saving grace - you are God- you are that wonderful King that comes to me in all your glory-- send me as your servant into your kingdom - lead and guide me on the way - put your word into my mouth and use me this day. -- Amen

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