Sunday, April 17, 2005

April 17th Reflection

Sunday 4/17/2005

Acts 6 - So there was work to do in taking care of the community that was taking from prayer and preaching time- they appointed seven people to take care of this work to free up time for the others- then Stephen is arrested - he was filled with the Spirit working miracles amongst the people-- a threat again to the Jewish leaders. Someone is always trying to stop God’s work - but it never works!

Deuteronomy 28 - Agreements- Covenants- Blessings and Curses- Stick with God- don’t ever turn from him- he loves me - but if I turn away - look out- he will try to get me back using every angle available- Stick with God- worship only him!

Job 17 - Job is so strong- he is dying and looks to God for hope

Let Jesus open the Word to my mind and his broken bread into my life - then “beat feet” to run and tell the world about his saving grace.

Teach the Word and live in harmony with it - keep God’s name holy

John 10.1-10 - It’s all about Jesus- he is the one who saved all of us-he paid the price in his suffering and death for my sin- it’s all about Jesus- he is the one who saved all of us- only God- no other way!

1 Corinthians 15.20-28 - I am made alive in Christ- It’s all about Jesus- he is the one who saved all of us

Psalm 14 - God is my refuge- only God- no other way!

Prayer- It’s all about you Lord- it’s about what you have done- thank you for your suffering - thank you for your death - thank you for forgiving me- thank you for the Spirit- thank you for breathing life inside of me- thank you for letting me serve and give your gifts back to your world- thank you for the opportunity- thank you for the joy- thank you for the pain- thank you for the healing - thank you for working through others- thank you Lord-- you are life- you are love- you are joy and bring that eternal joy to my heart-- Thank you Lord! -- Amen

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