Saturday, April 23, 2005

Focus on God

Focus on God

Ever think about God’s presence in the cloud with the Israelites? Sometimes I do. When I look at this picture, I think about that cloud. God’s presence in that cloud. I think about life. God’s presence in life. How sometimes God’s presence in my life can be up real close. Almost too close. So close that his presence is blurry to me. But I still feel and see the beauty of life in God’s presence with me. I feel and see the gentle color and shape he gives to me. I feel God. A little blurry; but I feel God. Then sometimes I see the beauty of God a little further away. I see some contrast with a backdrop of blue. How that life stands out in an endless blue sky of hope and joy in the life God gives to all people. That blue sky that goes on for eternity. Just like the love of God in Jesus goes on for eternity. Forever and ever- Amen. But then sometimes stuff gets in the way. I can’t clearly see the Cloud of God. Stuff is in the way blocking my view. I realize that I am sinful. I let stuff get in the way. I don’t have a clear view of God’s cloud. I can feel the life up close. I can see the yellow and green of Jesus presence in my life up close. But there is this stuff in the way and my view of the Cloud of God isn’t clear. I need that life up close. That presence and gift of life in Jesus. That forgiveness of my sin. That forgiveness of the stuff, the trees, that get in the way, that sin that gets in the way of a clear, vision of God. Jesus forgives my sin and even though it’s still there day after day, I can see the Cloud of God. God is distant in that cloud of life. That Cloud containing the life giving water of my Baptism. But his forgiveness and life is also present in the closeness of Jesus forgiveness and salvation in the life of the fresh flowers up close and in my face. Thanks be to God for his presence. Thanks be to God for his life. Up close, in my face, and distant too. I think I’ll keep my focus on God. Up close and at a distant. And someday those trees will bloom with the life of God and the life and love of God will consume me in his love.

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