Saturday, April 16, 2005


April 2005

I see two ways I can take. The way on the right is an easy paved but winding road. A real easy way to travel. Simple without much adventure or danger. The second way to take is down the stream. A rough way to go. Around rocks, through rough water. Much more scenic. Much more challenging. There will be some pain on this path for sure. There will be some exciting times too. There will be come peaceful times while I linger in the calm waters. In the heat of summer the water will be refreshingly cool. In the cold of winter the water will be painfully cold. During spring I will be entertained with new growth. I will be entertained with new life. I will be showered with the rain drops of God’s love for his creation. I will hear the beautiful fresh singing of birds excited to be back home. During the fall, I will be showered with the beauty of leaves fallen of many colors. Lives wonderfully lived in glory to God. The road on the right; much stays the same. Cars will sweep away the fallen leaves. Cars will muddy up the fallen rain. Cars will tragically slip in the fallen snow and ice. The stream on the left is ever changing. Fresh water is always flowing and moving and churning and playing the peaceful sound of flowing water on rocks. Even though the stream looks like the more difficult path to take; I am drawn to the stream rather than the road. I see the waters of Baptism in the stream. I see the passion of life in the stream. I see the creation of God in the stream. I see the Jordan. I see the Red Sea. I see the flood. I see the solid Rock of Christ. I see the early church in the churning water. I see my life in the churning water. I see struggle. I see pain. I see life. I see love. I see death in this stream along with passion and life. I think I’ll take that stream as my way. The way to that ever-flowing, everlasting water of life in the saving grace and love of Jesus Christ. I’m taking the stream. Which way will you take?

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