Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 13th - Let's Play!

Theme of the Day
I will give you relief.

Readings of the Day
John 1.1-18-What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it...But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God.
1 Chronicles 5-6-The genealogy continues with stories of who received what land.
Zephaniah 2-God is active in the lives of His people; active and alive.
Matthew 8.23-27-Jesus was active in the lives of his disciples and saved them from fear of the storm.

God's Word of the Day
See how I have come in to the lives of my people past. I have come into your life also. Have faith and believe!

Story of the Day
Every time I was in a pinch, this guy would be there for me. I remember once while delivering papers as a paper boy. I slipped and fell. Some people thought I was struck by lightening, so they called an ambulance. I was taken to the ER. Soon afterwards there he was. My friend, he took over my paper route till I healed and could continue to work again. Every time I was in a pinch, this guy would be there for me.

Later on in life while I was struggling in college, courses above my head; this guy would help by giving me rides back and forth home until I could figure out my direction in life. He even let me stay home a while as my course in life changed and I changed jobs and schools. Every time I was in a pinch, this guy would be there for me.

Then I went out and bought a home, got married and had an instant family. I remember painting and getting that house ready with this guy. Every time I was in a pinch, this guy would be there for me.

The stories can go on and on. And it got to where I learned how to be there for somebody myself. I learned what the guy had taught me. I learned how to be there for someone else. I learned the reward of the "be there guy" and it was wonderful. I think now I'll be there for him and you too.

Prayer of the Day
Jesus, You're my "be there" guy. You are always where I need You when I need You. You have taught me to do the same for others. You have given others likewise to be there for me. Send me out this day to calm the storm and fears in an other's boat. Send me out to be You in this world to some other. Walk by me side as my Mentor and show me the way. For You are my "be there" guy. Thanks! ---Amen

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